Healing Power Of Crystals

Episode 185: The Healing Power of Crystals

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In this live episode, I explore the healing power of crystals and share how they've been a part of my personal journey. We discuss the importance of ethically sourced crystals and how their energy is influenced by how they're mined. I also guide a crystal healing meditation for grounding and balance. Begin your healing journey with crystals today!

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Awakening with Amy Robeson, the live experience. I’m so excited you are here, my friend. Today, we are talking about healing crystals, the magical world of crystals. I love, love, love, love, love crystals. It is one of my favorite things. If you are watching this live, let me know if you can hear me and see me. And if you are watching this as a replay on the podcast streaming platforms and you would like to join the live experience, we do this once a week live on YouTube, and I would love for you to join us live. It’s an interactive experience that I love to do. It’s so much fun, and I love to hear from you guys. So let’s talk about crystals, and let’s see if you guys have seen some of these. If you’ve not seen some of these, if you have, if you’re not, it’s okay. It’s great. I think that crystals are so different in all the ways that they come, and It’s just a magical thing that the Earth has made these. They have grown in the Earth for millions. If you think about that, that’s crazy. Millions and millions of years.

And they have been infused with all sorts of powerful frequencies and consciousness that want to support us on our journeys. I have been around crystals my entire life. My grandma has collected crystals, my mom has collected crystals. And so naturally, when I was an adult, I started collecting them even more. And I just… I think they’re so magical. I really, really do. So thank you all for joining me. Welcome, everybody. Welcome Patricia, Karen, Adriana, Amber. And I’m sorry if I’m seeing your name wrong. Welcome. Thank you, Vicky, for letting me know you can hear me. Kim, there’s such a delay on the the apps that we use to YouTube. And so I never know if you guys can hear me or not. It’s something that I’m still working through, processing in my head. So thank you. Okay, so what I want to first talk about when it comes to crystals. And if you have any specific questions about crystals, let me know in the comments as well. And just take a quick sip of water. First, let’s talk about what crystals can do for you. So I’ve got some chunkier pieces that I’m going to show today.

I’m going to show some smaller pieces. So this rose quartz that I’m holding, this is raw rose quartz. I think we’ve all heard of rose quartz before. This is a nice raw piece. My light’s making it look more white. It’s actually a really pretty dark pink. Rose quartz actually helps activate DNA. It’s a cool to know and to experience. Rose quartz is the love stone of our time. It helps you love all of the pieces of yourself. And I think that this is really important. Every single crystal can help us with our healing journey. It can help us anywhere from healing to manifesting to contemplation, to bring something forward or to let go of something. So this particular stone, rose quartz, helps you love all of the bits and pieces of yourself. Sometimes we might love only different aspects of ourselves, but this stone really helps you to bring in divine love. And I wanted to start with this particular stone because this is a heart-centered stone. And I think when we work with the heart and when we work with crystals that can heal the heart, because oftentimes a lot of people want to protect their heart because they don’t want to be heartbroken, they’ve been hurt in the past.

And that could be from people they’ve loved or from romantic partners or from friends, whatever the case is, we’ve been hurt in the past in some way, shape, or form, and we can protect ourselves knowingly or unknowingly. And we have coping mechanisms, and we have protection mechanisms in place. And this particular stone helps to heal the heart. It also assists in bringing in that divine love and loving all aspects of ourself. This is a really heart-centered stone. It’s a water element stone. And so it infuses love into all parts of our body and being. And this particular crystal, I think it’s really important to also know that how crystals our mind also affects their vibration and the way that we connect with them. This particular crystal I purchased from an ethical mind dealer in… Where is it? Why am I drawing the blank Brazil. And it costs more because they’re doing all the right practices to safely bring things out of the Earth and to treat the stones with love and respect. And so they’re really sweet when they’re protected. Sometimes they’re just ripped out of the Earth with all ethical practices put in place.

