Episode 211: Activating Your Spiritual Gifts Through DNA Activations

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Discover how DNA activations can awaken your spiritual gifts by unlocking dormant potential in your "junk DNA." In this episode, I share how this transformative process clears limiting beliefs, raises your frequency, and deepens your connection to your higher self.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Awakening with Amy Robeson, the live experience. I’m so excited you are here. If you’re joining us live, say hello. Let me know where you’re tuning in from, how doing. And if you are watching this or listening to this on the streaming platforms, I’m so grateful that you’re here. So welcome, welcome, welcome. Let’s talk about DNA. I’ve been talking about DNA a lot lately. We just got done with our Ancient Wisdom Masterclass series, and we’re about to do our DNA Awakening Accelerator program. It starts at the end of the week. And I’m really excited about this because I think that we talk about DNA, or in the spiritual community, we talk about DNA, but what does that actually mean and how can you benefit from it? So today, what I wanted to talk about is how doing DNA activations wakens your spiritual gifts. Who here wants to have spiritual gifts awakened? Let me know in the comments, in the chat box, do you want spiritual gifts to awaken within you? And if you could have something, a spiritual gift awake within you, what would that be? Is it your intuition Is it to have a certain ability to do something?

What would that be? I would love to hear from you. So with that being said, let’s talk about DNA and the dormant strands within the DNA. You have over 32 trillion cells in your body, trillion cells. Within those cells, the majority of them are… I don’t know. We have DNA in them. Now, with that being said, science used to call and only recognize 2% of the DNA as active and encoded proteins. The rest of it, they would basically call it junk DNA. And I’m a big believer in we have DNA in those strands for a certain reason, and there’s memories that hold and lay dormant within the DNA. And so we want activate the dormant strands so that we can access higher spiritual abilities. Now, I also want to just mention this. We don’t want to glamertize spiritual abilities. Spiritual abilities are here as an effect of doing the work that you’re meant to be doing. It’s really important to recognize that because if you are not doing the work, those strands are not going to get activated. We can activate strands just doing meditation, doing, let’s say, the Akashic records, or let’s say you do hands-on healing.

Different spiritual practices can help you. And then you can also just say, I’m going to activate these DNA, and then you can go and get them activated. And so in the DNA awakening, we accelerate, reactivate 24 strands of DNA, and we restructure it. So with that being said, we don’t want to glamertize the spirit spiritual abilities, what we want to do is we want to awakeen those spiritual abilities to help us and improve our reality, to improve our life, to awakeen to our full capacity. So while we have these dormant strands, and when we start to activate them, what it does is it enhances our intuition, it enhances our psychic abilities. As the DNA activates, it opens up the third eye. Your intuitive centers become more sensitive. So is Is the third eye the only thing that receives information through your intuition? Absolutely not. The third eye is one of many places on how we receive information. But activating the third eye is really important because when we activate the third the way we start to receive information, it allows us to understand on a higher level what our higher self is trying to share.

It also helps us understand what our guides are trying to share. And most importantly, how to ask for support from our guides as well, because I think that we can want something, but sometimes we are not even sure how to even articulate it. So how are we going to ask for support? And so when we start to wake up these centers, we become more intuitive, and when we become more intuitive, we get inspired and we have more insights on what that is. I’m just going to read here. Hi, Heidi. Hi, Cassie. I would love all my Claire’s to enhance. I’ve been told that foresight and seeing auras will be a thing for me. So I’m ready for those. Yay. Awesome. If you’re just hopping on, say hi, let me know what spiritual gifts you’d like to activate, what spiritual gifts you’d like to activate. I love that, Cassie. Hi, Shonda. So the other thing about activating the DNA is we’re also clearing out karmic patterns and ancestral patterns. Let’s first talk about karmic patterns. So karmic Karma is not a dirty word. Karma is not a bad thing. I think that sometimes you’ll hear people say in pop culture, karma got them, or karma acted fast on that, or whatever little saying that they said.

Basically, they’re insinuating that that person did something bad and karma caught up to them. But karma is not bad or good. It’s neutral. It takes into account everything. And so your karma bank can be There’s blessings that are coming your way, and then there’s lessons that can also be coming your way as well. And so when we are healing karmic patterns, we get to experience the lesson or the blessing, depending on what that is. And I think this is really neat because when you have a karmic blessing coming your way, everything comes, it gets a lot easier. It’s just how do we activate that blessing if it’s been being dormant or we didn’t even know we had access to it. And then for karmic patterns that are lessons, when we’re healing that particular pattern, it is an imprint with It’s in the DNA, and it wants to be cleared of that pattern that doesn’t serve the highest good. And sometimes we don’t actually need the lesson to come forward. It’s a pattern that’s just ready to be cleared because we’ve And from the lesson, it just keeps reappearing or encoding within us, and so we can just clear it as well.

