Episode 78: Following the Energy As It Presents Itself

Episode 78: Following the Energy As It Presents Itself

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As spiritual beings living a human experience, we are tapped into an energy source that constantly feeds us new information. When we are in flow and receptive to the messages we receive, life can be easier than trying to swim upstream. Let’s talk about how to follow the energy as it presents itself and how to go with the energetic flow.

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A few weeks back, I interviewed the fabulous Debbi Dachinger, and one of the biggest takeaways for me was remembering how important it is to follow your heart. So often, when we want to say yes to an opportunity, we hesitate rather than jump in with both feet. Conversely, when we need to say no to something to preserve our authenticity, we often succumb to the pressure of saying yes.

Leaning into our inner guidance system or our intuition can significantly affect how we experience life. Every opportunity we have to choose between a yes or a no asks us to listen to our gut and consider those decisions carefully. I call this following the energy that presents itself to you.


The universe is constantly sending us opportunities to get into alignment and flow. When these opportunities come up, and you say “yes,” you get to be on the flow of the coasting and moving river, gently allowing you to be in and with creation.

When we do the opposite of what our intuition tells us to do or succumb to people-pleasing because we don’t want to disappoint someone, we start swimming upstream up the river without a paddle. That’s hard, challenging, and downright exhausting. Who wants that? I know I don’t!


As I have become more aware of my intuition’s voice, I have also been put to the test to build that muscle. Recently, I felt rushed into making a decision, but my gut told me to wait. My intuition kept telling me, “No, don’t make a quick decision.”

I almost fell into an old pattern of people-pleasing, but I was able to pause, take a breath, and remind myself I didn’t need to rush. I allowed myself to take the time to think about the situation more before committing to a decision. I needed more facts and time to decide what to do, and my intuition told me to take that time.


There have been many times in my life that I can look back on and realize that my intuition was guiding me in the right direction, even when I didn’t quite understand. When I was guided to do yoga and said yes, I had no idea it would save my life and lead me down the path to where I am now. That was one of the best and most formative decisions of my life.

Just as necessary as the yes moments were to my growth, there was a particular time when my saying no would change my life forever. It took four years for my husband and me to see our dream of becoming parents come true. During the time we were trying, I was guided to stay home, which meant saying no to many fantastic opportunities I genuinely wanted to pursue. However, my intuition told me I needed to slow down my travel for a season, so I listened. Sure enough, I soon found myself expecting the child we had longed for, for so long.


There’s something bigger and better for you, so trust the universe. When you hear “no,” listen. When it’s a “yes,” answer the call and be all in on that yes.

This is not to say you should be naive and go into any situation blindly. Be smart about your decisions and ask a lot of questions. Be enthusiastic and embodied in the experience. Move forward with that experience with joy and curiosity. As you’re experiencing these emotions with this experience, it creates a different vibrational connection that will uplevel you.


When I look back at my life, I can see where I’ve been guided toward certain things, and they have brought me to this place. Looking back on your life, you can identify how certain decisions lead to different experiences. This is the domino effect. You can look at some of those decisions you were supposed to say yes to and some of those decisions you were supposed to say no to and get a clearer idea of what it feels like to be in complete alignment.

Sometimes you follow the energy and then choose to do the opposite of what your intuition is directing you to do. You have to forgive yourself if that happens and use it as a lesson. Regardless, wherever you’re at, whatever decision you make, it’s okay to change your mind. If you realize that you made a mistake and recognize how it happened, you’ll have more tools to figure it out in the future.


One of my declarations for this new year is that I’m a full yes, and I’m a full no, and there is no middle ground. This soul strategy will assist in being in flow in alignment and a completely different game. I want to level up. I am not interested in a difficult, self-inflicted struggle. Most of us tend to make things more complicated than they need to be, even if only subconsciously. Being firm in our decisions at a soul level allows us to experience complete alignment and flow.

This leveling up paves the way to do the deeper healing work your soul wants to tackle. As you move more intentionally with your decisions, you prepare yourself to do the deeper work.

As you are presented with different opportunities, how can you know if it’s something you should say yes to or not? Simply check-in!

