Episode 79 : Demystifying Intuitive Guidance

Episode 79: Demystifying Intuitive Guidance

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When receive spiritual guidance, whether from our intuition or outside influences, we must discern if that information is actually for us. We must also remember that what we hear is for that moment only. So much of what is true for us at one point in our lives becomes outdated. It's important to remember that even spiritual guidance has a shelf-life. Let's discuss how we demystify intuitive guidance and ensure it's working for us and not inhibiting us.

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I often tell my Akashic Records students that when the guardians of the Akashic Records give us a message or when we receive a download for intuitive guidance, that download is not gospel truth. You have free will; if you don’t like the message, you can make different decisions to redirect the outcome.

For example, if you receive guidance that suggests you will get sick, that guidance lets you know that this is a possible outcome. That guidance doesn’t mean you will automatically fall ill. It’s helping you take the steps necessary to avoid that outcome by being aware it’s possible if you don’t take care of yourself.


You have free will, as do I. Anytime I receive intuitive guidance, I will look at it with a curious perception.

What does this really mean?
Is how I perceive this intuitive information the truth?

So often, people will receive guidance, and they do not perceive it the way it’s intended to be perceived. For example, someone could get an intuitive hit that consistent meditation will assist them. If the only exposure this person has to meditation has been some crazy form of meditation practice, it can be easy to misconstrue what the guidance is actually suggesting.

So it’s always essential to clarify what is coming forward and then sit with it. Ask yourself, “Does that really need to happen?” And if you don’t want it to happen, what steps can you take to make sure that it’s not going to happen?


I can’t help but laugh about the messages directed toward me lately. Several people I love and respect have told me I have a baby in my energy field. I know, for sure, no human baby is waiting for me as I don’t want another baby. How can I perceive this information given to me in light of my knowledge that I’m absolutely sure they are “wrong?”

Perhaps they aren’t! Maybe they feel the presence of a puppy in my future. While not a child from my body, a puppy is, in fact, a baby. Just because someone says something to you or you receive intuitive guidance does not mean that is the end all, be all. We have to take a step back and get really grounded. We must ask ourselves, “What is it I truly want, and how do I perceive this? What’s another perspective I can consider?”


Take a step back if you received guidance a long time ago that you’re still living out, but it doesn’t feel good to you. I have had countless students share weird stories about things, either a spiritual teacher, family, or friend, and it shaped their perception and reality negatively.

Now, if someone tells you something positive, getting you on track and motivating you, that’s perfect and totally healthy. What is not healthy is when we take a message that completely changes our path, our reality, for the negative. Taking ownership of our actions, responsibilities, and reactions is essential.

Anytime someone says something you don’t like or doesn’t resonate with you, you can say…

“I’m not taking that on as truth. That’s not my truth.”

And that is perfectly okay.


Perhaps, in the past, someone gave you guidance that felt in alignment at that particular moment, but it no longer resonates with you. It’s perfectly okay to say, “That’s not an alignment with me anymore.” I know that I have had big dreams, wishes, and goals throughout my lifetime that I’ve outgrown. We all do. We evolve into new desires, hopes, and dreams for our lives. It’s okay to change your mind.

As we’re in the energy of a brand new year, take a moment and ask yourself,

  • What intuitive messages or messages have I taken on that are no longer in alignment with me so I can acknowledge them and let them go?
  • What is it that I truly want?
  • What is it that I truly desire?

When you ask these questions, you’ll understand clearly, “Oh, that really isn’t in alignment with me anymore. I love that I wanted that before, and I love that I desired that before. But I’m good. I’m perfectly good.”


Creation is a part of you. You are a part of creation. Creation wants to work through you to create magic, beauty, and magnificent things. It is okay to want to create something one moment at a time and realize, “You know what? That’s complete. I’m going to go do something different now.” When you allow yourself to follow the energy of creation and what your heart wants, you will create something ten times more beautiful and unexpected than you could have ever dreamed.

It’s an integral part of any spiritual journey to let go of expectations and guidances that no longer resonate with you, no longer support you, and are no longer in alignment with you. You are meant to be a beautiful creator who creates wonderful things beyond what you think you can. There’s no one else as unique as you with your experiences, and the clearer you see that the clearer you keep your energy field, the more you will create in such a beautiful way.

So take time to evaluate what’s no longer serving you. Let go of messages that are no longer in alignment with you. It’s as simple as acknowledging and saying, “That’s no longer my truth. That’s no longer my truth. My truth is…” And then state your new truth, and it’s such a beautiful thing.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s episode. I am so excited you are here. Let’s talk about psychic messages. Intuitive guidance. Akashic records readings. I love telling my Akashic records students that when the guardians of the records or when we receive a download for intuitive guidance, that download is not gospel.

And what I mean by that is you have free will, and if you don’t like the message, you can make different decisions to not allow that to come to fruition. If you receive guidance, let’s say that you are going to be sick; that guidance is there to let you know that there’s this possible outcome that you could have and that it’s really important to take steps to get your health on track and to feel better.

