
Episode 9: Messages from the Universe

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The universe is in constant contact with our soul, sending us signs and guidance towards our highest path. Meditating and trusting ourselves is the way to stay on that path for a magical life full of manifestation!

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I love seeing signs, sharing signs, and talking about signs with my clients and students. These little breadcrumbs from the universe, nudging us to trust our intuition and pay close attention to the magic that surrounds us, are pure joy and happiness for me!

Let’s talk about connecting to these signs more deeply and why you should always trust yourself.


ClusterI felt led to bring in one of my favorite crystals for this episode, although choosing a favorite crystal is hard for a self-professed crystal lover like me. But I will admit that amethyst has a special place in my heart. It’s one of the first crystals people find themselves drawn to, probably because it’s just so beautiful, but also, maybe unknowingly, because it’s one of the most powerful crystals you can have in your spiritual toolbox.

Amethyst has so many magical properties. Some of them include:

  • Beauty
  • High vibrational
  • Acts as a psychic vacuum
  • Connect us with Spirit
  • Assists us with recognizing love within ourselves

Crystals are beautiful light beings that bring us messages!


I held this beautiful amethyst cluster and recalled a specific affirmation I channeled from this crystal a long time ago. It’s a powerful affirmation, full of love, light, and profound guidance for those on a spiritual path. The affirmation is:

“The more I go within, the more I receive. I am a channel of pure love and light.”

I recommend repeating it several times. No amethyst crystal is needed for this affirmation to work. You only need to keep saying it. Make sure to do the work you are speaking into existence. Go within. Receive. Be a channel of pure love and light.

Repeat it: “The more I go within, the more I receive. I am a channel of pure love and light.”


When we meditate, we have an opportunity to clear out the noise that’s all around us. This opportunity blesses us where we can receive answers from the universe. You become open to the wisdom of Spirit, your soul, and your heart when you lean in with intention.

This is when you are a pure channel of love and light. You are whole, and your wholeness is within your heart at all times. That is where your soul resides. You can access your soul’s wisdom when you take a moment to pause. The more you pause, the more you’ll start hearing your soul more loudly; when you can hear your soul more loudly, decision-making becomes so much easier!

What we’re shown, what Spirit shows us, what our soul shows us, and what our higher self shows us are just breadcrumbs along the way. When we follow those breadcrumbs, the journey becomes more expansive and beautiful.


What-ifs can entangle the emotions that keep us stuck from moving forward. The what-ifs can also keep us in our comfort zone because fears are being expressed in a way that keeps us locked within the path that we’re on.

That is not your highest and best path at all times. Your highest and best path is always slightly outside of your comfort zone. Your highest and best path allows you to soar. Your highest and best path allows you to allow your soul to sing in a particular way that allows you to feel the freedom that your soul has to express in this lifetime. So when you take a moment to go within, you’re able to start receiving those breadcrumbs.

The breadcrumbs may make sense initially or you might not be exactly sure what they mean, but it’s a sign from the universe. It’s your soul’s sign saying, “Hey, pay attention! Hey, this is my first little tidbit for you. More is to come!”

Your highest and best path is always slightly outside of your comfort zone.


Amy-with-DucksLately, ducks have been showing up in a big way for me. They first showed up while I was meditating. Then in my physical reality at the park. Next, when I was teaching and calling in our animal spirit guides for support. It was literally ‘a quack quack here, and a quack quack there.” Clearly, the duck had something to show me.

As I excitedly told my uncle about the duck signs he said that he too had been seeing ducks, and it reminded him to get his “ducks in a row.” I love that!

As I was teaching my Sacred Awakening students, many of them also had a recent duck experience to share! And that sharing is super, duper important because the messages you are receiving might not be just for you. They might resonate with other people.

My first encounter with this lovely creature was when I meditated (going within). I trusted that a brief flash of my new feathered spirit friend had something to show me and something to teach me.

