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Episode 36: Surrender
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Surrender can be a scary word, but what does it really mean? How can letting go of the need to control every aspect of the outcomes in your life bless you?
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Surrender. It’s such a loose term, but what does it mean? Webster’s Dictionary defines surrender as:
To yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand.
I like to think of surrender in simpler terms. Surrender is letting go of the outcome. Specifically, it is the idea that if you worry about something, you can control what happens. I think the art of surrender is a very spiritual act and can help align us to the highest purpose and highest good. But it sure isn’t easy!
Trying to grasp control of too many things at once often produces stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and intense feelings of overwhelm. But on the flip side, the idea of letting go, which is what surrender truly is, can produce many of the same uncomfortable feelings. Finding the balance between what we can control within healthy boundaries and what we cannot, can be challenging for most of us.
We are creatures of habit, and when we feel we have control of a situation, we are much more comfortable. We try to control our environment. We try to control our time and schedules so we always know what to expect and when. The sense of the unknown is scary for some people. When we don’t feel we have control of what is happening or what might happen, we get stressed out and anxious.
But when we’re trying to control too many things, it also causes the same effect: we are stressed out and anxious, and the more we try to control everything, the less control we actually feel. If we are not practicing surrender, we have this over-controlling nature that wants to take over, convincing us that letting go isn’t possible, but it is.
When we surrender to whatever that’s going on in our lives, the universe will bless us with clarity and peace.
When we try to control everything, and we’re not adaptable to change, it can cause:
- Anxiety
- Frustration
- Lashing out
- Heartache
- Fear of pursuing opportunities
We want to look at surrender from the perspective of being a necessary step in our human experience. Learning we cannot control everything can be a huge step out of our comfort zone, but that is where true growth and positive change happen!
We will see results when we stretch ourselves to the point where we’re uncomfortable and working outside of that comfort zone. We’re to going to have an opportunity to evolve and experience something in a completely different way.
We can’t control everything. True growth and change happen outside of our comfort zone.
How do we work through the practice of surrender when letting go of the situation produces those feelings of stress and anxiety? It starts with a breath. You breathe. Starting with a breath brings us back into our bodies and into the present.
You can explore your feelings when you are fully present in your body, in this time and space, and when your awareness is in the present moment. Breathe and state, “I am in my body. I am here. I am breathing.”
Becoming conscious of yourself when you feel control slipping away reminds you that you are in control of something: yourself. The act of surrender is a choice you can control. You can’t control everything around you, but you can control how you are experiencing it.
Can I surrender this? Can I let this go? Can I give it back to Mother Earth? Can I just be present in my body at this moment in time?
There are moments in time in our life when we have to surrender, and we have to let go of control. You can experience stress, physical tension, fear, worry, etc., but you’re not going to control the situation’s outcome. Surrender to the moment, breathe and give yourself permission to relax.
Surrender to the moment and breathe. As you breathe, give yourself permission to be okay with the outcome. Then you can simply state to yourself, “I’m relaxing into this moment, and I am safe. I am relaxing into this moment, and I am safe.”
Even if you don’t experience an immediate dramatic shift in how you feel, there is almost always a change in how we feel when we pause for a breath. I’m a huge believer that the very act of breathing can help us to surrender to the moment. When we surrender to whatever situation is causing us stress, the universe will be able to reach us with the gift of clarity and a different understanding of the situation.
The simple act of receiving a breath can help us to surrender to the moment.
All too often, we spend more time criticizing ourselves for past choices and then making dramatic changes to counter the effects of those choices, causing a yo-yo effect that is not healthy or balanced. Let’s use eating as an example.
While you usually eat a healthy diet, your eating habits have been out of control, and you haven’t made the best choices for yourself. You notice how you are feeling and then decide that tomorrow, you will get back on the wagon and make better choices. You assert there will be no mistakes, no slip-ups, and you will never again allow even one bite of junk food to pass through your lips.
Because you feel out of control, you go into super control mode, but that is not what the universe wants to bless you with. The awareness of needing to put better food into your body can bless you with the reminder of how sacred and wonderful your body is and that it deserves to be treated well. At this moment, you can acknowledge the choices you’ve made and then surrender to them. You can decide to let go of feeling bad about the past and then express gratitude that you have the opportunity to be blessed with a healthy, functional body.
You can surrender this to the universe, show appreciation for your body, and allow the action steps towards better health to become clear over time. You can take small steps back into your ideal diet and routine without needing to switch wildly between lack of self-control to hyper control of what you are doing or, in this case, eating.
There are moments in time in our life when we have to surrender, and we have to let go of control.
When we embrace the idea of surrendering our past choices or experiences and allow the universe to guide us to take the steps toward positive change, it’s very different than trying to control the situation. It allows flexibility, room for change, appreciation, and gratitude, and for something different to occur than might have been considered before.
You have the opportunity for the universe to show you, “Hey, look at this little thing over here! Why don’t you give this a try?” It pops into your awareness, and you realize, “Oh, that sounds really good. I don’t have to make all these radical changes, I could just do one little thing at a time, and I’m still feeling really good. I’m feeling present, and it’s awesome.”
