Episode 49: Being Proud of Yourself to Increase Your Self-Worth

Episode 49: Being Proud of Yourself to Increase Your Self-Worth

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Have you told yourself you are proud of yourself today? I hope so! Learning to give ourselves kudos and celebrating our accomplishments, both big and small, is a surefire way to bring more happiness into our lives!

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It’s so easy to feel the glow of accomplishment when we’ve jumped significant hurdles and achieved a major milestone in our lives, but what about the small victories like getting up every morning and facing the day? Do you acknowledge the everyday things you do that keep you moving and living a healthy, productive life? Do you pat yourself on the back when you make choices that are good for you? I hope so!

When you are proud of yourself and your accomplishments, this is a sign that you believe in your self-worth. When was the last time you told yourself you were proud of who you are, what you’ve done, and what you’ve accomplished? For me, this was a big “a-ha!” moment in my spiritual evolution because these words, this idea, wasn’t in my vocabulary.

It never occurred to me to acknowledge my self-worth through positive self-talk like this. But, one day, in deep meditation, my higher self came to me and said, “Amy, I am so proud of you. Are you proud of you?” I immediately burst into tears because until that moment, I had never once said I was proud of myself. I had never even acknowledged my achievements, and I had plenty to be proud of! By that point, I had achieved a lot of different things.

We all have things we can be proud of, and we must tell ourselves that!


When you pause to reflect on what you’ve done and who you are when you take a moment to recognize how amazing you are, it increases your happiness, self-acceptance, and self-worth. If you’ve never told yourself that you are proud of yourself, I want you to ask yourself why?

When we get curious about why we have the opportunity to uncover some answers about how we truly feel about ourselves and reprogram our minds into knowing we are worthy of celebration. When you ask yourself this question, you might discover an answer connected to your self-worth. You might have a big “a-ha” moment that reveals something bigger and deeper you need to work on to boost your self-confidence.

Being proud of who you are and your accomplishments will increase happiness, self-acceptance, and self-worth.


Even a journey of a million miles begins with the first step. If you want to increase your worthiness and confidence, you have to start looking at what you are doing and setting goals along the way; small obtainable goals. While you can dream about the big picture and the end result, you must break that big goal into smaller steps to reach it!

Let’s say your dream is to start a million-dollar business. Would you expect to turn a million-dollar profit in your first month? This is not an obtainable goal unless you have a vast array of resources at your disposal.

But starting a business is absolutely within reach! The first action step might be writing a business plan or choosing your business name. Taking the first steps toward the bigger idea creates a pathway of small goals towards your final destination.


If you have made some goals and are not finding success in achieving them, ask yourself why. This question is essential to identify the roadblocks holding you back. You might notice:

  • You are scared.
  • You need extra resources available to you.
  • You need some support in taking the first step.

Whatever holds you back, you want to sit with your goals and make a list of each. Look at each one independently and identify the first action step to cross it off your list. With each action step you take, you will savor the feeling of accomplishment, and again, tell yourself that you are proud! You are proud of yourself! As you do this, you’re going to feel more accomplished. Yay! You did it! High-five!


Every goal is measured by what value it brings to you in your life. A good goal will have some sort of benefit to you. Sometimes we set goals that have no genuine benefit to our lives, and we need to let those go.

For example, I had a brilliant idea to create a beautiful pantry with fancy containers and labels. An actual Pinterest-worthy project! I envisioned it perfectly organized and everything matching. As I was putting everything into these containers, I quickly realized this was not a practical goal, nor was it bringing ease into my life. Yes, it looked beautiful, but it was not functional in my life. So this goal became unnecessary.

We will have goals throughout our life that we outgrow, or we find they aren’t in alignment with our reality. Was I disappointed that my pantry didn’t look like the pantries on the Home Edit show? Yes, I was. However, I realized this goal wasn’t practical and was causing more stress than benefit. I don’t want to add extra work to my life. So, I let that goal go and made peace with it!