And so it does make a difference in their frequency. And so anytime we’re working with stones, you have to remember, they have a frequency, we have a frequency, and they’re assisting us in our frequency. And so we want to always take care of our Stones. We want to always look after them, love them, support them so that they can support us. And so anytime I get new crystals, we give away a lot of crystals. For Sacred Awakening, I give everybody crystal kits. For most all of our Sacred Awakening levels, which is my Akashic record program, we give crystal kits. And so we ship thousands and thousands of crystals throughout the year in these kits. And so anytime we get our crystals, we end up making sure that they are cleansed and activated so that they can do their best job to support our students in the way that they want to be supported for whatever it is that we’re working on in that particular course because we have all sorts of different levels. So that’s our Rose Quartz. And if you’re watching this, say, Hi, Let me know if you like that one. Let me know if that Rose Quartz is calling to you.

Because that’s the cool thing about crystals is they will start calling to you, and it will be like, you can’t stop thinking about it. And so if there is a crystal, you’re ever in a crystal store, you’re noticing that you’ve been walking around with that crystal in your hand, that crystal is for you. I remember I went to a show, and there was a piece of lemon quartz, and I couldn’t find it right this second. I was hoping to find it before we hopped on live. Lemon quartz, and it was very expensive crystal at the time. Crystals have gone up in price a lot since then, but it still was a very expensive crystal. And that particular crystal, I could not stop thinking about it. And we were getting ready to leave for the airport, and I was like, I got to go get this crystal. I need it. So all crystals speak to us. They’re little light beings inside of there that they don’t have legs, but they have frequency. And we are energy, they are energy, and they can support us. And what they do is they support us in bringing things towards us, or they support us, and or I should say, they support us in releasing negative energy, releasing things out of our field, or bringing things towards us as well.

They also support in healing healing the body. So the different aspects of our being, our mind, body, soul. They support us in our emotional bodies as well, our physical, our mental, our spiritual, our ego, and our inner child. They support us in healing those. And the type of support and the type of healing will depend on each particular stone. This next stone that I want to show you, I decided to pick bigger stones today, and both of these are rough. So this rose quartz that I’m holding here is rough. This is also a rough stone as well. They can polish it. They can carve them into stones, everything like that. But this particular one is Amzanite. And I love this stone because it’s the Stone of Harmony. It allows you to communicate your truth. It allows you to bring in peace as well. And what it does is it works in the throat chakra in particular. And this is really important because oftentimes when it comes to communication, either the throat chakra is super closed because people are scared to speak or it’s very blown out. And what I mean by blown out is that These are the type of people that chat, chat, chat, talk, talk, talk, talk, spent all of their time talking.

These are usually long-winded people as well. They usually can’t take a break in the conversation. They want to talk, or you have the opposite where someone’s really scared to talk. Whatever the case is, we want to balance this chakra. And when we want to balance it, we don’t want it to be blown out, and we don’t want it to be collapsed or narrowed or blocked. And this particular stone assists with healing that particular chakra. Now, with that being said, there’s all sorts of different crystals that can heal all sorts of different chakras, too. So this one works with the throat, where the rose quartz works with the heart. These are all going to be very big power centers for us because we have all of our chakras, our seven major power centers. And when we have these power centers, this is how we receive, this is how we move through life, this is how we create. And we can use crystals to support them being in balance so we can be in balance as well. I need to take another sip of water. Let me read some of these comments. Rose Quartz was one of my crystals you gifted me when I joined sacred, Kashik Records level one.

So special. That was from Amber. Yay. Brad said he wears it. Patricia said, he It says, Love Rose Quartz, and I have one. Nisha? I’m so sorry if I’m saying your name wrong. I have a big chunk of rose quartz. I love rose quartz. I think it’s such a special stone. It was one of the very first stones my mom gifted me as a teenager that I remember very specifically getting a crystal from her at a very pivotal time in our life as well. So it’s just a really special stone. Let’s Let me see. Rosequartz is my favorite stone to open my Akashic records. And if you’re new to me, I teach the Akashic records. I teach people to open their records using crystal and energy. Every student gets a unique combination of crystals that we pick out for them and activate. You don’t need physical crystals to work with crystal and energy. We can work with crystal and energy without having the physical crystal. And that’s why I’m trying to show these crystals as well, because when you see them, they can support you just by looking at them as well. And you don’t even have to physically see them.