Let’s say a psychic tells you that you’re going to have marital problems your whole life. Well, that kind of message can be taken on as truth if the person wants to take it on as truth, but you don’t have to. And I think that this is really important. You have free will. I have free will. And anytime I receive intuitive guidance for myself, I will look at it with a very curious perception of what does this really mean?

And the way that I’m perceiving this information is that the truth of the information? Because so often, people will receive guidance, and they’re not perceiving it the way it’s intended to be perceived.

For example, someone could say it’s really important to meditate on a consistent basis, and the person receiving that message might think that the only way that they’ve ever been taught to meditate is to do this crazy type of meditation. When the intuitive guidance was not talking about that crazy type of meditation, they were talking about a different type of meditation.

And so it’s always really important to clarify what is coming forward and then sit with, does that really need to happen? And if you don’t want it to happen, what steps to take to make sure and ensure that it’s not going to happen?

I’ve been recently told, and I want to just die of laughter, what I’m about to share. I’ve been recently told a lot lately from different people I love and different people I respect that they’re noticing a baby in my energy field. And that’s just simply not gospel for me. That baby in my energy field could be a puppy.

Maybe we’re going to get a puppy, but it’s definitely not a physical baby that’s coming to me. And I’m ensuring that that’s not going to happen because I don’t want to have another baby. And so just because someone says something to you or just because you receive the intuitive guidance does not mean that is the end all, be all. And so we have to, one, take a step back and get really grounded in what is it that I truly want and how am I really perceiving this. And how else can I perceive this as well?

The other thing is if you received guidance a long time ago and you’re still living out that guidance, and it does not feel good to you, take a step back. Oh, I can tell you, I’ve had lots and lots of students tell me all sorts of weird things that either a spiritual teacher told them, a family member told them, a friend told them, someone told them at some point in time, and it has shaped their perception, their reality, in a negative way. Now, if someone tells you something and it is positive, and it is getting you on track and making you do the things that you’re wanting to do, and it’s motivating you, that’s perfect. That’s totally healthy.

What is not healthy is when we take a message, and it completely changes our path, our reality, for the negative. And it’s so important to take ownership of your actions, your responsibilities, your reactions, because any time someone says something to you that you don’t like that doesn’t resonate with you, you can say…

“I’m not taking that on as truth. I’m not taking that on as truth. That’s not my truth.”

And that is perfectly okay.

The other thing is, like, if you have been living in this reality from the past that someone said something to you, and it felt an alignment then, but now where you’re at right this moment, it doesn’t feel an alignment.

It’s perfectly okay to say, “That’s not an alignment with me anymore.” I know that I have had big dreams and wishes, and goals throughout my lifetime. We all do, and sometimes we outgrow those wishes. We outgrow those desires. We are no longer in alignment with them. We no longer want them. And that is okay too. It’s okay to change your mind.

And so, as we’re in this energy of new with the new year, take a moment and ask yourself, “What intuitive messages or what messages have I taken on that are no longer in alignment with me so I can acknowledge them and let them go. Also, what is it that I truly, truly want? What is it that I truly, truly desire?”

Because when you ask that too, you’ll get a clear understanding of, like, “Oh, that really isn’t an alignment with me anymore. And I love that I wanted that before, and I love that I desired that before. But I’m good. I’m perfectly good.”

One more thing that I do want to share about this, too, is to remember when you receive a message, that message is based on that moment in time, based on the circumstances you’re in at that moment in time.

And a lot of things can change from then to now, and a lot of growth can happen too. And so when we have desires based on ten years ago, you have had a lot of growth. And with that growth comes new opportunities, a new ability to align to other things outside of the reality of thinking that you had ten years ago.

Also, know that creation is a part of you. You are a part of creation. And creation wants to work through you and to create magic and beauty and magnificent things. And it is okay to want to create something at one moment at a time and go, “You know what? That’s complete. And I’m going to go do this thing over here now.” And when you allow yourself to follow the energy of creation and follow what your heart is wanting to create, you will create something ten times more beautiful, more unexpected than you could have ever dreamed of.

And that right there is even more important to let go of expectations and guidances that no longer resonate with you, no longer support you, and are no longer in alignment with you. Because you are meant to be a beautiful creator that creates unexpected things that creates beyond what you think you’re capable of.

Because there’s no one else as unique as you and with your experiences. And the clearer you see that the clearer you keep your energy field, the more you will create in such a beautiful way.

So take time to evaluate what’s no longer serving you, messages that are no longer in alignment with you. Let them go. It’s as simple as acknowledging and then just saying, “That’s no longer my truth. That’s no longer my truth. My truth is…” And then state what your new truth is, and it’s such a beautiful thing.

And please note that the person or people that shared amazing things with you that are possibilities, they were possibilities at that moment in time, and things can change. And it’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to allow things to change.

There’s good intentions; there’s bad intentions. And the most important intention is your intention and your ability to hold multiple perspectives on any given situation and how you choose to react to those given situations because you are the master of your reality. So remember that.

Alright, my friends, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Make sure you like and subscribe. It helps more than you know, and I will see you soon.


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