A good goal will have some sort of benefit to you.


When you look at your goals and consider how to achieve them, you also want to ask yourself how you can become your biggest cheerleader. The more you cheer yourself on, the more you increase your self-worth and confidence. Have you told yourself you are proud of yourself?

If you have, did you fully receive it? Sometimes we can say the words, “I’m proud of me, I feel great, I’m proud of that goal,” but then quickly brush it off. We need to fully receive those words on a heart, a gut, and a cellular level. Tell yourself you are proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, and name the accomplishment out loud. Allow that feeling of satisfaction and pride to wash over you thoroughly.

As you achieve the small steps along the way, celebrate those steps! Give yourself a high-five. Speak it out loud, “I am so proud of you for doing this today!” The more you start doing this, the more you’ll see your reality shift and change.


I want you to get comfortable being proud of yourself. You are worthy, and you deserve it! First, I want you to set goals with doable action steps behind them. I want you to make sure you are telling yourself that you are proud of yourself daily.

Then, make a list of everything you’ve accomplished this year. If going back to the beginning of the year is too challenging, start with the past month. What are you proud that you achieved? These do not need to be award-winning accomplishments. They can be big or small. Now look in the mirror and tell yourself, “You did it! I am proud of you!” This is a powerful exercise to shift your soul’s evolution.

You deserve happiness. I am so proud of you. I’m so proud of you for showing up today and getting curious about yourself. Are you proud of yourself?

Tell yourself that you are proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Did you know that when you are proud of your accomplishments, proud of yourself, this is a sign that you believe in your self-worth? When was the last time you told yourself you were proud of who you are, what you’ve done, what you’ve accomplished? I know for me, this was like a big “AHA” moment in my spiritual evolution. I never told myself I was proud of myself. It wasn’t in my vocabulary.

I didn’t know that this was a thing to do. It wasn’t until one day I was in deep, deep meditation and my higher self came to me and she said, “Amy, I am so proud of you. Are you proud of you?” And immediately I burst into tears. Because until that moment I recognized I never once said I was proud of myself. I never once acknowledged my achievements. And by that point, I had achieved a lot of different things. Do they look like different achievements than other people? Absolutely.

We all have things we should be proud of. And those things can be tiny, tiny little things that we’re doing. Like, we got up on time, we got dressed, we made ourselves a cup of coffee or tea, you’re eating good food. These are things you can be proud of. You can be proud of small accomplishments, big accomplishments.

The thing about being proud of who you are, what you’ve done, is it’s going to increase happiness, increase self-acceptance and increase self-worth. If you have never told yourself you are proud of what you’ve done or who you are, I want you to ask yourself why. And if you haven’t done this in a while, I want you to ask yourself why and the reason why I want you to ask yourself why is you’re going to maybe discover an answer that is connected to your self-worth or give you an “AHA” moment on something bigger and deeper to work on.

If you want to increase your worthiness, your confidence, you have to start looking at the things that you are doing and start setting goals along the way; small obtainable goals. And what I mean by that is saying you want to start a million-dollar business and you expect a million-dollar profit your first month in business. That’s not an obtainable goal without a ton of resources available to you. But starting a business is an obtainable goal. And the first action step might be writing a business plan, or it might be setting up or even coming up with a business name. That might be your very first step. A small obtainable goal based on what you’re wanting to do is going to be really important.

If you are not succeeding in those goals, ask yourself why. The why question, I think is really important. And you might notice that you’re scared. Or you might notice that you need extra resources available to you. Or you need some support in taking the first step. Whatever it is, you want to sit down and look at the goals that you have in front of you and then start making the list, and then start going through each action step and feeling the accomplishment behind the action steps that you take. As you do this, you’re going to feel more accomplished. You’re going to feel better about yourself.

