Episode 32 - Why It is Important to Develop Your Intuition

Episode 32 – Why It is Important to Develop Your Intuition

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Intuition is a muscle you can strengthen by listening to your gut feelings and hunches and paying close attention to how those feelings actually are guiding you on which way to go for your highest good. Developing this intuition is one of the most powerful ways to manifest the life of your dreams.

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Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.


We are all intuitive beings. Some of us are used to accessing our intuition on a consistent basis. I’m a big believer that when you develop that skill and strengthen that muscle, it becomes easier and easier. We are all intuitive.

You are intuitive, even if you don’t think you’re intuitive, you are super intuitive. You just have to practice and stretch that muscle in order to strengthen it, to use it in a way that’s going to help you in your life. Intuition is here to be your inner guidance system. It is here to move past the logical mind and allow you to compute data in a different way.


Your brain is a computer. Your energy system is a computer and it’s interacting with Spirit, different societal norms, and different societal energies. It’s computing with the universe in all sorts of different ways. When it’s computing, it’s coming up with the highest and best path for you to take.

Or it’s computing: is there danger ahead? How can we avoid that danger? For example, have you ever left your house five minutes late and then you saw on the news or heard on the radio that there was a bad accident and you just missed that accident? Our intuition can help us and prevent us from going in or having something bad happen to us.


Intuition can help us have amazing experiences. The intuition is here to allow you to experience life in a different way that’s based on your term, your energy. Your intuition helps you access your subconscious mind. When you have access to the subconscious mind, intuition can assist you in knowing things that you necessarily wouldn’t know that don’t make societal sense.

Sometimes we are taught that in order to get from point A to B, there are ten steps. Your intuition can show you that those ten steps aren’t actually necessary. It can show you that what’s actually important is to do part of step three, part of step seven, and then we can go to step ten.

It customizes your plan of action. But you have to trust your intuition in order to know that those steps make the perfect sense for you. And, then you have to put action behind them.


Carl Jung, a famous psychologist speaks a lot about intuition. He says that intuition enables us to the divine possibilities of a situation. What does that mean? That means that your intuition is going to go here are the multiple many possibilities.

Intuition says, “Let’s take this best path over here because this is what we’re in alignment with based on our soul’s evolution, what we’re wanting to experience, and how we’re wanting to experience it.” I love that intuition is a part of our chemical makeup. It is also a part of our experience in this human form.

“Intuition is perception via the unconscious that brings forth ideas, images, new possibilities, and ways out of blocked situations.” – Carl Jung


If you want to develop your intuition more, I recommend sitting in silence and doing breathing techniques. Breathing exercises are very, very important in balancing our masculine and feminine energy. When we have the opportunity to balance it, it also balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Balancing our brain allows us to have a clear channel to access our intuition as well.

Another thing that you can do to develop your intuition is to practice different spiritual practices.

Some powerful spiritual practices that you can use to develop your intuition are:

  • The Akashic Records (I teach this!)
  • Oracle cards/tarot cards
  • Reading astrology
  • Reiki
  • Energy healing
  • Whatever feels good to you and whatever you are being guided to do!

There are a lot of ways to develop your intuition. The very first way is to pay attention to your hunches and your gut feeling because those hunches that come to you have very special meanings. When you do pay attention to your hunches and gut feelings, notice what it is.

What are your hunches and gut feelings trying to tell you? Then act upon it.

The first way to develop your intuition is to pay attention to your hunches and gut feelings!


Recently, I had decided to go to a coffee shop to do some work, but my gut feeling was giving me a very strong, “No, Amy.” But, it was so cute and I really wanted to check it out while getting some much-needed work done. I didn’t understand why I would get the feeling not to go until I made a phone call and discovered the shop didn’t have wi-fi. I wouldn’t have been able to work there, even if the environment was quaint, quiet, and otherwise perfectly suited as a make-shift office for me!

So we might be being told no because there’s a very good reason why it’s telling us no. Our intuition has the opportunity to teach us things that we can’t teach ourselves because we are attached to our human experiences and we don’t want to be disappointed.

I want to encourage you to develop your intuition because it’s going to save you time and allow you to fold time. It’s going to help you to tap into the infinite possibilities of your divine connection to your soul’s path. It will also help you have a better understanding of who you are and how have a different experience here in this lifetime.

You deserve to develop your intuition.

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Full transcription of the episode:

We are all intuitive beings. Some of us are used to accessing our intuition on a consistent basis. I’m a big believer that when you develop that skill and you strengthen that muscle, it becomes easier and easier. We are all intuitive.

