Episode 61: Working with the Seasons to Evolve

Episode 61: Working with the Seasons to Evolve

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As the seasons change, we can reflect on our lives and make any changes we need to evolve spiritually. We get to decide what to bring forward into the new season and what to leave behind in the process of surrender. What do you need to release as this season changes?

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In the Northern hemisphere, where I live, we have ushered in the fall season. When the seasons change, it’s a cue for me to embrace change.

  • Working With The SeasonsTo change the way I express myself.
  • To change the way I witness the world.
  • To change how I’m participating in the collective consciousness.
  • To change how I’m participating in my awakening.

Each change of the season is an invitation for you to express, inwardly and outwardly, the changes you want to make. Attention to these cues is essential because what is invoked within us always mirrors our environment. Fall often invites us to go inward with our expression and surrender to the changes that will serve our highest good.

As the leaves fall so gracefully from the trees, there is a beautiful surrender. There is a knowing that there isn’t a death without rebirth. It’s an opportunity to release and surrender.


While the flowers and the trees accept change beautifully, humans have more difficulty trusting the process. Surrender, for us, can be almost debilitating at times. The fall season is a wonderful time to start the journey within ourselves as we evaluate how the past brought us to this moment and how the future wants to unfold.

This is a time to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished from Spring until now. Have you taken the time to celebrate? Acknowledging our wins from the past few months allows us to examine what isn’t working and what baggage we are carrying that’s no longer necessary.

Are you willing to…

  • Let it go
  • Evaluate it
  • Observe it
  • Befriend it

…so that you can put down that baggage and release it?


Fall is a time to start the initiation process of rebirth. I have been slowing way down and taking time for solitude and silence. This is nourishing for my soul and extremely helpful in quieting the noise in my mental body and the collective consciousness.

Our connection to the collective consciousness can influence our mental health, and when we don’t pause to quiet the noise, it can be hard to decipher:

What’s mine to address?
What’s not mine to address?
What’s healthy?
What’s not healthy?
How do I navigate the following chapters of my life?
How can I surrender?
How can I let go?
How can I ground myself and protect my energy?

It’s so important to quiet the noise and spend time alone. Fall is an invitation to surrender to the deep rest our bodies need to heal, rejuvenate, and re-energize for the next chapter.


Too often, society teaches us to push past the desire to rest, contemplate, and heal. Sometimes healing requires a long pause. The awakening process especially requires times of deep reflection and deep, deep rest.

Fall is the time to give yourself permission to start slowing down and evaluating what is and is not working in your life. While you don’t need to make sudden changes, it’s an opportunity to take an inventory of what you want to bring forward into the new season and what you want to leave behind.

We often recognize what we need to let go of, but we may resist that change for various reasons. But, this can create burnout. When you put off the rest you need to reflect and heal, you are not honoring your soul.

So often, people think that if you’re resting, you’re lazy, and that’s not true.


When you accept the invitation to slow down and go on a journey inward, you can evaluate what’s going on internally through the lens of love. These conversations with yourself can be raw, eye-opening, and question the foundation you are standing on.

Curiosity meets creative solutions when you question where you are and how you feel about it. We are here to co-create with the universe so that we can live our highest purpose. When you get curious about yourself, you will discover more creative solutions that will awaken you to the next level and allow you to evolve. When we stop getting creative, that’s when our light dims.

You are meant to be creating at all times. The creation process isn’t always active. It also involves

✨Taking time to evaluate
✨Looking at your being through the lens of love
✨Finding the imbalance in your life without fear or judgment

The creation process does involve rest and evaluating where you’re giving too much, doing too much, on the verge of burnout, or already there.


It takes courage to admit when you have burned out, and something isn’t working in your life. When you dare to admit it, you can start making the necessary changes to restore peace and harmony within your being. The fall season is an important time to sit within your darkness.

We are just as dark as we are light, and darkness isn’t evil. Darkness is the shadow part of our being that has dimmed its light so profoundly that it runs our subconscious behaviors that no longer align with our true path. We can get sick and burned out when those dark parts run with an outdated reality.

Fall is the perfect time to start looking at the parts of you that are outdated and created from the past. You can look at each part and decide what parts of you benefit your future and what needs to be updated to reflect the new reality you are creating.

You get to define what your rebirth looks like and how you’re going to show up.


As you watch the trees gently release the leaves from their branches, I encourage you to embrace this season of release in your own life. What can you release?


Release anything that prevents you from evolving and creating the reality you truly want.