You can just feel them or sense them or know them as well. And so if there is a crystal out of the crystal store and you’re like, I really wish I could buy that right now, but it doesn’t make sense for me to purchase it. I know that there was a crystal that I wanted, but it didn’t make sense for me to purchase at the time. And so I just took a picture of it and I had it on my phone for the amount of time that I wanted to just see the crystal and with its energy. And it was so beautiful to just do that. And so if you ever come across a crystal and you’re like, It just doesn’t make sense for me to purchase at this time, or it’s just not in the budget, or whatever the case is, just take a picture of it and it’s perfect. Okay, let’s Let me see what else. Danny, what are some crystals that we can use to assist with connecting with the Akashic Records? So there are a couple of different Akashic Records crystals that support with the records. And one particular one, I don’t have one on my desk.

I wish I would have brought it, is it’s called Candle Cords or Pineapple Cords. And that’s in a particular Akashic Records stone that I really like. Barbara, what is the name of the crystal for the throat chakra? This is Amazonite. It’s a teal crystal. It’s really beautiful. It can have white in it as well. It’s all sorts of different. It could be a really teal, ocean blue. It can have a little bit of gray or a little bit of rust in it as well, depending on where they cut it. Blue Stones, Danny said, Amzonite for throat chakra. Blue Stones in general are great for the throat. Yes. Sotolite, sapphire, lapis. Yes, absolutely. Kim said, I have a couple of… Oh, man, I can’t say that. Was told to avoid rose quartz. What are your thoughts? I think that when you’re working with particular frequencies, You have to trust what your gut is saying. So when it comes to when someone says, don’t use something, that might be for a specific moment in time, not ever. I’ve seen people where they’re being guided to only use clear clear quartz crystals. That’s great. Clear quartz crystals are an amazing amplifier.

They’re amazing manifesting stone. They’re very programmable, but that’s only for a period in time. It’s never an indefinite answer to, yes, that’s it. So, Kim, I would question and I would ask yourself, are you drawn to that particular crystal? And if you are, I would start working with it because there’s nothing… I think rose quartz is such an amazing stone. Karen said, What a gorgeous rose quartz crystal. Perfect for where I am right now. Yay. Candlequartz. Yes. Candle quartz is the Dacascic record stone. Candle quartz is really beautiful. I wish I had one near me right now. I would grab it. Let’s talk about the next stone. The next stone that I want to show you guys is… Who’s going to do black tourmaline? Yeah, we’ll do black tourmaline. Black tourmaline, I think, is one the best grounding stones. This is a stone that works really well for EMFs. I always have black tourmaline around my computer. I have it behind me. I have it next to my computer. I have it next I have it next to all of my TVs. I have it next to our WiFi box. I have black tourmaline literally everywhere throughout my house.

My mother-in-law lives with us. I have it done by her TVs as well. It’s such an amazing stone. One is it helps block the EMFs. And so this is great because EMFs can really distort our energy. It can make us feel heavy. It can have a really electrical feeling as well, especially since our technology is changing and there’s WiFi everywhere, we want crystals to help us support combat the EMFs. And so black tourmaline is one of those good things. It will transform negative energy into positive energy. It will It will transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts. It will transform worries and emotions that are heavy into something that will inspire. It is also a great grounding stone, in particular, if you are feeling scattered or feeling unable to just settle in, maybe your thoughts are all over the place. Black tourmaline is a really good crystal for that as well. I love tourmaline in general. I love all crystals, let’s be honest. But this particular stone is so great. To me, it looks… It’s a very yin and yang to selenite. And so if I’m going to grab this behind me. This is a very big piece of selenite.

If we look at these put together, they look similar. So the texture of them is a little different, but you have this yin-yang. So selenite is very white. Black tourmaline, it can have strands of different crystals within it. It can even have quartz that’s in it as well. It’s such a great grounding crystal. And then if we look at selenite, I’ve had this crystal since I was probably 18 or 19 years old. I love selenite. Selenite acts as an infinite number of light strands. I’m using very big crystals today because they are easier to see on camera. You do not have to have gigantic crystals in order for them to work. I just want to make that really, really clear because just because they’re bigger doesn’t mean they’re better. It’s how you’re working with them, how you’re using them. I use big chunks of selenite to clear other crystals. This is an amazing scrubber of the energy. It is a air element stone, and so it really comes in and works with all the air, and it just scrubs everything out of the auric field as well. For me, I’m going to put this up because it’s super heavy.