Ducks will bring clarity and can also mean getting your ducks in a row, so start preparing. (They’re also pretty adorable, too, right?)


Google is great! I love having all that information at my fingertips. How many times a day do we say, “I need to Google that!?” As a spiritual teacher, I know that Google is an excellent source of information, but my intuition trumps an “information source” every time.

It’s so easy to allow someone else’s interpretation of a sign, or an experience, to become the end-all, be-all, the final say on the matter. But information from anyone else is just that: information, a tool you can use. It’s not the final authority on what is actually true for YOU!

That’s where meditation comes in. Sit with what it is and go with what you think it might be. People often dismiss what their intuitive guidance is saying and what it is they’re receiving. Trust your intuition and trust what you’re receiving first because you know the deeper meaning behind something that you’re receiving before Google. Ultimately, your consciousness will unlock it entirely because you have the keys to fully understanding it.

Your meaning to a sign holds a more accurate vibration because it is Spirit sending you that sign, and it’s for you to receive the deeper meaning. Only you can truly understand the sign’s essence.


Go within as much as possible but just let go of any expectations when you go within. When you have finished meditating, surrender to the universe. If you don’t understand what you are receiving in meditation or through a dream, ask the universe to bless you with a deeper understanding.

Know that the first time you receive a sign is the first time; more signs will come. There’s a deeper meaning to the sign, and the first intuition you have towards it might change along the way. So please give yourself permission to be flexible in the meaning as well. I hope that you take the time to explore and take the time to uncover what it is your soul is trying to share with you.

Your soul and the universe are constantly sharing messages with you, and you have the capability of understanding them.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Today, I am guided to start the episode off by introducing a crystal. I love crystals because they’re beautiful light beings that can bring messages to us, that can help us manifest, can help us heal, can help us recognize true beauty within and so much more. I was guided to bring a crystal to an interview I’m about to do for the podcast and before this interview, I wanted to record an episode, and I was guided to actually center the episode around an affirmation that I channeled from this crystal a long time ago.

And the crystal itself is a beautiful cluster of amethyst. Amethyst is usually one of the very first crystals most people are attracted to. You might not have been attracted to amethyst first, and that’s okay. It’s just so beautiful and high vibrational. It acts as a psychic vacuum. It connects us with spirit. It has the ability to assist us in recognizing love within us. I want to center the show around this particular affirmation and see where it takes us.

So this is the part where I love being a spiritual healer and mentor and channeler, because some of the things I’m about to share, I don’t even know what we’re about to share. So we’ll see what happens. So here’s the affirmation and this affirmation you can use for yourself. I highly recommend repeating it over and over to yourself. You do not have to have an Amethyst crystal in order for this affirmation to work. And the affirmation is this:

“The more I go within, the more I receive. I am a channel of pure love and light.”

When we go within, we have an opportunity to clear out the noise that’s all around us. This opportunity gives us a blessing where we’re able to receive answers from the universe. And those answers are not a way of us commanding those answers. We can be very intentional when we do go within, but we relax to a point. So you don’t have to be completely in a relaxed state in order to receive, but the more that you relax, the more you’re able to receive clarity.

But you can relax to a point where you open yourself up to the wisdom of spirit, to the wisdom of your soul, to the wisdom of your heart. And this is where you are a pure channel of love and light. You are whole, and your wholeness is within your heart at all times and that is where your soul resides. You are able to access your soul’s wisdom when you take a moment to pause. And the more that you pause, the more you’ll start hearing your soul more loudly; when you start hearing your soul more loudly, and when you’re able to hear your soul more loudly, your decision-making skills get easier.

You’re also able to trust on a deeper level, your highest and best path of what you are being guided to take. You might not even know that you’re being guided to take this highest and best path. What we’re shown, what spirit shows us, what our soul shows us, and what our higher self shows us are just breadcrumbs along the way. And when we follow those breadcrumbs, the journey becomes more expansive, more beautiful.