You can release it through the following:

😭 Tears
👊 Punching a bag
🤬 Visiting a rage room (where you can break stuff)
😱 Screaming into a pillow
💥 Shaking it out
🖊️ Writing it out
💃 Dancing it out

However, you can get it out, do it!

When it comes to releasing old emotions, I want to emphasize crying. Crying is so healthy.


We are spiritual souls living in a human body, which is complicated. As souls, we have the ability to hold and understand emotions, and our human body has the ability to release those emotions through tears and other healthy ways that allow us to surrender and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

During this season, I encourage you to go within, befriend the darkness, and look at the shadow parts of your being. You deserve to evolve and have the life you truly love and desire. You deserve rest, refreshment, and reflection.

Whether you are experiencing changing seasons from warm to cold or cold to hot, I’d love to help you embrace the change with my free seasonal healings!

You can visit Sacred Gifts to receive over 20 free healings! Be sure to check out the seasonal offerings to usher in the beautiful changes wherever you are in the world!

If you enjoyed this episode with Amy Robeson, we would love to invite you to check out other inspirational episodes by clicking here. Enjoy!

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello and welcome, everyone, to today’s episode. I don’t know about you, but when the seasons change, I know that that’s a cue for me to change the way I am expressing myself, change the way that I am witnessing the world, participating in the collective consciousness, participating in my awakening, how I’m diving deep within myself, how I’m expressing myself outwardly or inwardly.

And if you live in the Northern Hemisphere at this moment in time, depending on when you’re listening to this, we are in fall right now. The fall equinox happened in September, and the winter solstice does not happen until December 21. And I think it’s really important to understand what season you are in because the season is an invitation for you to either make outwardly expressions or inwardly expressions.

These two things we are always expressing. But what is being invoked within us always mirrors what our environment is at that moment in time. And so for fall at this moment in time, it is an opportunity to be with your inward expressions. And what I mean by that is, as we witness the leaves fall from the tree, it is an opportunity to release and it is an opportunity to surrender. The trees do it so beautifully, the flowers do it so beautifully.

They trust that when they die, they will have a rebirth. Us humans have a harder time trusting that process sometimes, because the very act of surrendering can feel so hard, and debilitating, at moments in time, and we have to be willing to let go. I find that fall is a great time for the journey to start to go within because we go deeply within in winter. And so fall is that time where we hold the past and the future at our present moment, and we evaluate how the past has brought us to this moment in time and how the future wants to unfold. We celebrate what we’ve accomplished from spring until now. So over the last six months, you have accomplished a lot.

Have you taken time to celebrate that? And when you do take the time to celebrate it, you have the opportunity to evaluate what is not working, what baggage you’re carrying with you right now that’s from the past that’s no longer necessary for you to carry with you. Are you willing to let it go? Are you willing to evaluate it, to observe it, to look at it, to befriend it, so that you can surrender it and release it and no longer carry it with you?

Fall is a time to have the initiation and to start the initiation process of rebirth. I personally have been slowing way down. I have been taking a lot of time for solitude, for silence, and I find that this is extremely nourishing to my soul. Extremely helpful for letting go of the noise that’s going on in my mental body, the noise that’s going on in the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness can influence our mental health.

And when we are constantly on, on, on, on, on and absorbing everything that’s going on in the collective consciousness it’s hard to decipher what’s yours, what’s not yours, what’s healthy, what’s not healthy, how to navigate the next chapters of your life, how to surrender, how to let go, how to ground, how to protect your energy, because the noise is just constantly hitting you.

And so for me right now, I have been really evaluating what has worked for me so far this year and what has not. My mental body is so tired. I can just feel my mental body is, like, ready to just have a deep rest. And so often in society, we are taught to push past that desire of rest, that desire of contemplation, that desire to heal.

And sometimes healing requires rest. Healing requires a deep pause. The awakening process that you are in requires times of deep reflection and deep, deep, deep, deep rest. And fall is that time to start giving yourself permission to start slowing down and evaluating what is working and what’s not working in your life. And what’s working is great. What’s not working is an opportunity to start to shift it. But you don’t have to make sudden changes.

You can sit with what wants to be, what wants to let go, and can you give yourself permission to let it go? Because so often we can intellectualize and know, like, “Hey, that thing is not good for me, but I’m still going to continue to do it. I’m going to continue to do it because I don’t want to disappoint XYZ. I don’t want to disappoint this person or that person. I want to be of service.” But what you’re doing is you’re burning yourself out. What you’re doing is not honoring your soul. What you’re doing is saying, “I can rest later. I can do that later.” And so often, people think that if you’re resting, you’re being lazy, and that’s simply just not true.

