Episode 72: Owning Your Self-Worth

Episode 72: Owning Your Self-Worth

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How we feel about ourselves can go through ebbs and flows depending on our situations. However, our worth is never in question. We must learn to boldly own our worth so that our reality reflects this truth.

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You are worthy, and your value is priceless. No amount of money can replace you, and your existence in this life brings forth immeasurable blessings to the world. Whether you realize your worth or struggle with that truth, it never changes. You are always worthy.

But do you value yourself? Do you pause and reflect on how infinite your worth is? Can you own your worth in a big way and allow it to become an immutable truth that shapes your reality? Your self-worth creates your reality, and your experience will reflect that energy by owning it.

By owning your worth, you create a reality that reflects your worth.


Your reality is created by your worth. If you don’t feel worthy, your reality will reflect that. You are the only person that can fully recognize your worth. It’s no one else’s responsibility; it’s yours.

When you start showing up, owning your worth, and valuing your worth, the universe begins to bless you with experiences, people, and reality reflecting your inner truth. Once the awareness of your value raises your vibration, the experiences you call in will match this newer, higher vibration. It’s truly amazing!


When I find myself in a situation where I feel incapable and unworthy, I hit the books. My feelings of unworthiness become quiet when I arm myself with information. When I don’t feel good enough, the answer is simple yet complex — I study.

Let me give you an example. After I had my baby, I had quite a bit of weight to lose. I decided to research and educate myself on new techniques to lose weight and understand my health better.

I researched regulating blood sugar because I had developed gestational diabetes and did not want the experience of that becoming a life-long condition. I wanted to become more educated on controlling blood sugar, eating healthy, new studies available, and customizing my diet and exercise based on the things I was studying.

The more I learned, the better I felt and the more worthy of being capable of taking care of my body in a new way! Educating myself empowered me to step into that feeling and reinforcement of my worth.


Educating ourselves and putting the practices and the healings into action assists us in owning our-self worth and value. It allows us to shift perspective on what is possible and remain in that new vibration as we invite further information into our energy field. We feel that vibrational lift when we implement the changes we have invited into our experience.

Maybe you want to meditate, and you’re not sure how to meditate, but you keep hearing that it might make you feel better. Reading a meditation book might be helpful, or taking a meditation course might be very helpful. Or let’s say you have a lot of anger or you’ve been dealing with depression. Reading some self-help books and looking at how you talk to yourself is going to assist you in educating yourself to make different decisions and think differently.

When something comes up for you to explore, you will increase your self-worth by allowing that curiosity to take you down the path toward more knowledge, wisdom, and clarity. You are worthy of expanding your vision and awareness!


You’re the only person that can decide how worthy you are of something. You’re the only person that can determine how much you value your opinion of yourself and what you’re doing in the world. If you don’t appreciate it, no one else will.

When I notice critical self-talk, I can observe and shift it to move my mindset out of that negative space. Anytime I’m going to do something big, let’s say I’m making a significant change and I don’t feel worthy of that change, I will ask myself:

  • What part of me doesn’t feel worthy?
  • Is it my inner child?
  • Is it my mental body?
  • Is it my spiritual being?
  • Is it my emotional being?
  • Is it all of it?

Once I identify what part of me doesn’t feel worthy, I can talk to that aspect or aspects of myself that will benefit from a pep talk, from a shift in perspective, and from being held, supported, cradled, loved on, and understood.


The inner child comes up a lot when we make changes in our lives. Often, this piece of ourselves feels like we need to be more worthy of the new experience we want to co-create with the universe. When we have that conversation with this aspect of ourselves, we can reveal many layers behind that resistance.

We can ask the inner child:

“Why do you not feel worthy of this change?” The inner child might say, “I’m really scared. What if nobody likes me? Or what if I’m judged? Or what if I make a mistake or all of my perfectionism starts coming out?”

Then I identify that it’s perfectionism and not worthiness. And then I can tackle it differently.

Sometimes the inner child needs to be told everything will be okay. That reassurance breaks down the walls of resistance. Speaking to this aspect reassures your entire being that you are capable and worthy of expansion.


If you’re in alignment and capable, that’s awesome. If you’re capable but need to be in alignment, you need to know why you’re not. The more you study and implement what you’ve learned, the more aligned you become.

You can reinforce your alignment with your worthiness through your conversations as well. I love asking my friends and loved one’s questions about what I’ve been studying to get their perspectives. Questioning others allows me to hold onto that information through the dialogue about what I’m learning.

Here’s the deal, my friend. You’re worthy. Do you believe you are worthy and willing to own your worth? I hope the answer is an absolute full-body “YES!” With that, I hope you get out there and start truly owning your worth!