Our perspective and options open up when we surrender because we’re not controlling the situation. We lose that tunnel vision of the problem and see more clearly how we can move in a different direction.
Our perspective and options open up when we surrender because we’re not controlling the situation.
Anytime I’m feeling stuck and have to surrender to the situation, I’ll tell the universe, “I’m letting this go. I’m surrendering it to you, and I know that whatever is meant to be, you will gift me clarity on that. Thank you.”
“But for now, I’m going to let it go. I’m not going to get stressed out; I’m not going to try to control it. Thank you.” Expressing gratitude for all the ways that letting go of control and surrendering the situation is a powerful tool to use:
- Thank you for hanging onto this for me.
- Thank you for allowing me to surrender this to you.
- Thank you for allowing me to let this go.
I’m so grateful that you will bless me with new opportunities and an understanding of where to go next and what to do. And I’m not going to control that; I’m just going to surrender it. Thank you.
If we took this approach of surrendering more in life, we would have the opportunity to get more excited about what we can be blessed with. I want you to practice surrender. Anytime you notice that you’re gripping onto control for dear life or trying to resist change, ask yourself, “How can I surrender? Let me receive a breath right at this moment.”
You deserve it. You really do deserve to feel the blessing, peace, and power of surrender. Radical change can happen when you surrender and will bless you abundantly. Be open to it. Practice the art of surrender and see how much more the world opens up to you!
Anytime you notice that you’re gripping onto control for dear life or trying to resist change, ask yourself, “How can I surrender?
I will host a FREE 5-day transformational masterclass series called The Soul Evolution Journey. Please join me for 5 soul-shifting days from August 22, 2022 – August 26, 2022, where we will uncover the secrets of your soul and start manifesting your heart’s desires.
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Full transcription of the episode:
Hello, my friend. I am so excited to share with you this very special announcement and this very special invitation. I’m going to be hosting a free five-day event. It’s called the Soul Evolution Master Class series where we’re going to uncover secrets of your soul so that you can start manifesting your heart’s desires. We’re going to talk about manifesting. We’re going to talk about your choices and how you can make those choices really quickly to shift your reality. We’re going to talk about unconscious beliefs.
We’re going to look at past lives, and ancestral patterns. We’re also going to be uncovering gifts and strengths you have and it’s going to be really cool. I’m going to be talking a lot about the Akashic Records and be doing some free, awesome healings. If you’re interested, join us for this free five-day event. You can’t make it live, no worries. You can catch the replays. It’s from August 22 through the 26th.
You can click on the show notes and click on the link in there. Or you can go to my website, and you’ll see a special link to sign up there as well. I can’t wait to see you in this next episode that we’re about to begin. And I can’t wait to see you in the Master Class series. See you soon.
Hello, everyone. How are you doing? I’m so excited to chat with you today. Before we get started, make sure you sign up for the Soul Evolution Masterclass series that is starting August 22 through the 26th of 2022. It’s going to be an amazing manifesting free journey, and I’m going to be talking to you all about different Manifesting tips and tricks about your soul’s evolution. Also going to be talking a lot about the Akashic records. So if you’d like to join me, click the show notes and make sure you sign up. Replays will be available as well.
With that being said, let’s talk about the art of surrendering. It is such a loose term, I think, because often when I hear someone say surrender, what does that mean? What does that actually mean? And how am I not surrendering? In the moment when we are in our lives, which you are right now, which I am right now, we have the tendency to want to control our environment. We want to be comfortable, and we control this by our schedule, by what we do, what we don’t do, where we live, how we live, how we don’t live.
And this control can seem like it’s an amazing thing to have until it becomes out of control. Now, please note, I am not telling you to not be in control, because being in control is a very much important step in our soul’s evolution. Now, with that being said, when we try to control everything and we’re not adaptable to change, that control can cause a lot of anxiety, a lot of fear, a lot of frustration can cause us to lash out, it can cause heartbreak and can cause us to not take advantage of opportunities because it’s not within our control.
It can cause many different reactions that can be positive and can be negative. We want to look at surrender from the perspective of it’s a necessary step in our human experience because we can’t control everything and true growth and change happen outside of our comfort zone.
When we stretch ourselves to the point where we’re uncomfortable and we’re working outside of that comfort zone, we’re going to see change. We’re also going to have an opportunity to evolve. We’re going to have an opportunity to experience something different. And it’s really important to have surrender when you are doing that because a lot of us don’t know what that’s going to look like on the other side of change.
And so we have to surrender in the moment. So how do we actually surrender in the moment when we are faced with something uncomfortable and that we can’t control? You first start with the breath. You breathe. The breath takes you into the present moment. And if you’re still thinking about what’s about to happen and things like that, that does not mean you’re in the present moment. Then you breathe again and you simply state, “I’m in my body, I’m here breathing.
