Episode 205: Energy Alignment: How to Raise Your Vibration for More Abundance

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In this episode, I explore how our thoughts, words, and actions create our personal vibrations, and how aligning with our goals leads to more joy and ease in life. I share personal experiences and practical tools, including spiritual practices and emotional detoxes, to help raise your frequency. We also discuss the power of shifting from fear to faith to unlock new opportunities and align with your true purpose.

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We’ve all heard phrases like “raise your vibration” and “get in alignment,” but how do you actually do that?

I believe that being energetically aligned with something brings you more joy, more ease, and a sense of grace.

When you’re in alignment, things don’t feel as hard to step into.

It’s like everything just flows because your vibration is a match.

But when it’s not a frequency match, it’s simply not going to happen.

So, let’s break it down.

What does vibration really mean?

📳⚡ Understanding Vibration and Energy

We are all energy.

Everything around us is energy—the desk, the chair, your body—they’re all energetic frequencies.

Our thoughts, our words, our deeds, and our actions make up our energy signature, our frequency.

What you say, how you do it, and what you focus on are all part of the energy you’re putting out into the world.

In order to align with your goals, dreams, and desires, you must be a vibrational match for them.

This means taking inventory of what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, and what you’re doing—or not doing—to see if you’re in alignment.

💪 Personal Experience with Energy Shift

I’ll never forget the first time I felt a shift in my frequency.

I was working as a cocktail waitress, driving home late after the bar had closed.

I remember repeating this mantra to myself, feeling it deep in my bones.

The words were: “I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich.”

And as I said it, I could feel my energy rising.

I could feel my joy expanding.

It was as if old habits, old truths, just fell away from me.

Do words help you instantly shift your vibration?

They can, but you have to lean into believing them.

If you don’t truly believe it, your energy won’t shift.

When there’s a separation between what you’re saying and what you’re truly feeling, it won’t have the power to shift your energy.

But at that particular moment, I just knew it.

When I said “rich,” I felt it on a level that went beyond money.

It wasn’t about having an abundant amount of cash or possessions—it was deeper.

I could feel it in my bones, in the very cells of my body, that I was going to be rich in life, rich in every area of my life.

I believed it.

Every ounce of my being knew it.

It’s such a beautiful thing to witness—someone experiencing a vibrational shift.

They’re done with the old, and they’re stepping into the new.

🦋 Transformation and Alignment

I get to witness this often in the programs I teach.

While I see this in all of them, one of the most common stories I hear, particularly from Sacred Awakening students in my Akashic Records program, is: “I don’t even recognize the person I used to be.”

In just four short months, someone can go from, “This is my life,” to “This is my life now.”

This is my frequency now.

And often, I hear students say, “I’m a completely different person.”

The reason they feel this way—and why they feel their life has changed for the better—is because they are mastering their vibration in the present moment.

They’re shifting out of an old vibration and into a new one.

To get into energetic alignment and create a more abundant life, you have to be willing to do the work.

You have to be willing to look at where your heart is guiding you, to examine your current energy versus where you want it to be.

This requires honesty with yourself about where you’re truly vibrating.

I’ve had to give myself pep talks about my health over the last seven or eight years, especially with the autoimmune challenges that keep showing up.

Each time something new arises, it feels like poking at an old wound that I thought I had healed.

But it’s still there, and it’s time to take a deeper look.

This is how we get to a new layer of understanding, a new truth that helps us evolve.

For me, I remember specifically this year, I had to throw myself a pity party.

I really had to go there.

And you know what?

That pity party helped me break free from that old vibration.

When I talk about vibration, I’m not saying you need to be positive 100% of the time—that’s simply not possible.

Sometimes, you can have breakthroughs and shift from one frequency to another through grieving, having a pity party, through letting yourself feel those emotions.

And then, when you’re ready, you dust yourself off and say, “Okay, that felt good.”

I cried, I was upset, but I realized that the old way wasn’t working for me anymore.

It was time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and navigating this new health journey I was on.

For any of you out there who are struggling with health, relationships, money, or any challenge—know this: you are a frequent match for that challenge.

So, the question is, how can you shift out of that frequency and into the aligned frequency of what you truly want to create?

It takes work, and it takes time.

Most of the time, you have to take a hard look at what you’re doing and ask yourself if it aligns with where you want to go.

