Episode 42: Your Words Are Powerful

Episode 42: Your Words Are Powerful

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The way we speak to ourselves and about ourselves is powerful. Every word spoken enters our subconscious minds and creates our reality. How are your words impacting your experiences?

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Your subconscious cannot take a joke. We often use sarcasm to deflect or avoid something negative, but our subconscious believes those words are facts. It is essential to understand that words impact our experience. To change your reality and rewire your brain, you must start paying attention to those words.

And when you’re paying attention to your words, you need to consider how they impact you.

I have a friend that often announces taking some downtime as, “I’m going to be lazy.” But lazy is a negative word that insinuates it’s better to be perpetually productive than it is to recharge our batteries. It tells our brain that rest is wrong and busy is right. This can have a negative impact on our minds and our soul evolution.


All words can have an enormous impact, so if we start looking at our vocabulary and how it impacts us, we can start shifting it. If you’re stressed out and constantly repeating to yourself, “I’m stressed, I’m stressed, I’m stressed.” How can you reframe that so you don’t continue to attract more stress into your life?

First, pause and take a breath. Then have a talk with yourself:

“I’m saying I am stressed. Yes, I feel stressed right now. So I’m going to acknowledge that’s the feeling I have right now; however, what is it that I truly want to be feeling, and how can I reframe that?”

If I’m stressed, I will say, ” I am stressed. Let me take a breath. I’m feeling more grounded by breathing. I’m feeling more centered.”

This little tiny pause can take away the stress I am feeling so I can reframe to a different word or verbiage I want to experience instead.


If you notice that you are using language that isn’t positive or even making jokes about yourself, don’t beat yourself up. In the past, I would give a lot of dumb blonde jokes to beat people to the punch, but in reality, I was telling myself subconsciously that I felt stupid. So it’s crucial that we pay attention to these things.

Another thing you can do when you’re noticing words impacting you in a way that’s not what you desire is to sit with it. If you catch that you’re saying a particular word repeatedly, you notice, “Wow, that’s interesting, I’m saying that word, but I don’t know how to reframe it,” sit with it. When you sit with it, something new will come up, and then you can ask yourself what the desired outcome is that you want to experience. Ask yourself, “How can I reframe this so that I can start having that particular experience?


Let’s say I have a day with a jam-packed schedule, but I feel run down. Telling myself over and over again that I’m exhausted isn’t going to serve my highest good. It will only increase my fatigue and convince my brain that I don’t have the energy to complete my daily tasks.

I can acknowledge my feelings and then ask myself how I want to feel instead. I recognize my current feeling is fatigue, and my desired feeling is energized. What can I do in a matter of 60 seconds or two minutes that can assist me in feeling energized?

  • A little chant?
  • A boogie-woogie dance?
  • A quick walk around my office?
  • Going outside and putting my feet in the grass?
  • Hydrating myself with electrolytes and minerals?

All these things will have far more impact on creating the experience I want to have than just telling myself the same old story all day about how tired I am! If you notice that you’re spiraling with a particular word or phrase for the day, and that is truly how you feel, what can you do to change it at that moment? And are you willing to do something to change it?


Sometimes I don’t catch those recurring phrases I’m using that feed my subconscious mind with negative beliefs. We can become so accustomed to these thoughts that they aren’t easily recognizable as a problem. One thing that helps me is observing what others are noticing about how I speak.

I like to pay attention to what other people are saying about me. We can all get into a loop where we sound like a broken record and don’t even recognize it’s happening. If I’m in a spiral or a loop that I’m unconscious of, I start to pay attention to how others are reacting to me.

Like, “Wow, you’re tired. You’ve said that a lot lately.” Or, “That’s interesting. You felt like that last week.” My husband often says, “Tell me something different, Amy.” And that phrase cues me to ask myself, “Is there a behavior right now that I am not consciously aware I’m doing? How can I shift that?”


Don’t take it personally when others notice you speaking regularly. Paying attention to other people’s interactions can help you move toward your highest path. Outside observation is a blessing you can receive.

Take a moment to ponder: Is there a word that you constantly say that’s negatively impacting you? And what is that word? Or is there a phrase that maybe your loved one, your romantic partner or friend, or a coworker, has recently mentioned to you that you might say a lot?

Don’t take it personally because they’re noticing the pattern. Sometimes our loved ones, friends, and coworkers can see the pattern much quicker. Lean into the subconscious loop that’s ready to be broken. Give yourself grace and permission to shift and change it!


Words matter. The more you pay attention to your vocabulary and see how it’s supporting you or not supporting you, the more you can observe what reality you are creating for your future. The more you shift your words to the frequency you desire, the easier it will be to manifest those desires in your world.

Get curious about your words because your words matter. Your words are your frequency, and your words are constantly creating your reality. What are you willing to shift to create the reality you truly desire? And what are your blind spots when it comes to the words you are saying that is impacting you negatively?

Sit with it, be with it, and then shift it and change it without any judgment, but with great curiosity and lots of love and grace because you deserve it. You absolutely deserve it.

“Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create joy.”
Deepak Chopra

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello, my friends. I’m so excited you are here. Today we’re going to talk about the impact that words have on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious cannot take a joke. Even if you think you’re being funny or sarcastic, your subconscious cannot take a joke. And so the words that you say matter and how you are saying them and how you’re impacted and reactive to those words also matter as well. So if you want to change your reality, you want to help rewire the brain, you got to pay attention to your words.