For me, if I in order to go, what are three or four crystals that I think would be foundational crystals everybody would benefit working from? I would say black tourmaline, I would say selenite, I would say rose quartz, and I would say amathis. And they’re just really powerful stones because all of those together are grounding and amplifying. So they’re working in the upper chakras, and you’re working in the your chakras and you’re bridging the world, the bridging out as well. And so with the selenite, selenite acts as this scrubber, but it also assists in releasing people’s energies from your auric field, which is really important because if you’re an empath and you’re someone that usually takes on and absorbs a lot of people’s stuff and junk, this is going to get stuck and lodged in your field. And as you’re holding on to that, that is going to influence the way you behave, the way you think, the way you act. You might be anxious, and you’re not really anxious. It’s someone else’s anxiety that is making you feel like that. And so it helps go in there and scrub it all out. And so it’s really, really powerful.

Let me come back to these comments. That’s bigger than Kyle Gray’s Samerian Solanaite sword. I have a lot of crystals, guys. It’s ridiculous how many I have. Between crystals and plants, it’s beyond crazy. I got one from you when I had the Akashic Records class. Yay. I have black tourmaline bracelet on right now and Snowflake Obsidian. Beautiful. I love that. I said I love crystals. Patricia said Beautiful. Let’s see. My favorite is amethyst. Yes, elanite is my favorite as well, said Danny. Katie said, What would be some other crystals you would recommend for working with the Akashic Records? There are many crystals that can help you with the Akashic Records. Ruby is one of them. Ruby is a really nice crystal because it typically has record keepers on it. So that’s another one that I would suggest. All crystals you can work with the Akashic Records, but there’s some that are very specific that have special keys to the Akashic Records. But if I were to just say one specific one, that would be candle quartz, because that is is a very, very powerful stone. So let me come back. Oh, this is the next one I want to show.

I’m going to take a sip of water. Okay, here’s the next one. This That’s what I’m excited about. Okay. So this one, just like rose quartz can support and activate the DNA, so can yellow fluorite. Yellow fluorite. This particular stone will help you own your power. It will help you… I’m going to just put a flashlight up to it so you can see it. It will help you own your power. It will help you balance your your solar plex. It will assist in activating DNA. Florite is a stone of focus as well. Let me show you another piece of yellow fluorite. I love yellow flourite. I think it’s so magnificent. I’m just holding up a flashlight to it so you guys can see the energy of it as well. Let’s see. And if you’re not watching this, you’re just listening to it. Yellow flora has these really beautiful strands, and I have the tendency where you’ll see the little purple strands inside of there for this particular one. I just love this one. We just got this. We We’ve been processing all of our crystals for upcoming Sacred Awakening Live retreat that we’re doing in San Diego coming up in California this month, and I’m really excited.

So this particular one will help you foster self-confidence. It will help you have a renowned sense of self. It also aids in life purpose, self-discovery. It will assist in wealth, prosperity, abundance. Let’s see. What else can it do? Oh, it’s a stone for business owners, too. So if you’re wanting to own a business or let’s say you’re a contractor or something like that, this is a great stone for business owners as well. This calligraphy stone is a great stone to help writers, and it’s double terminated, so it directs energy in and directs energy out. This is a great stone, which it’s tiny, but I was told to bring this today. This one is petrified wood, and I love petrified wood. Petrified wood, it’s fascinating to me how different each piece can look. I have a piece that my mom gave me that literally looks like just a chunk of wood, where this doesn’t look like wood at all. It’s really crystallized, and it has some blue in it. It almost looks like blue calcedony, but it’s not. But it’s petrified. And I like petrified wood because this is also an Akashic record stone, too. And it’s a great ancestor stone, so it can assist you in connecting with your ancestors.