This also helps clear out limiting beliefs. This also clears out blockages to your spiritual abilities based on limiting beliefs, based on karma pattern, and based on ancestral pattern. We have all sorts of ancestral patterning within us that serves the highest good, and that also doesn’t serve the highest good. And so when we are working with the DNA activations and we’re activating our spiritual gifts, we are going in to clear out the things that don’t serve and to activate and bring forward the things that do. It’s really powerful and interesting because when you start clearing out patterns, you start getting intuitive downloads, and those intuitive downloads can leave you down a rabbit hole of curiosity. And curiosity allows you to get to the next step, and it’s super powerful. Okay, so another thing that comes up for this DNA activation and restructure method when it comes to activating our spiritual gifts is it raises your vibration and it also allows your energy to be more sensitive. So with the DNA activations, it increases your frequency. Why do you want to increase your frequency? Because when your frequency is, let’s say, not as high as it could be, what you do is you attract the same types of frequencies that are an energy match for you.

And so when you raise your frequency, what you’re doing is you’re bringing the energy, the frequency, forward. That’s an energy match for that new frequency. Tell me in the comments, how do you want to raise your frequency? How do you think that would make you feel if you were just even to raise your frequency by 1%? What do you think would be the impact on that? Do you think you would start feeling different? Do you think you would start perceiving yourself differently? Do you think you would actually perceiving opportunities in a different way? Would you be able to jump on those opportunities in a different way. Let me know in the comments. Heidi said, I would like to heighten my abilities with more clarity, learn how to control or how I do channel. I have been before and have no clue how I did it. That’s awesome. Heal and level up match vibration. Awesome, Heidi. That’s great. So when we lift up that are… Not lift, not lift, but I’m seeing it like an elevator. When we raise our frequency and we become an energy match, even if it’s only by one %, what ends up happening is things get a little easier.

Our perception of what’s available to us changes as well. And where you might have had more pessimistic views around something, you might actually start noticing your perspective changing to be more positive. And this is not about being positive 100% of the time, because that’s impossible. We are having a human experience. And also certainly, emotions, even negative emotions, assist us in having the change in which we seek. If you’re angry about something, When you’re passionate about that particular thing, that anger can be channeled into change, which is really important to understand. That 1% vibrational change, and I’m not saying it’s only 1%, but just that 1% can really change us in the way that attracts more stuff into our life and the things that we’re wanting to attract into our life. It also expands our awareness, our awareness to the work that will allow us to do the spiritual work that we’re to be doing. And that might be more awareness into spiritual tools or modalities that you’re either meant to be studying or learning or possibly even teaching, which is really cool. When I got my DNA activated for the first time, I received this massive download of how to work with and how to do certain types of activations and what I was supposed to be doing and how they would be of benefit.

And when I started receiving this, I started practicing on myself and I was like, This is amazing. I need to share this. I want to practice this. I just even put on an offer. I’m working on something that’s coming through. Who would like to participate in this? I just threw out the offer, and I got an astounding amount of people that were like, yes, I want to try this. It was crazy. I offered it for 30 bucks because I just needed to do some data research. Then most of those people And the large majority of those people ended up doing the full activation with me because we just did the first step that I was seeing, and I got all this research back from it because everybody was having the same experience. And so that validation came back through because I was receiving validation that They’re all experiencing the same thing in all a little bit of a slightly different way, but it’s all the same stuff. And so it’s like, let’s do this. So very, very neat when it comes down to that. Okay, so now not only does it do that, it’s also going to strengthen your connection to your higher self and your sole purpose.

So when we do DNA activations and restructure, what we’re doing is we are restructuring and removing seals. I talked about this in the DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass series, how when our consciousness fell, we ended up having dark forces place certain seals upon us and upon the DNA. And those seals were placed upon the Earth, upon our bodies, and upon our DNA. And some of the seals block our connection with our higher self, block our connection with higher frequency, higher consciousness, make us feel and act a particular way, creates this ease within the body, and so much more. And so when you’re activating this, it’s like the cheat code to, one, not only accelerate your healing, accelerate your path, accelerate your connection, but it’s also going up and cleaning up the jump. It’s cleaning up these programmings that you didn’t have any choice over, and it opens you up to new possibilities, which is really, really neat. Someone asked, let me read some of these comments Shanda, take all situations with enthusiasm. Absolutely. I think I would feel better and trust more. I love that. Heidi said, Hi, Amy, do we need to do activations repeatedly or does it stick after the first activation.

And so keep in mind, you have 32 trillion cells in your body. Most of those cells have DNA strands in them. You’re going to be activating your DNA throughout your lifetime. And what I end up doing personally for myself is with the restructure, that allows the DNA to stick, that particular activation. And so we go in and we activate in the DNA awakening, we activate 24 strands of DNA. What that is particular strands have within them, what we’re clearing, what we’re activating is up to the strands that we’re activating. But you have more strands to activate. We can’t activate all of them at once. And so what I do, and some of my students do is we activate throughout the year again. So we activate 24 strands, and then we go, we have time to integrate, and then we activate another 24 strands. And so if you’re only called to do 24 strands, that’s great. But if you’re called to go deeper and deeper and deeper into this work, that’s always a possibility that you can get more strands activated and restructured. And the restructure process is cool because the more that I’ve done this work, I got my DNA activated in 2016, and I got certified to do this, I believe, in 2017.

