Choosing the Right Akashic Records Training for You
When the student is ready the Akashic Records start speaking to them! If you have landed on this page it is no accident. You are curious about what the records are and how you might be able to learn how to access them.
Accessing your Akashic records can be a life-changing experience if you have the right training.
Not all Akashic Records training and/or Akashic Records certifications are the same. There are different schools of thought on how the records can be used and how to access them.
When you are deciding to learn how to access your records there are a few things you will want to be aware of before you decide to sign up for an Akashic Records training program.
The Akashic Records are a field of infinite possibilities that can help you in navigating all areas of your life. This includes and is not limited to the past, the present, and the future.
Quick Navigation
Who is the Akashic Records Teacher
Akashic Records Training or Certification
How much Support will You Receive in the Training Program?
Does the Records Training Fit your Learning Style?
Price and Tuition of the Akashic Records Training
Becoming a certified Akashic Practitioner or Not
Your Next Steps and Resources to Learn to Read the Records
Who is the Akashic Records teacher
You don’t want to learn from just anyone. Exploring your records is a very intimate experience and it’s important to learn from a teacher you like and trust. If you don’t like the teacher and/or don’t trust the teacher it’s going to be difficult to grasp, learn and trust the process of learning to access your records.
When choosing a teacher to learn from you also want to know their background in accessing the Akashic records.
For example, has the teacher leading the training just learned 3 months ago how to access her/his records and now they are teaching others or does the teacher have years of experience?
Experience is important when accessing the records because it will let you know the depth of their knowledge and understanding of the records. If someone is a certified practitioner you want to know how often and how consistently they use them.
Some teachers might be using the records a couple of hours a year, while another teacher could be using them daily. A teacher using them consistently throughout the year is going to have a completely different relationship and understanding of the records versus a teacher that uses only a few hours a year.
As an Akashic Record Master teacher, I have been accessing the records consistently since 2012 and teaching Sacred Awakening my Akashic Record Course since 2017. I access the records daily and use them not only for my personal life, but also use them in every course I teach, every healing I perform, every coaching session I give, and all aspects of my life and business.
As a teacher myself I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I encourage anyone that is interested in the records to find the teacher that truly resonates with them.
That’s one of the reasons why I provided many free resources, such as the Journey into Infinite Possibilities guided audio meditation where you receive a secret message from one of the Guardians in your Akashic Records and multiple live video series throughout the year.
Factors to consider when selecting an Akashic Records Training or Certification program
There are many ways to learn how to access the Akashic Records. Before deciding what Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification to take you will want to consider the following:
What are you going to learn in the Akashic Records course and the method in which you use them:
Learning how to open the Akashic Records vs how to actually use them is very different. The process to open them can be very easy or very complicated depending on the teacher and method.
- Some teachers use a very complex method that takes 30 mins or longer to just open the records while others may teach a method that takes a couple of minutes to access the records.
- This is all very important to know because if you don’t have an extra 30mins before you get access to your records or your client’s records this may not be the method for you.
- There is no right or wrong way to open the records as long as the method actually accomplishes opening them and it resonates with the practitioner.
I personally love simple methods that are not long and drawn out. I want to be able to access my records and or my clients within minutes so that we can start receiving guidance from the Guardians of the Records.
I once had a client tell me that she had to read from a sheet of paper out loud in order to access her client’s records. It made her feel very uncomfortable and felt like the process took way too long. This process of accessing the records may work for some but not for others. This clearly didn’t work for my client so I taught her how to open the Records quickly, without a sheet and she felt so much more confident when working with her own clients.
Once you learn how to access your records and or others you will want to learn how to properly use them. The method in which you learn how to use them matters because it could support the way you want to use them or limit you.
For example, some Akashic Records training programs out there believe that you can only use the records to explore past lives. This is great if you only want to use the records to see what happened in a previous life but what if you want support with something that you want to manifest in this lifetime? Or maybe you want to learn how to better communicate with your current romantic partner. A past life exploration may help you with these topics but they will be very limited to what you can receive.
You can use the records for the past, present, and future. The records are a life tool so I don’t want to limit it to just exploring past lives.
The method that I teach my students in accessing their records and others is through intention/prayer and calling in crystalline energy. I love having my students call in the crystalline energy because it prepares them to open their records and supports them while in the records.
This process takes a minute or two when the students get comfortable with the practice and then the method of using the records is very interactive. My students learn how to ask powerful open-ended questions. An open-ended question allows them to receive in-depth answers from the Guardians of the Records.
There are other methods out there that teach the students to ask yes or no questions using a pendulum. This is very limiting because you are getting in-depth information that you could get when you ask an open-ended question.
For example, if you ask: Is my 3rd eye open? This is a yes or no question and you will only receive a yes or no answer. Now if you were to ask How can I open my 3rd eye more and how will I benefit from it? The open end question you ask allows more opportunity for the Guardians of the Records to share more with you so you understand the answer and take action if you would like.
Ask yourself the following questions to assist you in deciding if the Akashic Records method taught in the course will teach you what you what you are desiring to learn:
- Does the method allow you to explore the records in the way you want to use them?
- Does the method only focus on the past?
- Does the method focus on the past, present or future?
- How limiting is the method?
- How expansive is the method?
How much support will you receive in the training program?
Are you the type of person that loves to ask questions and receive support while you learn something new? If you are, you will want to find a course that offers support and feedback where you can ask questions. Not all Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification offer this.
Sacred Awakening was absolutely life changing!
“Learning to have answers to any question at any time is so empowering. Amy is such an incredible teacher and she’s so in tune – she always encourages you to explore your own truth, your own way of learning, receiving, and experiencing the Records.”