🧘‍♀️ Spiritual Practices for Alignment

Many alignment practices will be spiritual in nature, but they can help you become a vibrational match for where you want to be.

Meditation is one of those practices.

It helps you hear the answers from creation, God, the universe, or whatever sacred name you give that beautiful frequency.

Journaling is another powerful tool.

When you uncensor your thoughts, you’re clearing out the mental, emotional, and physical clutter that’s taking up space.

Letting that go creates room for new thoughts, new frequencies—more joy, more happiness, more love.

You have to make space.

If you’re bogged down by heavy, unresolved stuff or even the little things that accumulate over time, there’s no room for joy, or abundance.

You’ve got to create the space.

So, find the spiritual practices that help you do just that—make space for more abundance and more joy in your life.

💆‍♀️ Energetic Detox

Another powerful way to align with more abundance and raise your frequency is by doing an energetic detox.

This could mean cleaning out old files on your computer or phone, or even taking a break from electronics altogether.

My husband and I did a 30-day challenge where we didn’t watch any TV, and it turned out to be quite interesting.

I’m not someone who gravitates toward TV, but I realized that during emotionally stressful days, it was the one thing I wanted to use to escape the emotional baggage I was feeling at that moment.

It was a fascinating experiment, and I’m definitely going to do it again.

We’ve already cut back on TV a lot, but it was fascinating to witness how I leaned on it for escape, especially on tough days.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have admitted I had an issue with it, but detoxing from it gave me valuable insight. It was a great experiment that really opened my eyes.

Doing these detoxes is crucial for a nervous system reset.

It’s also an excellent way to understand how your psyche, mental body, ego, and other aspects of yourself influence your behavior and keep you stuck in a particular frequency.

These detoxes can be incredibly helpful for shifting your energy.

When I talk about an energetic detox, I’m also referring to giving yourself permission to let go of emotional baggage, mental clutter, and spiritual struggles or unresolved wishes you’ve been holding onto because you haven’t made space to release them.

Detoxing can take many different forms—there are countless creative ways to detox from whatever it is you want to release.

This process is also about doing deep inner work, and that inner work is key to raising your frequency and vibration.

⏰ Daily Habits and Time Management

Let’s talk about daily habits: how you spend your time will directly impact your frequency.

So it’s important to be mindful of how you’re using your time and what you’re focusing on.

You can also do a time audit to examine how you’re actually spending your time.

When you take a look, you’ll often realize you have more time than you thought.

You can then fill those spaces with activities that raise your frequency—things you truly want to do.

Don’t feel guilty about letting go of things that aren’t serving you; sometimes, it’s those very things that need to be released in order to set you free.

😨🙏 Fear vs. Faith

I want to talk about fear versus faith.

When you’re striving for energetic alignment and trying to raise your frequency, it’s important to recognize that you are either in fear or in faith.

Both take the same amount of energy, so why not choose faith?

If you’re in fear, be honest with yourself about what you’re afraid of, so you can unpack it, release it, and then lean into faith.

That’s what will raise your frequency.

Even though fear and faith require the same energy, your frequency is much higher when you’re in faith.

You feel more joy, excitement, openness, and expansiveness.

In contrast, when you’re in fear, you collapse inward.

And what happens next?

The universe often responds by sending you more fear-based experiences to affirm that as your reality.

But when you lean into faith, it feels amazing.

I know this from personal experience.

My husband and I are embarking on a new business venture, and I am so incredibly excited about it.

Could it fail? Absolutely.

Could it succeed? Definitely.

But I’m choosing to embrace the excitement, knowing that I’m going in with faith.

I’ve been receiving downloads about this venture for quite some time, and I’m eager to see where it leads.

Yes, there will be challenges and fears to face, but I’m ready to navigate them with faith.

While my husband may not know exactly how things will unfold, he trusts that I understand my world, and he’s putting his faith in me.

It’s so incredible to witness.

But just because he has faith in me doesn’t mean he fully understands everything, nor does it mean he’s without fears.

What’s important to recognize is that his doubts or fears shouldn’t impact my own perception.

Let me say it this way: if my husband were consumed by fear, with doubts and uncertainty, should that cause me to shift into fear and lose my faith?

Absolutely not.

Just because someone else is in fear doesn’t mean they should be able to knock you out of your faith zone.

They don’t have to understand what you’re doing, and they don’t have to be your biggest cheerleader.