I want to come back to Amathist. Amathist comes in all different grades and qualities. So you have really light, light purple, where it almost looks white to very, very dark purple. And I’ll show you three different ones right here. They have crystal friends that like to grow with them. So we have this one that has calcite in it. And then you have this quartz all the way around and just a little bit of the purple in the center of this portal. And they like being friends. The crystals like having little friends that they get to work with. And this particular stone that I’m holding up is like a circle. And this celsite, men’s broken hearts. And then amethysts, helps connect to the spirit world, acts It’s a psychic vacuum, and it is a very, very powerful stone. It will release psychic attacks. It will support in cleansing and purifying the aura of the field. So you have that one, and then you have this really beautiful dark purple one that also has little calcite friends that are just hanging out on those little tiny strands that are on there. If you’re watching this, that’s calcite.

And then it has quartz with it as well. And this particular one broke off of a big chunky one that I had, and I’ve had this one for years. I’ve had crystals for a really long time that I’ve had in my collection. And recently, over the years, I’ve been sending them home to other homes just because I know that they’re ready to be with other people as well. But there’s ones that I know that I’ll have for the rest of my life because they just become a part of your family, and they are just so So So Lovely. And when you start geeking out with them, there’s all sorts of different things that they can do. And I’m going to show you another one. So this is, if you notice, I’m like, having all things around my desk because I literally have crystals around my computers that are set there for certain reasons. And some of them are to support with the EMF, some of them are to support with focus and concentration. While others is for balance. And this particular stone, it’s called the Sheba lingam. And the lingam part itself, so the actual shape of the stone represents the masculine energy.

And then the swirls around it represent the feminine energy. And this particular stone can support in balancing the masculine The Cillian and the feminine within us. And we have both of these energies. It doesn’t matter how you identify. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female. You have both energies. And both energies really require balance. And with this particular stone, I find it really helpful to… When I like to have it next to my desk because I like to be in balance with what I’m doing. But I also find this stone to be really sweet to sleep too, because it’s a very earthy stone, and it can help support you in your sleep and how it works with you. So there’s that particular one. And then there’s another one that I really like that there’s some little pieces, and this is Bluecaiite. And Bluecaianite is a fantastic stone to bridge the inner and outer world. And it’s a great stone to support with the spirit world as well. And I’m just grabbing a couple of pieces right here. So this particular stone will support you in bridging. And what do I mean by bridging? We are meant to live in this earthly plane.

And there’s all sorts of things that happen in the Cosmos, happen in the spiritual realms that you participate in knowingly and unknowingly. And this can help bridge that world. This can also help help bring more spirit into matter. And hematite does that as well. Do I have a piece of hematite? I know I have a tiny piece, it’s not going to show up on camera. But hematite brings spirit into matter as well. But I really love Bluekina. It can also act as a protection stone, too. It’s not one that most people talk about for protection, but it’s a really powerful, powerful stone. So let me come back here to questions. What’s a record keeper? So a record keeper is a crystal that is keeping record of something. And so it will have a triangle on it that’s either sunken in are raised. And most rubies have record keepers on them. The the record keeper itself will be raised, so that’s for the future. And if it is sunken in, it is a record from the past as well. Let’s see. Laura said, I can’t wait for the… I can’t wait for the retreat either. It’s going to be so much fun.

We’ve been processing so many crystals. It’s been so fun, and I got some really cool new things, but I can’t share. I can’t wait to share. Kim said, I had no idea yellow floret existed. I honestly, I know a lot about crystals. I didn’t even know it existed either until maybe five or six years ago. And I’m like, Where was this? And the cool thing about crystals, too, is they are finding new crystals all the time. They’re recently over the last maybe five years, there was several different crystals that came out. And what I found really fun is whenever I go crystal shopping for our kits and things like that, I’ll always ask inside of my Akashic records, what am I looking for? What would benefit? What do we want to do? And the last time, not recently, but when I did this the last time when I went shopping, they’re like, there’s going to be three new different types of crystals that you will discover when talking to different vendors. And sure enough, there were three different types of crystals that ended up They ended up finding… And one of them, let me grab it.