I want to encourage you to slow, slow, slow down. And I want to encourage you to journey inward and have some real conversations with yourself on what’s truly, truly going on internally. These conversations can be raw. They can be eye-opening. They can make you question the foundation you are standing on or sitting within, living within.

And that’s okay. I think questioning the foundation that we’re in is really important because guess what? When you question it, you have the opportunity to get curious. And when you have the opportunity to get curious, you have the opportunity to get creative on finding solutions that do work for you, that awaken you to the next level, and allows you to evolve. When we stop getting creative, that’s when our light dims. That’s when depression starts to creep in because you are meant to be cocreating with the universe.

You are meant to be creating at all times. And the creation process does involve rest, does involve taking time to evaluate, to brainstorm, to look at your being through the lens of love. And when you look at your being through the lens of love, you can find where the imbalances are, where you’re giving too much, where you’re doing too much, where you’re on the verge of burnout or you are burnt out. I think it takes true courage to admit when you are burned out.

I think it takes true courage to admit when there’s something that isn’t working in your life. When you have the courage to admit it, you will start to make the changes. I also think that the fall season is a really important time to sit within your own darkness. So we are just as much light as we are dark. And darkness is not necessarily evil or bad.

Darkness is the shadow part of our being that has dimmed its light so deeply that it runs our subconscious behaviors that are no longer in alignment with our true path. And when we have those dark parts that are running our reality, that are outdated, we can get sick, we can get burnt out. And fall is a great time to start looking at the parts of you that are outdated, that have been created from the past. And then you have the opportunity to evaluate what type of future you want and if those parts of you are meant to be brought into the future. If those parts of you are doing amazing things, then yes, you don’t get rid of them. You don’t update them.

But if parts of you are creating imbalances, creating dis-ease within the body, within the bodies, you are going to only continue to create from past experiences and bring those into the future. So essentially, what you’re going to be creating is the same present that you currently are in. If you’re willing to let go of these parts and kindly thank them, thank them for their service, thank them for being a part of you, thank them for getting to this day, to this moment, and then kindly release them, you have the opportunity for rebirth. Then you also get to define what that rebirth looks like and how you’re going to show up.

I want to encourage you during this season to release. So what do I mean by release? Release the anger, release the resentment, release the judgment, the shame, the guilt, and anything that is preventing you from evolving, creating the reality you truly, truly want. I want to encourage you to release it. You can release it through tears, you can release it through punching a punching bag.

You can release it by going to a rage room, like going and breaking some stuff, screaming into a pillow. Whatever allows you to release it. You can write it out, you can shake it out, you can dance it out, you can cry out. And I want to emphasize crying. Crying is so, so healthy. When I was a kid, I was often told that I was too much, that my crying was too much, I was too sensitive.

And so at some point in my childhood and into my adulthood, I wouldn’t give myself permission to cry. Until one day I was so depressed that the floodgates opened and I could not stop. I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t stop it. And it was such a healthy release. But my poor husband at the time didn’t understand how important that was for my recovery, for my healing. And so if you were taught that it’s not appropriate to cry, I want to encourage you to let go of that aspect of you that is afraid to do it. And it doesn’t matter if you identify as a man or woman. We are souls. We are spiritual souls living in a human body that is so complicated.

And as souls, we have this ability to hold and understand emotions. And our human body has the ability to release those emotions through tears, release those emotions in different ways, and we can release them in a healthy way that allows us to surrender, let go and open ourselves up to new possibilities. So during this season, I want to encourage you to go within, befriend the darkness, and look at the shadow parts of your being. You deserve to evolve, and you deserve to have the life you truly love and desire. In the show notes, if you’re interested, we have a free fall equinox healing that you can listen to.

I do a free healing for each season, every single season change. It’s something that I really enjoy doing. I think that it preps us and prepares us. I also think it’s just a really important time to lean into the season. So if you live in a different hemisphere, if you go to our sacred gifts opt-in, that will also be in the show notes, you can also go to my website, which is theamyrobeson.com. You can sign up for the sacred gifts and you can find all the different seasons.

So depending on where you’re at in the world, you can listen to that particular healing to promote that particular invitation of what our human bodies and our spiritual bodies are wanting to participate in based on our environment. Please like and subscribe to our podcast. I would love for you to share this with a friend if you’re called to do so. It helps more than you know. I believe that we are meant to be in community, and this is the way that we can do it.

All right, guys. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Bye.

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