There are ups and downs within the journey. Not everything is supposed to be rainbows and butterflies, and you’re able to navigate life from the perspective that “I trust what I’m being shown, I trust what I’m being guided to do next,” and you’re able to surrender to the process without getting into all the what-ifs. What-ifs can entangle all sorts of emotions that keep us stuck from moving forward and the what-ifs can also keep us in our comfort zone because there are fears being expressed in a way that keeps us locked within the path that you’re on.

That is not your highest and best path at all times. Your highest and best path is always slightly outside of your comfort zone. Your highest and best path allows you to soar. Your highest and best path allows you to allow your soul to sing in a particular way that allows you to feel the freedom that your soul has to express in this lifetime. So when you take a moment to go within, you’re able to start receiving those breadcrumbs. Now, the breadcrumbs may make sense in the beginning, or they might just be breadcrumbs where you’re not quite exactly sure what it means, but it’s the universe’s sign. It’s your soul’s sign saying, “Hey, pay attention! Hey, this is my first little tidbit for you. More is to come!”

And I love these signs because any time I receive a sign from the universe, I thank the sign for it, even if I don’t know the deeper meaning in it, even if I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen with it. It could be attached to a learning experience and it could also be attached to a beautiful experience that will assist me on my path. No matter what, it’s always going to assist you on your path. Where it takes you next, we don’t know. It’s up to you to follow the signs as you’re receiving them.

The other day I was in meditation, and when I was meditating, a beautiful duck came into my awareness, and I was just so happy for this duck. It was so awesome, and I loved it. Ducks will bring clarity and can also mean getting your ducks in a row, so start preparing. There are other meanings in ducks as well, but I love ducks. They’re showing up majorly for me. So later that day, I had to go for a work project, and we stopped at the park. And the last thing that we did at the park was went to the pond. I did not know there was a pond at this park. And when we show up at the pond, there are tons of ducks. And not only are there the dark green ducks but there are also the brown ducks and white ducks. And there are all these ducks. And these ducks come out of the pond to greet me.

And I’m so excited because they’re there because I just literally had an experience earlier that morning when I went within around ducks, and I was like, ”Oh, my goodness, this is so awesome. I’m so excited!” And later that day, I just was sitting in gratitude because these ducks showed up. Then the next day, I was teaching our Sacred Awakening course, and I was channeling some messages, and we were guided to bring in an animal spirit guide. And my animal spirit guide that showed up was a duck. And all I heard was, “quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack’ And I was like, “Oh, my goodness, this duck is here. I’m so excited!”

I find that whenever I receive guidance like that, I want to share it either in my journal so I hold on to that vibration. And when I do share it in my journal or with someone, because I definitely love sharing it with someone, it will also bring a deeper understanding of what it is that I’m receiving. When I do share it with someone, that person might also receive clarity in the message, or that message might also be for them, too.

So I was sharing later that evening with my uncle that I received these duck messages and I was so excited; clarity is coming. And he was like, “Amy, I was with the grandkids, and there was a mama duck that showed up earlier today with all of her little ducklings following behind her. So thank you, because this message was for me, too. And to get my ducks in order, and also clarity.” I was like, “Yeah, that’s it, too!” and like “ yes, it’s so great!” And then every day since then, which has been well over a week, this duck spirit guide has been showing up. This duck spirit guide has been showing up every day for the last week for me, and I’m so grateful for it. But I wouldn’t see that message if I didn’t go within.

There’s more meaning behind the duck as well because I’ve shared the story with my Sacred Awakening students and a bunch of them also just recently had a duck experience. So that tells me the duck medicine is really, really strong, and there’s some deeper meaning in that. And when we share, we’re able to also receive more. And so if you’re listening to this and you’re like, “Oh, my goodness, that just happened to me.!” Or, “I’m noticing this sign!” I want you to pay attention to that sign because that is a sign that there’s more to come and you can sit with that sign and receive more guidance as well.