I know that I have to step out of the camera, but I really want to show this one. This one’s really cool. This is a citrine blue calcedonie, and it’s not even going to give it justice. I don’t know what my daughter did with this But this is citrine down here, and up here is blue calcedonie, and they’ve been growing together. They just found all these in this mind. And this is such a sweet stone. Even the back of it is just gorgeous. And I just love this. It’s just so beautiful. And when I say the back is pretty, it’s because you can see the calcedonie in these little veins right here that they They just pulled off and they just polished the side so you can have it. And it’s gorgeous. It’s absolutely gorgeous. And so when you’re working with two particular stones like this, you’re going to get the magic of the citrine and the magic of the Calcedonia. And so they’re just working like friends together. And citrine is a powerful manifesting stone. It’s going to be a stone that supports you in attracting abundance and prosperity. It’s going to help you with your solar It’s going to help you with your power.

It’s going to help you with your will. Sometimes we need a little kick to get going on stuff, and so it’ll assist with that kick as well. And for Kelsadoni, let me grab that one. That one is in Sacred Awakening, I have been doing What is it called? Crystal Descriptions for so long. We give people an entire book so that they can know what the descriptions are and things like that. But I just heard to read exactly what we have for the Calcedonie. And the other one that they discovered, and I don’t have one next to me, is the Calcedonie floride. They found these, and they call them spirit flowers. And that was one of the other new crystals that we where it was the Calcedonie and the flora that was growing together. And it was such a beautiful, beautiful stone as well. And it’s that particular one, it brings blessings. It brings blessings, which is really, really neat. So now with the Calcedonie, the Calcedonie is going to be a stone that helps with I just I keep seeing the throat, and then it also helps with the subconscious. It’s going to also help with the Let me know, do I have one next to me?

Because I wanted to show you because it doesn’t look the same in here as it does as by itself. But it is… I’m trying to think if I can… I don’t think I can show it. I don’t think I can. Anyways, it’s a stone that’s going to work on the interior of your being. It’s going to also support you in getting to the bottom line on things. It is a stone that assists in feeling generous and having goodwill. It enhances mental clarity. It’s a stone. I wish I had one that you can see it because there’s a reason I keep going is because I wanted to show it, but I can’t. So it has these beautiful little wavy lines through it. And it has little tiny specs and spots and things like that. And It has different little variations of what it can look like. And depending on what type of piece you get, each stone is unique. It doesn’t matter if you have three pieces of amethyst, even though they have a similar quality of how they can help you, they can all have a unique frequency that supports you in different ways because you can have one amethyst that really supports you in connecting with spirit, where another one, it just feels more helpful in protection.

And similar to what I’m saying here with this Calcedonia and the citrine together, this one, it’s going to have this fire element to it where if you’re looking at just a straight regular piece of Calcedonia, it’s going to feel very, very different. And the thing when it comes to working with crystals is just really trusting yourself and what you’re being guided and how you’re being guided to use them and how you’re being guided to just play with them. And that’s the thing about crystals in general. I think that they assist us in bringing out our play, and they assist us in really just being and just being present with something as well. Let me see. I’m going to read some of these comments. What is a great stone for singers, Alyssa asked. I would do anything that’s going to be for throat. So you can do Amzonite. You can also do Aquamarine would be a great one for singing, I think. Kim, I set the intention I’ve won a raffle for the retreat. Oh, that’s awesome. We’re going to be announcing raffle winners today. Barbara, congratulations. Awesome. Danny, what are your thoughts on Moldivite? I love Moldivite.

Moldivite is a very, very powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful stone. The prices of Moldivite now, I would have to say, are ridiculous. And it’s a stone that you want to be careful using. If you are a type of person that’s very, very sensitive to crystalline energy, with any crystals, you want to be very careful using them, and you want to understand how they work and how they impact you, where some people are very affected by crystalline energy, where it’s like a little goes a long way, while others, they can handle a lot more. It’s similar to herbs, too. It’s like, how do things impact you? Frequency rise. So with Moldivite, you do not want to be working with Moldivite if you’ve never worked with it before driving. I I can wear a Moldivite all day long where other people can’t. It’s like they can only touch it for a little bit of time, and then they have to not touch it anymore. And so it just depends on you and what that is. But I love Moldivite. I think it’s one of the most fantastic stones. I had a ring, and the crystal fell out of it, and I haven’t reset it, and I can’t wait to reset it because once I reset it, I’ll be wearing it again on a consistent basis.