And when you’re paying attention to your words, you need to pay attention to how they’re impacting you. So, for example, I have someone dear that I really, really care about. She would constantly say, I’m going to go be lazy. And I would go, ” Stop saying that you’re not going to be lazy. You are relaxing, you’re resting, you’re taking a break.” Because when you say the words, “I’m lazy”, it insinuates that there could be something else that you could be doing, but you’re choosing not to do it, and you feel that you might get in trouble if you don’t do it. And this word can have a negative impact on this person’s soul’s evolution. All words can have this impact. And so if we start looking at our vocabulary and how it impacts us, we can start shifting it.

Another example is let’s say you’re stressed out and you’re constantly saying, “I’m stressed. I am stressed, I am stressed, I am stressed.” How can you reframe that in a way that will allow you to, one, acknowledge that you are stressed, but shift into a different frequency so you don’t continue to attract more stress into your life? One, you can pause and take a breath and then go, “I’m saying I am stressed. Yes, I feel stressed right now. So I’m going to acknowledge that’s the feeling that I have going on right this moment, however, what is it that I truly want to be feeling, and how can I reframe that?”

So for me, if I’m stressed, I’m going to say, ” I am stressed. Let me take a breath. Let me pause. I’m feeling more grounded by breathing. I’m feeling more present by just looking at my breath. Take another breath. I’m feeling more centered as I breathe.” This little tiny pause can take away the stress that I am feeling so then I can reframe to a different word or verbiage that I’m wanting to experience instead. So, for example, take the break, and then I go, “I’m grounded, I’m centered. Stress is melting away from me with each and every breath I take.” So you notice that I’m still acknowledging that that’s going on and now I’m choosing a different focus.

The main thing is to not beat yourself up anytime you notice that you’re saying certain things. I know for me, I would give a lot of dumb blonde jokes to beat people to the punch, to not feel bad about myself. But in reality, I was just telling myself on a subconscious level that I felt stupid. So it’s really important that we pay attention to these things. The other thing that you can do when you’re noticing words that are impacting you and it’s not something that you want, but you’re not sure exactly what you want, sit with it.

So if all of a sudden you catch that you’re saying a particular word over and over and over again and you’re like, “Wow, that’s interesting, I’m saying that word, but I don’t really know how to reframe it.” Sit with it, because when you sit with it, something new will come up. And then you can ask yourself what is truly the desired outcome that I’m wanting to have in this particular moment and how can I reframe it so that I can start experiencing that particular experience? So, for example, if I am feeling tired and I have an entire day’s worth of stuff that I have to do, saying I’m tired over and over again is not going to serve my highest good. I’m just going to continue to feel tired and the tasks that I have to get done are going to be harder to do and that’s no fun.

And so what I can notice is, yes, I’m healing tired. How do I want to feel? I want to feel energized. What can I do in a matter of 60 seconds or two minutes that can assist me in feeling energized? Maybe it’s doing a little chant, maybe it’s doing a little boogie-woogie and doing a little dance. Maybe it’s taking a quick walk back and forth in my office or outside, or going outside and putting my feet in the grass. Maybe it’s going to make a special drink that has some electrolytes in it and some sodium and some potassium because that’s a big thing. Lots of time when we’re tired, we’re not getting enough water and we’re dehydrated. And so I’ll drink some sort of electrolyte drinks that bring my mineral count up. So there are many options that you have.

And so if you notice that you’re spiraling with a particular word or phrase for the day, and that is truly how you feel, what can you do to change it in that particular moment? And are you willing to do something to change it? The other thing with words is when you are experiencing something that you are unconscious about, it’s kind of hard to catch them at first. So for me, I like to pay attention to what other people are saying about me. So if I’m in a spiral or a loop that I’m very unconscious of because it can happen, we can all get into a loop where we sound like a broken record, and we don’t even recognize that that’s happening. Pay attention to what other people are saying to you. Like, “Wow, you’re tired. You’ve said that a lot lately”. Or, “That’s interesting. You felt like that last week.” Or, my husband will say, “Tell me something different, Amy.” And that phrase right there is like, okay, I have an unconscious behavior right now that I am not conscious of. How can I shift that?

And so paying attention to other people’s interactions is going to be also key in recognizing some of the words that we are unconsciously using. So take a moment. Is there a word that you constantly say that’s impacting you in a negative way? And what is that word? Or is there a phrase that maybe your loved one, your romantic partner or friend, or a coworker, has recently mentioned to you that you might say a lot? Don’t take it personal if they bring it up because they’re bringing it up because they’re noticing the pattern. Sometimes our loved ones or friends or coworkers can notice the pattern much quicker than us because we’re in a subconscious loop that’s ready to be broken, and they’re most likely going, “That’s interesting. You said that for, like, the 100th time,” and it happens. So give yourself some grace and give yourself permission to shift it and change it.

One more thing I want to say about words. Words matter. And the more that you can pay attention to your vocabulary and see how it’s supporting you and how it’s not supporting you will give you a clearer indication of what you are creating in the future for your reality. And the more that you shift those words to the words that you want to be in frequency with, the easier it’s going to be for you to create the reality that you truly desire. So get curious about your words, because your words matter. Your words are your frequency, and your words are constantly creating your reality. So what are you willing to shift in order to create the reality that you truly, truly desire? And what are your blind spots when it comes to the words that you are saying that are impacting you in a negative way? Sit with it, be with it, and then shift it and change it without any judgment, but with great curiosity and lots of love and grace, because you deserve it. You deserve it.

All right, my friend. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Make sure you like and subscribe. I’m so excited that we have been connecting and chatting, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode. Bye.

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1 Comment

  1. Drina

    Thank you, Amy, I will follow you, it was a great inspiration and you give us a way how to start changing our lives. I am very grateful


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