Sure, it would be nice if they were, but some things you’re meant to do won’t make sense to others.

It’s not for them to get—it’s for you to stay in your lane, expand, and align with your purpose.

Eventually, you’ll look back and say, “See? This is what I was trying to share with you.”

It’s such a rewarding experience when family or friends finally understand that “weird” thing you were so passionate about, or that out-there idea you had complete faith in, even when they didn’t.

That’s where true alignment is found.

Give yourself permission to have faith, but also be smart about it.

Don’t be naive.

If you want to be a heart doctor, for example, you still need to go to school.

Faith is important, but skipping the necessary steps won’t get you any closer to your goal.

There are steps that must be taken, and faith is required in each one.

Even if it’s just a tiny mustard seed of faith, trust that it will grow and expand.

You are your biggest cheerleader.

You are the one who can align yourself and expand your energy.

Make up your mind that you’re going all in because that’s what it takes. All in.

For me, I love examining my thoughts, actions, deeds, and words.

I enjoy observing them because if they’re not aligning with what I truly want to achieve, it’s time to shift.

It’s important to adjust and get out of that frequency, moving into one that’s a better vibrational match for my goals.

If you have fears, take a step back and honestly evaluate them.

Peel back the layers, unpack them, and work through them.

You can fully align yourself energetically, bringing more abundance and joy into your life, by having faith in yourself and in the “weird” things you’re pursuing—whether it’s a project or a dream.

That faith will bring more opportunities your way.

Engage in your spiritual practices and, most importantly, give yourself permission to rise, to increase your frequency, because you absolutely deserve it, my friend.

With love and blessings,

Amy Robeson

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hey, Amy Robeson here. Thank you for joining me on this podcast where we talk about spirituality, the awakening process, mental health, and so much more. Join me weekly to get your weekly dose of spirituality and medicine. I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Hello, and welcome to today’s episode. I’m so excited you are here. We all heard different phrases like, raise your vibration, get an alignment. But how do you actually do that? I know that being energetically aligned to something will bring you more joy, will bring you more ease, will feel more graceful and feel a lot less harder to do or to step into if your vibration is a frequency match. When it’s not a frequency match, it’s just not going to happen. So let’s define what vibration means. We’re all energy. Everything is energy. A desk, a chair, your body is an energetic frequency. Our thoughts, our words, our deeds, our actions is what makes up your energy signature, your energy frequency. And so what you say and how you do it and what you go about doing is all accumulation of what you’re doing and what you’re thinking about.

And so in order to get in alignment with your goals, your dreams, your desires, you have to be a vibrational match for it. So you have to do an inventory of what you are saying and how you are saying and what you are doing and what you are not doing to see if you’re vibrational match. I remember the very first time in my life where I could feel a shift in my frequency. I was working as a cocktail waitress, and I was driving home super late. It was after bar close, and I just remember repeating this mantra to myself, and I could I could feel it in my bones. I could feel this energy shift, and that was, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich. I could feel my energy rising. I could feel my joy expanding. I could feel my energy expanding. I could feel old habits or old truths just falling away from me. And do words help you instantly shift your vibration? They can, but you have to lean into actually believing it. If you don’t believe it, it’s not going to shift your energy. If there’s this separation between you and what you are saying, it’s not going to shift your energy.

But in that particular moment, I knew it. When I’m saying rich, I was feeling it beyond money. It wasn’t like this, I’m going to have this abundant amount of money and I’m rich. It It wasn’t like that. It was I could feel in my bones, I could feel in my cells of my body that I was going to be rich at life, rich in all areas of my life, and I believed it. I could feel it in every ounce of my body and being. And it’s so beautiful to see and to witness someone have a vibrational switch, vibrational energy. We’re done with that, and this is what we’re stepping into. And I get to witness this a lot in my programs that I teach. And one of the ones that I see a lot, I see it in all of them, but I have a lot of stories that people share with me with different programs that they take. And one of the common stories that I hear from Sacred Awakening students, my Akashic Record program is, I don’t even recognize that old person of who I used to be. So in four short months, someone can go from, this is my life to, this is my life now.