Ask yourself, “Is this an alignment? Is it not in alignment?” Take some time to listen to your body, mind, and soul to discern whether the vibrational energy tells you to say yes because you “should” or because you genuinely want to say yes.


We are here to live beautiful lives. Sometimes as we walk a spiritual path, we receive messages that our experience should be easy and without struggle or challenges, but that’s not true. We are supposed to stretch and grow.

As we hit the upper limits in one phase of our growth, we will have some growing pains as we leap into the next level of our spiritual journey. With each step we climb, we build upon what we have learned from the previous one and take those lessons with us. It can happen one breath at a time, one experience at a time.

The key is to follow the energy as it presents itself to you and if you get a yes, do it. If you get a no, don’t do it. Always check in to see if you’re meant to be doing it, and sometimes you’ll get a no. You’ll be like, “I really wanted to do that,” but the universe is just trying to save you some time.

Even with life’s simple questions — like where to eat and what food to put into your body, following your intuition is all about following the energy so you can have the best possible experience.


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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello and welcome. I was just recently thinking about a conversation I had during one of our Soul Chat interviews, and that was with Debbi Dachinger. She was talking about surrendering and following her heart. If you haven’t checked out the episode, definitely check it out. We’ll link it in the show notes below. And I was thinking about how she was talking about following her heart and just doing the things that she wanted to say yes to.

And I call this following the energy that presents itself to you. When you follow the energy that presents itself to you and your intuition says, “Yes, do that.” Your intuition says, “No, don’t do that,” and you listen to your intuition, magical doors open up, and it goes both ways. It’s not just when you get a yes or when you get a no. It goes both ways.

And I believe that the universe is constantly sending us opportunities to get into alignment and get into flow. And when the opportunities come up, and you say “yes,” then you get to be on the flow on the river that’s coasting and moving and just gently allowing you to be with creation, in creation. When we do the opposite of what our intuition is telling us to do, or we’re people-pleasing because we don’t want to disappoint someone, then that’s when you start swimming in the opposite direction without a paddle up the river. And it’s hard, and it’s challenging, and it’s difficult, and it’s exhausting.

And who wants to be that exhausted? I know I don’t. And I’ve made a rule with myself, and let me tell you; this has taken me a long time to really understand this rule. And I actually had to put it to the test today because I had something wonky happen, and my intuition told me it wasn’t right, and I was going to just make a quick decision. My intuition kept telling me, “No, don’t make a quick decision.” Because I was wanting to, like, people-please the person on the phone. And I was like, “Hold on, Amy. Stop, pause, and take a breath. Because there’s no rush, you can make a decision after you have time to think about it.” Because that’s what my intuition was telling me to do. So I was like, “Alright, there’s no reason to make a decision without all of the facts and all the things that I needed to get.” So it’s perfect.

So know that there’s going to be times when you’re following the energy, and you do the opposite. Then you have to forgive yourself if that happens. Regardless, wherever you’re at, whatever decision you make, it’s okay to change your mind. If you realize that you made a mistake and how that happens, you’ll figure it out. You’ll definitely figure it out. The key I wanted to share with you as we enter into this new year, follow the energy that presents itself to you.

And if you get a yes, do it. If you get a no, don’t do it. For me, this is what this looks like for me. If I get an opportunity, I’ll give you an example from something from the past. My intuition told me I needed to start doing yoga. I found a yoga class. It completely changed my life. It saved my life. A couple of years ago, my husband and I struggled with getting pregnant—four years of trying, if not longer, of trying to get pregnant. My intuition told me to put it on pause. Did that hurt my husband’s feelings for a moment? It absolutely did. But it was what I was getting.

Then my intuition told me to say no to opportunities that took me away from being home. And I remember this is like, sometimes you have to say no to some of the coolest things that are little shiny objects in front of your face. And you’re like, “I want to do that,” but you can’t because there’s a bigger plan. And for me, I remember sitting, talking to someone that was going to host a retreat, and I’m like, “When is it?” And they said, during this date. I was like, “I’m so sorry. I really want to go. However, I want to get pregnant. And I have to say no to this because if I say yes to this, I’m not going to get pregnant.”