But you have to be willing to go within to do that. And you might be going, “Amy, but I don’t know the meaning of these signs when they come through.” That’s where meditation comes in, to sit with what it is and also to let it go with what you think it might be as well. So for me, I will dream of something, or I’ll have a meditation about something and something will come to me. Or it could be through experience. Like I’m driving and I see maybe 11-11, or I notice a cross or I notice a symbol, and then that symbol keeps showing up for me over and over and over again. I’ll sit in meditation with whatever the message is that I’m receiving so I can receive more clarity around it. And so often people dismiss what their own intuitive guidance is around what it is they’re receiving. And they go to Google immediately. “Google, let me Google that. Let me see what that means!” And then sometimes they end up getting disappointed because what they thought it means is not what they see on Google.

I want you to trust your intuition on what you’re receiving first because you know the deeper meaning behind something that you’re receiving before Google. Because someone that wrote that on Google, that was their experience with that particular thing, that was their experience with that crystal or with those number sequences or with that angel or with that animal spirit guide, or with that plant medicine. And your meaning holds a truer vibration because it is spirit sending you that symbol, that medicine, and it’s for you to receive the deeper meaning, and only you truly, truly understand its essence.

As a spiritual teacher, I can give you more insight into what the meaning is, but ultimately it’s your consciousness that will unlock it fully because you have the keys to fully understanding it. So if you’re ever receiving messages and you’re not sure exactly what it means, sit with it. Sit with it, and it will unlock for you. You can always ask for assistance. That’s where the Akashic Records for me come in. I will sit in meditation.

I’ll also ask in the Akashic Records more about the symbolism or more about the meaning so I can understand it on a deeper level as well. And then I still sit with what it is that the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones shared with me because there’s more to be received, there’s more to understand. And that’s where curiosity comes in. And then when we get curious, we can have a self-discovery as well. Also, I believe when we go within when we’re working with our subconscious we raise our vibration because we are working through some of the subconscious entanglements that are keeping us stuck. Our subconscious starts to speak to us through symbolism and that symbolism can come through as a visual, as hearing, as a sensation, as your imagination.

It can feel like a dream. It could come in as a thought as well. And so the only way to receive this is to pause and go within as well. I’m a big believer. I will tell you to go within as much as possible but then when you go within, just let go of any expectation. Once you’re done going within for that particular moment, surrender to the universe. Ask the universe to bless you with a deeper understanding if you don’t understand what it is that you receive in meditation or through a dream or through just going within because more will come. And know that the first time you receive a sign is the first time; there are more signs that will come in. And there’s a deeper meaning that will come in and the first intuition that you have towards it might change along the way. So please give yourself permission to be flexible in the meaning as well.

I’m going to end with the affirmation again from the Amethyst crystal which is: “The more I go within the more I receive. I am a channel of pure love and light. The more I go within the more I receive. I am a channel of peer love and light.”

You are magnificent, my friend. I hope that you take the time to explore take, the time to uncover what it is your soul is trying to share with you. Because the soul and the universe are constantly sharing messages with you and you have the capability of understanding them.

Just have to pause and go within. You are loved, my friend. I will talk to you soon. I hope you have a good day. Bye.

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  1. Daniela Aloe

    wow, so many different things are coming through for me. I definitely get the “signs” as I had a reading about half a year ago and the individual told me they saw drums , among other things. Which didn’t make sense to me at the time. Shortly after that I joined a group and there was a ceremony which involved drums and a few other things that came up in the reading. At that time the ceremony just took me away in itself. It wasn’t until after that I recalled the reading and realized what happened! Various other things happened in this group which also lead me to Akashic readings!!! The journey so far has been incredible 🙂 And I’ve learned to sit and asked what is the meaning, symbolism of certain things that come up. Love this.

    • Amy Robeson

      I love that! 💜


All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.

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