This is my frequency now. And oftentimes I will hear students share, I’m a completely different person. And the reason why they feel like a completely different person, and the reason why they feel like their life has changed for the better is because they are mastering their vibration in that particular moment and shifting out of an old vibration and into a new vibration. And so in order to get into energetic alignment and have a more abundant life is you got to be willing to do the work, and you got to be willing to take a look at where your heart is guiding you to go, what your energy is really like versus where you want it to be. And this takes honest truth with yourself on where you’re truly vibrating at. I’ve had to have a pep talk with myself about my health over the last seven, eight years because I’ve had all sorts of different autoimmune things come up. And when something new comes up, it’s like poking at an old wound that you thought you healed, but it’s there and it’s time for you to take a look at it again. And so you can get to a new layer, a new truth of your understanding.

And so for me, I remember specifically this year, I had to have a pity party. I had to have a pity party for myself. And just because I had a pity party, it helped me break out of that vibration. And so when I’m talking about vibration, I’m not saying be positive 100% of the time, because one, that is not possible. Sometimes you You can have breakthroughs and shift out of an old frequency and into a new frequency by morning, by grieving, by having a pity party, by dusting yourself off when you’re done having that pity party and going, okay, that made me feel good. I had tears. I was upset. I realized that that wasn’t working for me anymore and that I had to get really comfortable with being uncomfortable navigating my the new health journey that I was on. For any of you that is out there and you are struggling with health or you’re struggling with relationships or you’re struggling with money or you’re struggling with fill in the blank. You are a frequency match for that challenge. And so how can you shift out of that frequency into an aligned frequency for what you’re wanting to do?

And it takes work and it takes time. And most of the time, you have to look at what you are doing and if it’s in alignment with where you’re wanting to go. And a lot of alignment practices are going to be spiritual practices that can help you get into alignment with where you are wanting to be a vibrational match. And so meditating, that’s going to help you, one, hear the answers to your hear the answers from creation, God, universe, whatever sacred title you give that beautiful frequency. When you’re journaling and you’re uncensoring your thoughts, you’re letting go of the garbage that’s taking up space in your mental body, your emotional body, your physical body. And when you let that go, you make space for new thoughts, new frequency, more joy, more happiness, more love. You got to make space because if you’re bogged down with just nothing but heavy, heavy, heavy stuff that you have not processed or not so heavy, but it’s just the tiny little things that accumulate, you don’t have space for more joy. You don’t have space for more abundance. You got to make space. So Find the spiritual practices that help you make space for more abundance, more joy in your life.

Another way to align with more abundance and raise your frequency is to do an energetic detox. And an energetic detox can be cleaning out some old junk off your computer, off your phone, It can be taking a break from electronics. My husband and I did a 30-day challenge where we didn’t watch any TV. It was actually quite interesting because I’m not one that gravitates towards TV, but I realized that when I was having an emotional stressful day, that during that 30 days, that was the one thing that I wanted to do to escape that emotional baggage that I was feeling at that particular moment in time. And so it was a fascinating experiment, totally going to do it again. And cut back on T. We’ve You cut back on TV quite a bit, but it’s fascinating. And for me, I like watching different shows for educational reasons and things like that. And so it was just a fascinating thing to detox from and to witness not when it was just a normal day, but when I was having a very rough day, how I would lean on that for escape. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have told I had an issue with that, but it was interesting to actually detox from it to see what that experiment was like.

Doing these detoxes are, one, I think a crucial for a nervous system reset. It’s also a great way to understand how your psyche, how your mental body, how your ego, and how everything else is influencing you to behave and to act a certain way, which is keeping you in a particular frequency. And so doing these detoxes can be really, really helpful. Also, when I’m saying doing an energetic detox, this can also be giving yourself permission to let go of emotional baggage, giving yourself permission to let go of mental mind clutter, to let go of spiritual mishaps or spiritual wishes that you’re giving yourself a hard time over because you haven’t made the space for. The detoxes can be in any different way, in any different… Many different creative endeavors that you can take on to detox from whatever it is that you’re wanting to release yourself from. This is also doing a lot of deep inner work, and doing that deep inner work will assist you in raising your frequency and vibration. Let’s talk about daily habits. How you spend your time is going to definitely impact your frequency. And so being mindful of what you’re spending your time on.