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello, my friend. Welcome to today’s episode. I am so excited you are here. You are worthy. I value you. But do you value yourself? It’s really important to own your worth. By owning your worth, you create a reality that reflects your worth. Let me say that again.

Your reality is created by your worth. If you don’t feel worthy, your reality will reflect that. You are the only person that can fully, fully recognize your worth. You’re the only one that can fully own it. It’s no one else’s responsibility. When you start showing up and owning your worth, and valuing your worth, the universe starts to bless you with experiences, people, and reality that reflects your inner reality of your worth.

So how do you own your worth? For me, it comes down to studying. And I know that sounds so simple, yet complex. I have found that when I am in a state where I don’t feel good enough, I don’t feel worthy enough, I don’t feel like I am capable of doing something, I start to study.

Let me give you an example. So, for example, after I had my baby, I had quite a bit of weight to lose. And so I didn’t rely on past experiences of how I wanted to go about losing the baby weight. I decided to study and educate myself on new techniques to lose the weight and to better understand my health. I researched regulating blood sugar because, for me, I had pregnancy diabetes. And a lot of women, if they have that, there’s a high probability that you’re going to get it when you’re not pregnant.

And so for me, it was really important for me to understand regulating blood sugar, eating healthy, what new studies are out there, and to customize my diet and my exercise based on the things that I was studying. And I felt prepared, and I felt good because I felt educated and I felt worthy around doing this very thing that was going to help me feel better.

Let’s say you’re wanting to meditate, and you’re not really sure how to meditate, but you keep hearing that it might make you feel better. Reading a meditation book might be really, really helpful, or taking a meditation course might be very helpful. Or let’s say you have a lot of anger or you’ve been dealing with depression. Reading some self-help books and looking at the way that you talk to yourself is going to assist you in educating yourself to make different decisions and to think differently.

I think educating ourselves and putting the practices and the healings into action assists in wanting and owning their self-worth and value. It allows us to shift our perspective on what is possible. It also allows us to be in a certain vibration when we’re studying and feel that vibrational change when we go to implement it as well. You’re the only person that can decide how worthy you are of something. You’re the only person that can determine how much you value your opinion of yourself and what you’re doing in the world. If you don’t value it, no one else will.

And so, by shifting the mindset, by looking at and observing the critical self-talk and shifting it, anytime you observe, it is very helpful for me. Anytime I’m going to do something big, let’s say I’m making a big change and I don’t feel worthy of that change, I will ask myself, “What part of me doesn’t feel worthy? Is it my inner child? Is it my mental body? Is it my spiritual being? Is it my emotional being that doesn’t feel worthy? Is it all of it?”

Because once I identify what part of me doesn’t feel worthy, I’m able to then talk to that aspect or aspects of myself that will benefit from a pep talk, will benefit from a shift in perspective, will benefit from being held, supported, cradled, loved on and understood.

So, for example, let’s say my inner child doesn’t feel worthy of this new thing that I’m wanting to co-create with the universe. I would ask the inner child, “Why do you not feel worthy of it?” And the inner child might say, “I’m really scared. What if nobody likes me? Or what if I’m judged? Or what if I make a mistake or all of the perfectionism starts coming out?” Then I identify that it’s really perfectionism and not worthiness. And then, I can tackle it in a different way.

Sometimes the inner child just needs to be told, “Everything’s going to be okay. I know you’re scared; I know that change is happening, but you are worthy of this change and let me tell you why.” And then you give your inner child examples of why you are worthy to have these changes, why you are worthy to create that dream that you are wanting to co-create with the universe. Because if you don’t tell your inner child, you’re leaving it up to chance that somebody’s just going to come along and tell you you’re capable of doing it because you are capable of doing it.

Now, if you’re in alignment and capable, that’s awesome. If you’re capable and not in alignment, then you need to know why you’re not in alignment. And the more that you study, implement the teachings that you are receiving, and what I mean by implement, it’s like having the opportunity to use certain things in dialogue. For example, today, you could say to a friend, ‘Hey, I was just listening to a podcast about feeling worthy, and I’ve decided that I’m going to start feeling more worthy, and I value myself. How do you value yourself?”

It could be so corny like that, just having a simple conversation. Or what I love is when I’m reading a book or I’m studying, and then I find a way to insert the teachings in the conversation very naturally so that I can hold on to the teaching. And so it might just be like a casual conversation with my husband, like, “Hey, I learned this today. Let me tell you about it.” Or it might just come up very organically where I get to implement that teaching.

It shifts the way that you feel about yourself as well. So here’s the deal, my friend. You’re worthy. Do you believe that you are worthy, and are you willing to own your worth? And I hope the answer is yes. Absolute, full body, yes. And then I want you to go out there and start implementing it.

All right, my friends, I hope you have an amazing day. Please make sure you like and subscribe, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Bye.

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