You are intuitive, even if you don’t think you’re intuitive, you are super intuitive. You just have to practice and stretch that muscle in order to strengthen it, to use it in a way that’s going to help you in your life. Now, intuition is here to be your inner guidance system. It is here to move past the logical mind and allow you to compute data in a different way.

Your computer, your brain is a computer. Your energy system is a computer. And it’s interacting with spirit, with different societal norms, different societal energies. It’s computing with the universe in all sorts of different ways. And when it’s computing, it’s coming up with the highest and best path for you to take.

Or it’s computing: is there danger ahead? How can we avoid that danger? And I’ll give you an example of danger. Have you ever left your house five minutes late and then you saw on the news or heard on the radio that there was a bad accident and you just missed that accident?

Or maybe you’ve heard of a friend that this happened to. I know for me, when we lived in Charleston, South Carolina, we had a huge ice storm and my husband was on the Ravenel Bridge and there were these big ropes, cables, whatever they’re called, they’re metal cables. And because Charleston does not have freezing rain, it’s a very rare occurrence, these cables had ice all over them. And he drove over the bridge and within minutes there was these ice stakes that were coming down and smashing through people’s windshields.

And if he was just a few minutes earlier, he could have been in a terrible accident. Our intuition can help us and prevent us from going in or having something bad happen to us. Intuition can help us have amazing experiences. The intuition is here to allow you to experience life in a different way that’s based on your term, your energy. Your intuition helps you access your subconscious mind.

When you have access to the subconscious mind, intuition can assist you in knowing things that you necessarily wouldn’t know that don’t make societal sense. Sometimes we are taught that in order to get from point A to B, there are ten steps. What your intuition can do is go those ten steps aren’t necessary. What’s important is for us to do part of step three and part of step seven, and then we can go to step ten.

It customizes your plan of action. But you have to trust your intuition, your intuition, in order to know that those steps make the perfect sense for you. And then you have to put action behind them. There’s a famous psychologist Carl Jung, and he talks a lot about intuition. And he says the intuition enables us to the divine possibilities of a situation.

Carl Jung says that intuition enables us to the divine possibilities of a situation. What does that mean? That means that your intuition is going to go here are the multiple many possibilities. Let’s take this best path over here because this is what we’re in alignment with based on our soul’s evolution and what we’re wanting to experience and how we’re wanting to experience it. I love that intuition is a part of our chemical makeup.

It is also a part of our experience in this human form. I want to encourage you to pay attention to your gut feeling and those hunches that come to you because they have very, very, very special meanings. If you are wanting to develop your intuition more, I recommend sitting in silence and doing breathing techniques. Breathing exercises are very, very important in balancing our masculine and feminine energy. And when we have the opportunity to balance it, it also balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which then allows us to have a clear channel to access our intuition as well.

Another thing that you can do to develop your intuition is different spiritual practices. I know for me, Akashic Records is a great tool to use to develop your intuition. This is something that I teach. You can also do some people like oracle cards, tarot cards, or reading astrology. Those are all great practices too.

Whatever feels good to you, do that. Whatever you’re being guided to, do that. Some people practice reiki or energy healing. There are lots of ways to develop your intuition, but the very first way is to pay attention to your hunches and your gut feeling. And when you do pay attention to your hunches and gut feeling, notice what is it?

What is it this is trying to tell me and then act upon it? I know for me like I will get a very clear yes or a very clear no on what it is that I’m being guided to do. Sometimes I like to investigate why I’m getting the yes or why I’m getting the no because I’m stubborn and I want to understand. Or I might be really attached to this other thing that I’m really wanting to do. But I’m getting a no because my intuition is telling me no on it doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it.

Sometimes I don’t pay attention to it. But I will ask and I will investigate. And I’ll give you an example. Like I was being guided, I wanted to go to a coffee shop and work one day and I was really wanting to go to the one coffee shop because it was super cute and it just looked cute online. But my intuition kept telling me no, Amy, no.

And I was like, but why? So I called the coffee shop. Well, they didn’t have WiFi, I’m not going to be able to work there. So we might be being told no. Our intuition is telling us no, not because our intuition might be telling us no, but because it’s a very good reason why it’s telling us no. Our intuition does have the opportunity to teach us things that we can’t teach ourselves as well because we are attached to our human experiences sometimes and we don’t want to be disappointed. So I want to encourage you no matter what develop your intuition because it’s going to save you time, it’s going to allow you to fold time. It’s also going to help you to tap into the infinite possibilities of your divine connection to your soul’s path. And also it’s going to help you have a better understanding of who you are and have a different experience here in this lifetime.

You deserve to develop your intuition. It is a thing that’s possible to do. So I encourage you to meditate. I encourage you to trust your hunches because you got this. I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

Bye, guys.

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