And so I have been activated and restructuring my DNA on purpose, knowingly then since then. And the restructure process each and every time I offer this course, each and every time I go in, I’m looking at DNA, and I look at DNA outside of this course as well. I think DNA activations are really important for our spiritual growth and our evolution solution. And there’s always something new that’s coming forward, similar to the work that I do inside the Akashic Records. Nothing is static, nothing is fixed. And because nothing is fixed, the deeper you go, the more that is revealed, and the more that’s revealed, the more that you know, the more that you understand, the more that you can actually go into and understand what maybe once was there in front of you, but you couldn’t see because you didn’t have the awareness or the understanding. And so the deeper you go, the more you understand, the deeper and more expansive your experience can be within whatever work that you are doing in the spiritual work that you are doing it within. So I hope that makes sense. Heidi said, Having more unconditional love, feeling more one with all, not attached, but more connected to all.

That’s beautiful. Shoshana is like, A drip of water can become a full stream of water. Same with vibration. Very poetic. I love it. I said, I would love to download to share with others. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Okay. So let me just take a sip. With activating the DNA and restructuring it, It also allows you to start to channel messages. And channeling, that’s a whole different topic for a whole different episode. But perception of how people channel can sometimes be very skewed because some people don’t actually understand what that means. And so you can receive downloads, you can receive channeling because it bridges your physical and spiritual realities into one, and it allows you to start connecting with higher consciousness. It also It also helps you connect with the light codes within you. And if you’re new to me, I speak light language. I do light codes. I channel them through in all the work that I do. And light codes are these energetic imprints within the DNA that hold divine knowledge, and we can activate those to come forward. And through this, it helps us to integrate those codes, to access the higher wisdom, and to heal as well as remember.

And I think that the remembering process is really important because when we remember, we can make different choices. When we remember, we may have more courage. When we remember, we start accessing different things. And so it becomes super, super powerful. So if you are being guided to do this work, I highly recommend doing it. Even if you’re not drawn to doing it with me, I highly recommend getting your DNA activated and restructured because there’s so many benefits benefits besides connecting with your spiritual gifts. And I think that sharing that you connect with your spiritual gifts is really important, but it’s what those spiritual gifts can do for you is what’s the most important thing is what does that do for you? How does that enhance your life? How does that enhance your experience? And how are you going to run with that information? And that’s totally up to you. And so if you’re interested and you want to get your DNA activated, you can go to the immurobeson. Com/dna. We have 50 % going on right now until the end of the day, which is the 24th. But if you see this and you’re like, I really want to do that, reach out to us.

We’re happy to activate your DNA outside of when we do it with an open form as well. How long will the class be on Friday? It’s usually an hour to 90 minutes long. It’s usually an hour to 20 minutes long. I would love that too, Heidi. Awesome. Yeah, so with the DNA Awakening Accelerator, you get 24 strands DNA activated. You get the restructuring, so we need to remove the seals. There’s also an child in vocation that you get access to. There’s tons of video lessons, tons of bonuses, and most importantly, you’re getting support. You’re getting to be in an experience where it’s just receiving because that’s what this is. This is receiving, and there’s not a punch to homework with it. If you’re taking a Kashic market person with me, there’s homework. There’s lots of stuff for you to do. There’s a little homework assignment, but it’s nothing big. It takes five minutes. That’s it, which is great. If you’re interested, you go to thiamarobuson. Com/dna. I’d love to see you in the course if this makes sense for you. But most importantly, what and why are you being all to explore DNA activations because I think that also helps you understand where you’re going and why you might be drawn to it.

Because when I learned about DNA activations and restructure for the first time, it was like my whole soul was like, I need that. I don’t know what that is. I need that. And when I got certified to do it, I didn’t even have the money to get certified at the time to do it. I just knew every part of my body and being was meant to be studying this because it was so crucial for my soul’s evolution. And I have activated many, many, many, many, many Someone said, do you teach the certification? I am. I have the course all put together. The prerequisite will be Sacred Awakening, so you do need to be a level one Sacred Awakening student. We do have our level one course coming up in February. And so if you’re interested in joining our masterclass series, that will be absolutely free. It’s a 10-day series that’s going to start, I believe, February 17th. And you can go to the in https://theamyrobeson.com/masterclass and sign up. It’s a 10-day series where we talk about the records. And then if you’re interested in learning and getting certified in the records, you can do that as well.

But that will be a prerequisite to it, how I do it. So How I do it, and I can’t imagine doing it without the record. So my dear. I hope you enjoyed today’s live. I hope to see you in the next one. We will be doing another live soon. I don’t know what our schedule is coming up because I… Do I have it in here? Let me see. We got so many things coming up. It’s just insane. Oh, we’re going to… Our next live will be Thursday, 1:00 PM, YouTube, January 30th. If you’d like to join us 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern, 11:00 AM Pacific, join us and we’ll be here. So awesome, friends. I hope you enjoyed today. I hope to see you in the course. If it makes sense, if it doesn’t, no worries. Trust your heart, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one. Take care. Bye..

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