Does the goal have to be this major breakthrough type of goal? No. It could be just making sure you get up on time. That could be the goal. And maybe your action step is to set an alarm that’s on the other side of the room that forces you to get out of bed so you don’t have to hit the snooze button each time. Every type of goal is measured by what it is bringing to you in your life.

Every goal that you are setting in your life has some sort of benefit to you. If you have goals that you have not achieved and it is not bringing you benefit. I’ll give you an example. I had this brilliant idea of making my pantry look so beautiful. I wanted it to be so organized. I wanted it to have all the fancy containers to put all of my things in. And I bought all the containers and my goal was to make this pantry look beautiful.

Well, as I was putting everything in these fancy containers, I realized it was not a practical goal. It was not something that it was meant to be accomplished. I realized that it may look beautiful, but it is not functional for my life. And so that goal was no longer necessary. We have goals throughout our life that we outgrow or they’re just not in alignment or not necessary or not practical.

And if you have a goal and you are just not obtaining it, or you realize it’s just not worth the effort because it’s causing some sort of distress or dis-ease within you and it’s just time to let it go, it is okay. Was I disappointed that my pantry didn’t look like how it would on the Home Edit show? Yes, I was. However, I knew that it just wasn’t practical and it wasn’t worth the stress that it was going to cause me because I like seeing expiration dates on things and I also don’t want to add extra work to my life. And so it just wasn’t necessary for me to hold on to. So I had to make peace with it.

And there’s all sorts of different goals. I know for me, I will come up with some ridiculous goal in my personal life that I think is practical. And then when I start breaking it down, I’ll go, “That’s not practical, Amy. How can I make this easier? How can I make this obtainable?” And so if you feel that the goal is not practical but you still can make it obtainable, look at your workaround for that as well.

The key here is you want to look at goals and you want to look at how you can start being your biggest cheerleader in your life. The more you cheer yourself on, the more that you’re going to increase your self-worth and increase your confidence. Have you told yourself you are proud of yourself? And if you did, did you fully receive it? Because sometimes we can say, “I’m proud of me, I feel great, I’m proud of that goal.” And then we just kind of brush it off. I want you to actually fully receive what you are saying, fully receive it on a heart level, on a gut level, on a cellular level. Tell yourself you are proud of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, name the accomplishment, and feel how proud you are of accomplishing that goal.

And you can accomplish the small steps along the way and you can celebrate those small steps along the way by saying, “I’m proud of you for doing this today. High five girl, high five guy,” whatever it is that you identify as. And I want you to celebrate the win, even celebrate telling yourself you are proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. The more that you start doing this, the more you’re going to start seeing your reality shift and your reality change. I know for me, that big breakthrough I had in my meditation completely changed the way that I showed up in my life.

It completely changed my self worth and it made me realize a lot of things that I worked so hard to achieve and I actually did it. I actually achieved them. So I have a homework assignment for you. One, I want you to set goals. I want you to make sure that you are doing small action steps.

I want you to make sure you are saying that you are proud of yourself. But one more thing that I want you to do for homework is I want you to do is make a list of accomplishments for just this year. And if it’s hard for you to start thinking about that, just do it just for last month. What did you accomplish last month? Were you proud of what you accomplished last month?

They can be small accomplishments. They do not need to be award-winning breaking records. They can be small accomplishments. And I want you to start with just this year because this exercise right here is going to set you up for when we get to the end of the year and you want to start setting goals for next year. So take the time and evaluate this year, and then when you have time, evaluate what you did last year and the year before. Any other major or minor accomplishments that you have not acknowledged. I want you to tell yourself that you are proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

And if you can look in the mirror and do it. Look in your eyes and do it. That’s another powerful exercise that will allow you to have a shift in your soul’s evolution. You deserve happiness, my friend. And I am so proud of you. I’m so proud of you for showing up today. I’m so proud of you for getting curious about yourself. But it doesn’t matter if I’m proud of you. It matters if you are proud of you.

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Please make sure you like and subscribe and I can’t wait to see you soon. Bye.

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