Shelly Petersen
There are a lot of questions that can arise when you are learning how to access your records and or others. These questions are important to receive answers to because if you don’t receive them it can impact your understanding and your relationship with your records.
On the other hand you might be the type of person that loves to do self-study courses or read a book on how to do spiritual practice.
For me, it comes down to the subject matter. If it’s a subject I am familiar with, I know I can read a book or do self-study. If it’s a subject that I know I will be more inquisitive, or I need/want/ require extra support I am going to find a course that gives extra support. If it is something I will use with clients, I pick a training that offers more support while I lean towards self-study for something I am casually interested in.
Some Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification offer live calls, q&a time, and community where you can connect with others in the community, share and ask more questions while other courses offer some or none of these things. This is the way I designed Sacred Awakening, my Akashic Record Program.
- 9 Comprehensive Videos Released Weekly
- 9 Magikal Live Calls (replays available if you can’t make it live)
- Downloadable Pdf files and course notes
- Downloadable Healings & Activations
- Private Sanctuary where you can connect and make friends and receive additional support
- 7 Additional Bonuses that will enhance your connection in the records and your intuition
- Option To Become A Sacred Awakening Akashic Record Practitioner
- Additional Bonuses If You Decided To Get Certified that will support your journey and deepen your connection with your records and confidence as a practitioner
I once had a student share with me that she took another Akashic record course where it said they would gather twice a month for 6 months and be able to ask questions and gather with the community. She was so disappointed when she discovered that the calls were prerecorded calls and that she couldn’t ask any questions.
If support is important to you make sure you are joining a course that has this available to you and that you truly are allowed to ask questions.
Does the Records training fit your learning style?
There are 4 predominant learning styles:
- Visual
- Auditory
- Read/Write
- Kinaesthetic
Knowing your learning style and making sure the Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification you take fits your learning style is so crucial because you are learning something new and it’s a very spiritual practice that can feel abstract at times. If you are the type of person that is a visual and or auditory learner it will be very hard to learn how to access your records if you only read a book.
You can learn what your learning style is by taking a free quiz online like this one:
You will want to make sure that course you take meets your learning style so that you get the most out of the course. In Sacred Awakening I’ve done my best to support students with each of the learning styles.
- Visual: Most modules include PDF handouts and all of the classes are available in video format making it extra easy for visual learners.
- Auditory: Audio-only versions, that you can download on your phone, help auditory learners. Students can listen only to the video lesson and live/replay calls. We also include a lot of healing, meditations, and activations that they will receive there listening.
- Read/Write: We include PDF workbooks and notes in all the video lessons and encourage students to take notes. We encourage students to take notes and record their sessions in the records through writing or audio recording.
- Kinaesthetic: During the live calls or when a student catches the replay we have spiritual practices we do during the calls that get the student moving and connecting with their body and the records. We also provide crystals so students can have tactile experiences in the course as well. This allows them to touch and practice playing with their crystals while learning how to access records and deepen their relationship with the Guardians of the Records.
And if you are like me, you might find that you are a combination of 2 or more depending on the subject matter. We take into consideration all the learning styles and apply them throughout the course.
When I teach the Akashic Records I offer video lessons, workbooks, audio lessons/meditations, and crystals to hold and touch. I find this anchors the teachings and students are more successful.
Price and tuition of the Akashic Records training
Does price matter?
Of course!
Your budget is your budget but just because a course fits your budget doesn’t mean it’s the right course for you. When you are taking an Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification you want to find a course that fits your values, needs, and learning style.
I have had many students that have studied other Akashic record courses or books but they were still unclear on how to properly access their records or others. They were confused by the method they learned.
While price plays a role it’s also very important to look at the value of what you are receiving from the course as well. If the value is there and your heart resonates with the teacher, and the Akashic records training it will be worth the investment because you won’t have to take additional training afterward because you learn the foundational pieces of accessing your records and others.
I once had a student tell me she learned more in Sacred Awakening (my Akashic record course) than in 5 other Akashic record courses combined! I of course was ecstatic she got such great results. It made me wonder what was missing from the courses she took.
Becoming a certified Akashic practitioner or not
There are many reasons why someone is drawn to the Records.
Not everyone wants to become an Akashic records practitioner. Even if you don’t plan on giving readings to others as a profession I find it super beneficial for students to learn how to open the records for themselves and others.
By learning how to open the records of others you develop a deeper relationship with your own records. Most people find it easier to give advice to others than they can for themselves.
If someone decides to get certified they get an opportunity to practice giving Akashic Record readings and this assists them in growing and understanding their intuitive gifts. You receive answers from the Guardians of the records through your clairs. When you practice giving readings, your clairs really start to awaken and you get a better understanding of how they work when you are in your own records.
Your Next Steps and Resources to Learn to Read the Records
Now that you know what to look for when choosing the right Akashic Records training for yourself I want to encourage you to explore free resources available online so you can get a test of what it’s like to work with a teacher and decide what Akashic Records training and or Akashic Records certification program is best for you.
Please feel free to take advantage of my free resources:
- FREE 5 Day masterclass series: Soul Evolution Masterclass series. I run this live twice a year. You can join the wait list if it’s not currently live.
- FREE Journey into the Infinite Possibilities: meditation that takes you directly into the Akashic Records to receive a secret message from one of the Guardians of the records
- FREE Sacred Gifts: 20+ free healing, activations, and meditations
- Podcast – Awakening with Amy Robeson: weekly inspiration that will assist you on your awakening journey
OTHER Recourse:
- Learn more about the records
- Learn more about Sacred Awakening my Akashic Record Program
- Email me: Click here to email me directly if you have any questions and are thinking about learning how to access your records
If you would like to take a journey into the Akashic Records and receive a secret message from one of the Guardians of the Records click the button below to sign up for my free Journey in the Field of Infinite Possibilities.