I have a couple of black ones for protection. Beautiful. Barbara said, Retreats in two weeks? Yes. I’ll do an episode on our big takeaways from the retreat. If you’re new to me, We are doing a retreat for Sacred Awakening students. Next year, I will be doing a big intimate retreat that’s open to other people besides Sacred Awakening students. And then we will also be I think I’m going to be bringing back our Lemonless Creation Retreat that’s open to everybody as well, so I can’t wait for that. Let’s see. Karen, are there any stones that can bring a feeling of safety for traumatized people? Yes, there are lots of stones that can help with that. And one of the stones that I would recommend in terms of feeling more safe is working with smoky quartz, specifically. I think smoky quartz is a great stone because it creates this really beautiful anchor, an energetic cord into Mother Earth, and it anchors you into Mother Earth. And we want to be anchored. We want to be grounded into mother earth because this is who nurture us. This is who supports us. This is how we feed our bodies.

And that can create a really sense of safety because when you ground, that can create that safety or that sense of well-being as well. The other one in combination of that would be rose quartz. So I work with smoky quartz and rose quartz together. But really, you can look at any particular crystal. And if you’re liking that particular crystal, that crystal is for you. We’ve been processing, going through crystals and things like that. And my mother-in-law lives with me, and she came up to the table and grabbed this one crystal, and it was a piece of agate. And she goes, Oh, my God, I just love this stone. You could just see her lighting up by her just touching the stone. And she’s She doesn’t get into a lot of spiritual languaging. She just loved the stone and just kept talking about how it felt so good in her hands. And so that’s the cool thing. It’s like you don’t have to be super spiritual. You don’t You have to know a lot of things about crystals. It’s about trusting what feels good to you. And if something feels really good to you, even if it’s not labeled as a stone that helps with trauma or a stone that helps with safety or a stone that helps with this, all crystals can assist in making you feel safe because they either bring something towards you or they bring something away from you.

And so that can bring a sense of safety. And then also it can be any that supports and re-energizing or recalibrating or realigning your energy that can make you feel safe as well. And I think safety is one of the biggest things that we are all working on, no matter what our background is. If we feel safe, we’re able to step outside of our comfort zone to take bigger risks to allow us to live the life that we want to live. But it can sometimes be really debilitating or really hard if you’ve had You had a lot of trauma in your life. And so for me, one of my favorite, oh, my God, my most favorite, favorite, favorite crystals to work with while I was pregnant was lapidolite. And lapidolite is a Purple Stone. I had a very, very, very traumatic pregnancy. During my pregnancy, I had to have emergency surgery at 20 weeks. I didn’t have the baby then. But after that, I felt like my stomach was being ripped open. I was on Fedres. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t do anything without being in excruciating pain. And so I had to keep my stress level down to keep myself safe and my baby safe.

And so lapidoli was a stone that I would just lay on my chest and it would calm my nerves. It’s the most peaceful and calming stone to me. Now, you might hold it and it might energize you, where everybody is so different because it’s working with your unique energy and where you are in that particular moment. And it’s so beautiful and so magnificent. Let’s see. Laura, Marie, I was given spirit flowers for sacred waking. Let’s see. Mariam, I think that’s how you say, I print a photo of some photos and activate them with light language and Reiki, what do you think? I think that’s awesome. I think that’s amazing. I think that’s really, really great. I think that crystals work well with other modalities. And so I use them with the Akashic records. I use them with Hands on healing. I use them with light language. I use them with all sorts of different things. And I just use them in meditation. So you can use them with anything. I think that’s awesome. Another person said, I tried smoky courts and I got so bad of headaches after five minutes, I couldn’t stand it. So one, that could have been that the crystal wasn’t cleaned.

It wasn’t clear. It could have had some really heavy energy still in it because the crystals need to be cleaned, cleansed, and cleared before we work with them. And so it could have been that, or it wasn’t the crystal for you. And that’s okay, too. Everybody has a different reaction towards different types of crystalline energy. I do this all the time because we bring crystals to our retreats, and some people are like, Oh, my God, I love this stone. And it’s not a stone that I’m attracted to, but they’re super attracted to. And then there’ll be things that I’m super attracted to that no one’s attracted to. And that’s okay, too. I think it’s really, really neat. I think it’s really cool. It’s like food. Some people like that, and some people don’t. It’s what works for you. And just because you didn’t like something before, it doesn’t mean you can’t ever use that crystal again or it doesn’t work. It won’t work for you later on as well. Heather said, I was given some I didn’t realize my phone was not on. Do not disturb. Let’s turn that off. Okay. I was given some flower egg-in.