You can also do a time audit and take a look at what am I actually spending my time on? Because when you do that time audit, you’re going to realize you have a lot more time than you thought you did. And you can stick the things that you really want to be doing that will help you raise your frequency into the spaces that you are wasting your time on. It could be anything. Don’t feel guilty about letting go of certain things because sometimes it’s the very thing that’s going to set you free. Now, before we end this episode, I want to talk about fear versus faith, because when we’re trying to get into energetic alignment and we’re trying to raise our frequency, it’s important to understand that you are either in fear or you are either in faith. It takes the same amount of energy to be in fear and faith. Which one sounds better? If you are in fear, can you be honest with yourself on what you are in fear of so that you can unpack it, you can unsheccle yourself from it, and you can work through it, and then you can lean into faith, which then will raise your frequency.

Even though they take the same amount of energy, fear and faith, your frequency is higher when you’re in faith. You are in more joy, you are in more excitement, you are in this state of receiving and being open and expansive. But when you’re in fear, what happens is you collapse, you collapse inward. And what will happen is the universe is going to go, I I don’t think you’re ready for that. Let me send you more fear things to assist you in making that your truth and your only truth. When you’re in faith, oh my goodness, it feels so good. I know that my husband and I were going on a new business endeavor, and I am so freaking excited about it. Can it fail? Absolutely. Can it succeed? Absolutely. I’m going to be in the boat that this is going to go fantastic. Are there going to be challenges? Absolutely. Am I going to face some fears of mine while going through this new endeavor? Absolutely. But I’m super excited about it because I’m going to have faith because I’ve been getting these downloads to do this thing for quite some time, and I’m really excited about doing it.

And while my husband might not know exactly how it’s going to all go, he’s trusting that it’s my world and I understand it, and he’s going to have faith in me. And it’s so cool to see and to witness. And just because my husband has faith in me, it doesn’t mean he understands. Also, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have fears. Also, it doesn’t mean that his perception of what is going to happen should impact my perception. Let me say that slightly different. Let’s say my husband was in fear and had all these doubts and all these fears. Could Should that bleed into my perception, move me into fear, and knock me out of it? Absolutely. It’s really important to understand that just because somebody else is in fear doesn’t mean that they get to knock you out of your faith zone. They don’t have to understand things. They don’t have to be your biggest cheerleader. It would be nice if they were. But some of the things that you are meant to be doing, people aren’t going to get. They’re going to think it’s weird. It’s not for them to get. It’s for you to stay in your lane, to allow yourself to expand, to allow yourself to get into alignment, because one day you’re going to be looking back at them and going, See, this is what I was trying to share with you.

This is what I had faith in. It is such a cool experience when family or friends finally get the weird thing that you’re trying to do or the way out there idea that you had 100% faith in, but they didn’t. That’s where true alignment is. It’s like, give yourself permission to have faith. Be smart about it as well. Don’t be naive. If you want to be a heart doctor, you still got to go to school. You got to have faith, but not going to school is not going to get you closer to being a heart doctor. If you want to do certain things, there are certain steps that you have to take, and faith is required along all of the steps. When you have faith, even if it’s a tiny mustard seed of faith, that’s going to grow and that’s going to expand. You are your biggest cheerleader. You are the one that can assist you in getting an alignment. You are the one that can assist you in expanding your energy. You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, and you got to be all in on it, my friend, all in on it.

For me, I am just constantly re… Not constantly. Let me say that slightly different because I’m not neurotic about it. Hold on. Erin, just take that all out about that I’m constantly. For me, I love looking at my thoughts. I love looking at my actions. I love looking at my deeds. I love looking at and observing my words because if they are not matching what I’m wanting to do, it’s time for me to shift and to change and to get out of that frequency and into the one that is a vibrational match. And if you do have fears, lean back and take a look at them, peel back them, and be honest with yourself so you can unpack them and work through them. You can get into full energetic alignment and have more abundance and have more joy in your life by having the faith in yourself to do so, by having the faith in the weird thing, the project, the whatever that it is, because that’s going to bring more opportunities your way. Do your spiritual practices, and most importantly, give yourself permission to rise, to increase your frequency because you deserve it, my friend.

All right. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please share this with a friend. Please hit the like button, leave a review, leave a comment. Also, if you’re on YouTube, hit the bell notification so you get notified anytime we release a new video or go live because we have a live show. If you haven’t checked that out, you can go to theamyberobeson. Com/free and check out when our next live experience is. We always upload those live experiences onto the podcast streaming platforms as well. So have fun, my friends. Take care. Bye.

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