And I think it surprised this person that I said it, but it was me literally telling the universe, like, this is how serious I am. I understand what you told me, and I’m saying no to the opportunities. And let me tell you, I ended up getting pregnant exactly when I knew I would. And it was because I was saying no to those opportunities that were presenting themselves to me that coming year that I was not to be traveling. And wow, what an amazing thing. Also, this is really important for when you are guided to say no to things because you’re people-pleasing or you’re doing things out of desperation. When you do things out of desperation, they’re not going to work out.

It’s going to be a huge struggle, and if they do work out, there’s going to be a lot of exhaustion, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that go into it, and a lot of mishaps. There’s all these things that we can figure out and try to make it work, but you’re just putting a Band-Aid on it. There’s something bigger and something better out there for you. And so trust, trust the universe when it’s a no, and trust it when it’s a yes. And when it’s a yes, be all in on it. And what I mean by that is not to be naive, not be yourself. Ask questions, be smart about things, but also be enthusiastic, be embodied in the experience, and move forward with that experience with a lot of joy and a lot of curiosity. Because as you’re experiencing these emotions with this experience, it creates a different vibrational connection with it.

I know in the past for me, I’ve been guided toward certain things, and they have brought me to this place. And if you look back in your life on just how things have had a domino effect, you’ll see how certain decisions led to certain experiences. You can look at some of those decisions you were supposed to say yes to and some of those decisions you were supposed to say no to, and you’ll get a clearer idea of what it feels like to be in full alignment with something.

One of my declarations for this new year is that I’m a full yes, and I’m a full no. And there is no middle ground. And that’s really important. This will assist in being in flow in alignment and a completely different game. And what I mean by that is like leveling up to the next level. I’m not interested in hard, hard self-inflicted struggle. There’s already a lot of subconscious struggle that I create, that you create, on a subconscious level that we are experiencing. So if you can have the opportunity to experience alignment and flow in a different way and level up, this allows you to do the deeper healing work as well.

This leads to the next thing. Then how do I know I’m supposed to do that? It’s checking in. It’s asking yourself, “Is this an alignment? Is it not in alignment?’ Noticing if you’re getting a full body, yes, to do it, if you’re vibrating, if you’re getting excited. Now, remember you can be excited about something and not be in alignment with it.

You can also not want to do it and still say yes because you don’t want to disappoint the other person, or you are people-pleasing, or for whatever reason it is. And it’s so important to understand those behaviors. And it’s not about judging the behavior. It’s catching the behavior and noticing, “Oh, I’m doing this. How can I start to change this behavior to have a different result?” Because the second you start doing the things that you are meant to be doing, manifesting gets a whole lot easier. Your reality starts to shift. The way you think and the way you experience life starts to shift as well.

And we’re meant to have beautiful lives. And let me say that differently, too, because I think that sometimes the spiritual community thinks that this life is supposed to be picture perfect and there’s not supposed to be anything that… no struggles, no challenges. No, we’re meant to grow. We’re meant to stretch. And there are going to be challenges as we hit our upper limits. As you’re growing, you get to the next upper limit, and then you grow a little bit more. And then you get to the next upper limit. And these upper limits are where you are meant to be using your intuition as full as capacity so that you can navigate those uncomfortable waters so you can stretch a little more. Does it all have to happen all at once? Absolutely not. It can happen one breath at a time, one experience at a time.

The key is to follow the energy as it presents itself to you and if you get a yes, do it. If you get a no, don’t do it. Always check in to see if you’re meant to be doing it or not. And sometimes you’ll get a no. You’ll be like, “I really wanted to do that,” but the universe is just trying to save you some time. I know one time I was going to go get my car fixed, and I wanted to go to this really cool-looking coffee shop, and I got a clear no on it. So I was like, “I really want to go.”So I called, and they didn’t have WiFi, and they didn’t have seating. So clearly, that’s why the universe was telling me, no, I’m not going to that coffee shop.

It’s as simple as that. Even, like, where to eat and what to have for dinner and what food to put in your body. It’s all following the energy when you check-in.

I hope you found this helpful today. Please make sure you like and subscribe. Follow the energy. Dream big. Stretch outside your comfort zone. You deserve it.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Bye.

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