Discover the Secrets of The Akashic Records

We are on an incredible journey as humans, bearing witness to a mass awakening as the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds grows thinner with each passing day.

Hello my friend, I am so excited you are here!

You may have heard about The Records before. You may have noticed someone talk about it in spiritual circles or a post on social media. You may have even heard me mention The Records in connection to my Akashic Records program, Sacred Awakening.

But do you know what the Akashic Records are? What they can do for you? How you can access these Records?

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One of the most extraordinary manifestations of this awakening is the growing interest in Akashic Records and how to access Akashic Records for oneself.

But what are the Akashic Records exactly? The root word for “Akashic” is Akasha, derived from an ancient Sanskrit word that means sky or space. This is a fairly accurate term for The Records.

The Akashic Records is an energetic field of infinite possibilities that we can access to receive love, guidance, and support from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, also known as the Guardians of the Records. The moment your soul is incepted, everything is recorded in the Akash. You can think about it as an energetic library of your soul’s experiences. We can go into that energetic library and receive guidance in all areas of our lives.

We often say that life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but within the Akashic Records, you absolutely will find a manual of sorts to help you live your life on the highest possible path and for the highest possible good.

The records will give you breadcrumbs and stepping stones along the way as well as guidance on actions you can take, thoughts you can consider, and ways you can change the perspective you’ve accepted as the “right” one all of your life.

The Records are extraordinarily vast. The enormity and the all-encompassing nature of The Records are unknowable. We know that The Records are essentially an energetic recording of every word, thought, event, emotion, and action that has ever happened and will ever happen in all of time and space.

Think of the Records as a kind of mystical, magikal Library that holds all of this information on every soul that has ever been in existence. I like to refer to the records as a Google search engine.

All the information you will ever need is there. You can search within in the records to receive guidance on any topic while the information shifts your perspective and give you a new perspective on the situation you are experiencing.

The records will provide you with a fresh set of eyes and a new lens of love through which you can see and interact with your experiences with more compassion, intuition, and power to shift your reality into the one you want!

This incredible collection of knowledge and information makes the Records extremely valuable, even priceless.

When you learn how to access The Records, you can tap into this Infinite Mystical Energetic Database of Magikal Knowledge to:

  • Make decisions that align with the Highest Good for all
  • Connect with the energy of a person, situation, event, or location
  • Discover your path and purpose in a relationship or experience

We can use the Akashic Records for the past, the present, and the future; often, people will lean into what’s happening in the present moment. The Akashic Records can help you look at and receive guidance in any and all areas of your life. 

As a perpetual student of and teacher of the Akashic Records, I’ve utilized the knowledge within the records to build my business and to better all my relationships, from romantic to co-working. I have been given incredible direction in all areas of my life, including career, finance, health, recreation, creativity, and more. There isn’t one area of my existence that hasn’t received innumerable benefits from having this incredible resource available to me!

Right now, it’s important to access this information because the veil has been thinning for quite some time. As the veil thins, our reality of what we once saw as normal becomes questionable. As we question things, we can lean into the Records to better understand where our soul wants to go and to have multiple perspectives in our life.

We are meant to have multiple perspectives. When we live with tunnel vision, we miss out on the opportunity to live an enriching life and have more compassion, more love, and a deeper understanding of what it is that’s going on in our environment so that we can be of support and service.

The Akashic Records and learning how to access them is life-changing. Once you learn how to open your records and dive deep into the information available to you, you will experience life through a new lens of wonder, love, excitement, and curiosity!



There are myriad ways to access the Akashic Records, and some are better than others in terms of the accuracy of the information you will receive and the ease with which you will receive it. As a teacher of the Akashic Records, I have created my unique modality of access which involves calling on crystalline energy to open the field with clarity and power.

I believe that the crystalline energy helps prepare the heart to receive and understand what the soul is searching for. It’s also an energetic clearing of past traumas and experiences that might be holding you back.

The crystalline energy has many purposes for opening up the Akashic Records. One, it will help you access the Akashic Records, and second, it will help you on an energetic level to receive information in the Akash. This method of accessing the records is potent and unique to my course Sacred Awakening.


At this point in our timeline, so many people are receiving guidance to learn about the Akashic Records and find themselves stuck on an errant idea that one must be spiritually gifted or physic to receive information from the Akash. This is simply not true.

Anyone can access the Akashic Records. We are all born intuitive, and it’s not a matter of developing gifts but remembering them. We tend to forget or have our gifts watered down by society. It isn’t difficult to tap into this natural intuitiveness again.

We are all born with an Akashic Record. We are all born with the ability to access and read our records. We are all welcomed wholeheartedly by the Guardians of the Records as we learn to tap into that infinite field of possibilities.

You can access the Akashic Records. If you are reading this, you are ready. Your soul is ready for a self-discovery and leading you to learn about this amazing library of YOU!




Learning to access your Akashic Records is a game changer. The wisdom, guidance, and pure love available to you inside the records are indescribable. So many of my students have had life-altering experiences once they learned to seek guidance from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones:

  • “Learning to access the Akashic Records has completely changed my life and how I run my business. I no longer need to ask others for their opinion or have to pay someone for guidance because I now have access to my records. I can receive loving support from my guides anytime and in any situation.”>
  • “The Sacred Awakening experience has been out of this world.  I have gone from only dabbling in my intuitive gifts to fully stepping into them and sharing them with the world, and the Akashic records have shown me a powerful way to do that.”
  • “My life has changed in ways I never imagined when I started this journey. I’ve had some amazing experiences with practice sessions and readings. I found the issues from the past and understand the process more for the future on uncovering them to resolve them.”
  • “The way I see spirituality has changed. The way I connect to myself and others is more pure.”