Take a moment, receive a breath. Take a nice deep breath. Inhale in. Exhale out. Give yourself permission to feel your body. I want you to breathe and feel your body. I want you to notice, is there any tension, are you holding any stress in your body? And as you’re noticing, can you surrender to this very moment of just being in your body, not trying to change anything? If you are noticing stress, notice it. And as you’re breathing, I want you to get comfortable with whatever it is that you’re feeling. What are you noticing? Are you noticing tension in your shoulders, in your belly? Are you noticing stress in your back? Now, what I want you to do is I want you to relax.
So relax your shoulders, relax your hips, and I want you to breathe. And as you’re breathing, I want you to ask yourself this very simple question, “Can I surrender this? Can I let this go? Can I give it back to Mother Earth? And can I just be present in my body at this moment in time?” And then I want you to breathe some more. And then you’re just going to let it go. You’re not going to try to control anything. You’re just going to surrender to the moment. And if you can relieve the stress, that’s great. If you’re still holding some tension, send some more breath there. But you’re not going to control the outcome. You’re just going to surrender to the moment and you’re going to breathe. And as you’re breathing, I want you to just give yourself permission to be okay with the outcome. And now you’re going to simply say, “I’m relaxing into this moment. I am safe. I am relaxing into this moment, and I am safe.” Whenever you’re ready, let your breath come back to normal.
I’m going to go out on a limb, and I’m going to say that you at least saw some sort of change. Even if it wasn’t an immediate change, even if it wasn’t a major change, there’s some sort of change by just breathing. And I believe that the very act of breath can help us to surrender to the moment. And there are moments in time in our life that we have to surrender and we have to let go of control. And when we surrender to whatever it is that’s going on in our life, what ends up happening is the universe will bless us with clarity and possibly a different understanding and/or peace. So what do I mean by that?
Let’s say you’ve been eating unhealthy, and your eating has been out of control. You normally have a very controlled diet, but your eating is out of control. And you immediately go, okay, I’m getting back on the health train tomorrow. We’re going to eat really good. I’m not going to make any mistakes, any errors. I’m going to eat so good all throughout the week, never eat a piece of junk food ever again. And so you’re serious about it. This is the part where surrender is required because when you go into control mode, it might not be the very thing that the universe wants to bless you with. When we take a step back and we surrender to the situation.
The situation is you haven’t been eating great, and you want to change. You want to make some changes. The best thing to do at that moment in time is to take a breath and journey inward and acknowledge, you know what? I haven’t been taking care of myself. I’m going to surrender. I’m going to surrender that I’ve made those choices. I’m not going to feel bad about it. It’s already in the past. I’m going to surrender. I’m going to be in my body. I’m going to appreciate my body that it’s working, it’s functioning.
I’m breathing right here, right now. I am breathing, which means I’m alive, and I have the opportunity to be blessed with health. So what’s worked for me in the past might not work for me in the future. What may work is something different. So I’m going to surrender this to the universe, and I’m just going to show appreciation for my body, and I’m going to trust that whatever action steps I’m going to take will come to me within the next few days, and I’ll have a better understanding of what plan to take. But for now, I’m just going to love and appreciate my body, surrender the situation, and surrender to the outcome of change that I’m wanting to make and what that looks like and how it’s going to be done. But first, I’m going to love and appreciate myself.
When you take this approach, it’s very different than trying to control the situation. It allows flexibility, it allows room for change, it allows room for appreciation and gratitude, and it allows room for something different to occur than you have maybe considered. And what I mean by that is you have the opportunity for the universe to go, “Hey, look at this little thing over here. Why don’t you give this a try?” And it pops into your awareness and you’re like, “Oh, that sounds really good. I don’t have to make all these radical changes. I could just do one little thing at a time and I’m still feeling really good. I’m feeling really present and it’s awesome.” So when we surrender, our perspective and our options open up because we’re not controlling the situation, we don’t have tunnel vision in the situation and we want those options to be open.
I know for me, anytime I’m feeling really stuck as well and I do have to surrender to the situation is I’ll let the universe know I’m letting this go. I’m surrendering it to you. And I know whatever is meant to be, you’re going to give me clarity on that. Thank you. But for now, I’m going to let it go. I’m not going to get stressed out. I’m not going to try to control it. Thank you. Thank you for hanging on to this for me. Thank you for allowing me to surrender this to you. Thank you for allowing me to let this go because I am so grateful that you are going to bless me with new opportunities and an understanding on where to go next and what to do. And I’m not going to control that. I’m just going to surrender it. Thank you.
I think if we took this approach more in life, we would have the opportunity to get more excited about what we can be blessed with. So I want you to practice surrender. Any time you notice that you’re gripping onto control for dear life or you’re trying to resist change, ask yourself, how can I surrender? Let me receive a breath right at this moment. Because you deserve it. I really think you deserve it. And radical change can happen when you surrender. And that radical change will bless you with many blessings. So be open to it. Practice the art of surrendering, my friend.
I hope you enjoyed this episode. I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Make sure you like and subscribe and don’t forget to sign up for the Soul Evolution Masterclass series. The link is in the show notes. Bye.
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All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.
Do not watch or listen to any healings or meditations while driving or operating machinery where it is not safe for you to relax and fall asleep.