Learning to open up to the information stored within your Akashic Records can and will change everything you thought you knew about who you are, what you are here to do, and what joy, abundance, and blessings are waiting for you on the other side of this wonderful world of possibility.

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While it’s not necessary to take a course or a class to learn to access the Akashic Records, learning with others and with the guidance of an experienced teacher is an invaluable experience! My class, Sacred Awakening, not only teaches how to open the Akashic Records but so much more!

In this course, you can learn how to open the records for yourself, receive answers on demand for yourself, develop a deep relationship with the guardians of the records, and open the records for others.

This course will assist you in developing your intuition, changing your landscape from the mind, body, and soul within the mind, body, and soul, and having a deeper connection with yourself. It can be a massive help to those who identify with being an empath and find themselves very sensitive to energy.


I love the Akashic Records. It is one of my favorite tools in this life. From the opportunity to create a different relationship with yourself to exploring past experiences (and even lives) to gain a new understanding of this lifetime, the records truly are the key to opening up all the possibilities that are available to you!

The records allow you to be supported in a way you have never experienced before and take the guessing game out of things you might overanalyze or overthink. Leaning into the wisdom from the records gives you that gentle nudge to stop thinking and start doing! We are given the steps, tools, ideas, and guidance on where to go, what to do and how to do it in a way that perfectly aligns with the path that is calling us to live our most magikal, amazing lives!

Once you learn to open and work within the Akashic Records, your life will never be the same. It is the journey of a lifetime, waiting for you to say, “Yes, let’s do this!

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The root word for “Akashic” is Akasha, which is derived from an ancient Sanskrit word that means sky or space.

This is a fairly accurate term for The Records, which are extraordinarily vast. The enormity and the all-encompassing nature of The Records are unknowable.

What we do know is that The Records are essentially an energetic recording of every word, thought, event, emotion, and action that has ever happened and that will ever happen in all of time and space.

Think of the Records as a kind of mystical, magikal Library that holds all of this information on every soul that has ever been in existence.

This incredible collection of knowledge and information makes the Records extremely valuable, even, priceless.


When you learn how to access The Records, you can tap into this Infinite Mystical Energetic Database of Magikal Knowledge to:


Make decisions that are aligned with the Highest Good for all


Connect with the energy of a person, situation, event, or location


Discover your own path and purpose in a relationship or experience


Find out what you need to know to move forward in your personal and professional life plus so much more.


While there are many effective ways to access The Records, I prefer to connect using the pure power of crystalline energy.


I’ve taught this method to many just like you in my Sacred Awakening program and they’ve all found it to be easy to use and highly effective (scores of students have been through this program and not one of them has ever had a problem accessing the Records).

An important point to note about The Akashic Records is that they are not just a static Library of energetic information. They are interactive. When you dive deeper into The Records you will be guided by Divine Beings who are your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful and precise ways to connect with the realm of limitless possibilities and potential. The Records have played a crucial role in helping me (and my spiritual clients and students), create amazing manifestations in our life and business.

If you’d like to know more about The Akashic Records or if you feel ready to tap into and channel their beautiful, divine energy you can take a peek at my Sacred Awakening program here.

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Is reading the Akashic Records like fortune-telling?
Absolutely not. Fortune telling is a story about your life and what WILL happen and not based on any kind of information from a spiritual perspective. The Akash is the field of infinite possibilities. The records don’t tell your future. They help you understand your past, navigate your present, and plan for your future based on what is right now. Having a reading done or reading your own records will not give you a concise list of things you must do or things that will happen to you. Information from the Akash asks you to consider all possibilities, consider new perspectives, new ideas, new actions, and more that can positively impact the direction of your life and clear the way for the path to your highest good and most aligned purpose.
Do you have to be psychic or have developed spiritual gifts to open the Akashic Records?
No. Learning to access the Akashic Records is a skill like any other; however, as you build your skills working with the Guardians, you will find that all the dormant spiritual gifts you have come to the surface. We are all born intuitive, and we all have spiritual gifts within us. One of the most beautiful outcomes of learning to work within the records is finding which gifts you are strongest in and how to hone those gifts. Learning how to open the Akashic Records is very often the catalyst for individuals to explode into their spirituality in the way that is most aligned to their path. It’s a magikal thing to witness!
I am a Christian and am afraid that this isn’t Biblical. Is learning to access the Akashic Records against my religion?
In the Bible, the Akashic Records are referred to as the “Book of Life.” The Akashic Records do not have a religious affiliation to them, so there is nothing you will learn that will negate the teachings of any religion with which you are connected.. The records are simply a source of knowledge and wisdom for you to access to live on your highest path.
If I learn to open my records, will I have information about others I don’t want to have?
No. Remember that accessing the records is about personal knowledge and wisdom. You can only open the records for another person with their express permission, and you will only receive the information they have consented to for you to access. You cannot go “snooping around” in anyone’s private thoughts, nor can they see, hear or feel yours. The records do not give anyone access to any information that is private and confidential. The information received is based on questions that are asked directly. This also applies to being given information the reader did not ask to explore. You will only receive knowledge according to what you ASK in the records.
What can I do in the Akashic Records?
Simply put? Everything! You can receive guidance and wisdom on literally anything you ask. You can receive clarity for life-long issues that have plagued you. You can receive healing around old stories you’ve told yourself for years and years. You can learn about what kinds of clothing best suit you and if you are on the right path with your career, relationships, and aspirations. If you’ve ever seen the Wizard of Oz, opening the Akashic Records is like the moment where everything changes from black and white to that beautiful burst of pure, transparent color!
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