Yay. Flower egged are so beautiful. They really are. And they’re just a really sweet stone. Kim, I was gifted smoky cords. It’s a part of my crystal kit. I love it. Yes. So see, everybody’s just a little different on what they like and what they don’t like. And it’s all very, very different. So let me know what crystals are your favorite? What is something that you would like your crystals to help you with? Go Go ahead and comment below. I’d love to hear from you what crystals are your favorite and what is something you would like a crystal to help you with. Also, please make sure you like, subscribe, review, give us a testimonial. I would love that. This helps our podcast. This helps our channel as well. I would greatly appreciate it if you also shared this with a friend. Also, let me know, is there another topic or you’d like me to do next? Let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Let’s look at when we’re going to do our next show. Let me tell you, we are going to do our next show next week, Thursday, at the same time, 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern, 11:00 AM Pacific.

Since we were talking about crystals, before we hop off, I want to do one more little crystal. We’re going to do just a little crystal healing. So we’ll call in a couple of different crystal and energy. So if you’re listening to this while driving or operating heavy machinery, I highly recommend just coming back to this. People do go into a trance, so you want to be careful with that. This won’t be a very long healing. I’m just going to call in some energies just to support us since we talked about a lot of different crystals today. And what else? I will most likely speak light language, and I’m doing this healing through the Akashic records, through the Akashic record. I’m seeing some early ones said, yellow flora was new for me. I need it. Yay. I would love the crystals to help me with gastral intestinal issues. Yes, crystals can help with different physical ailments or different physical things. It is a personal journey that you have to explore. And for me, I had different particular crystals that really helped me with my nerve issues. It didn’t heal it permanently. But what the crystal would do is it would help me if I was feeling super, super, super, super, super It arms feel a lot better.

And it was just like, but it was super elevated on my pain level. It would bring it down minimum three notches. And that particular crystal was stellar beam calcite. And I really love stellar beam, too. I love all crystals. I really do. Awesome. Hello. Okay, let’s see. Thank you, Amy, for calling in the energy so needed. Dark Amethus, as somebody else said that they want. That’s Jeff. Beautiful. Katie said, I absolutely love working with labradorite, Super Sevens during meditation. Love these energies. Caitlin said, Love them all. Larimar is stunning. Amzonite, Kendall fowards, rose fowards, yellow foward, basically all blue crystals. There are so many I don’t know the names of. I love Lamir Marion crystals. Yeah, I love all of them. I haven’t met a crystal I don’t like. Now, there might be some crystals that aren’t as pretty as other crystals. And that’s the other thing is just because something’s pretty and flashy and shiny, and another one maybe looks dull and it’s not polished or it’s rough, the shiny one isn’t more powerful. It’s how you work with the crystal and how you and the crystal gravitate towards one another because you’re working in unison together as well.

And you want to work in a way that supports you. So with that being said, I’m going to take one more sip of water, and then we’re going to do this little mini healing. Okay. Close your eyes and bring your awareness into your heart space. And when you get into your heart space, I want you to sense, feel, see or imagine that there’s a beautiful yellow Lotus flower, and I want you to step into it. When you step into it, you’re going to notice, sense or feel that with each and every breath you take that you start anchoring into Mother Earth. And as you anchor into Mother Earth, we’re going to call in smoky quartz crystalline energy to create a grounding cord that assists you in anchoring and connecting all the way into the core of the Earth. And then I want you to breathe. And as you breathe, we’re going to call in black tourmaline for protection and cleansing. And then we’re going to call in selenite as well and amethyst. So these energies are going in there and they’re cleaning and scrubbing and grounding. They’re transmuting negative thoughts, negative energies, energies that don’t belong to you.

And they’re just bringing in more light, more love, more connection. And then we’re going to call in rose quartz. And rose quartz is going to fill up the entire heart space, the entire heart chakra, upper heart, lower heart, the whole heart system. And this is going to assist you in loving all of your bits and pieces, all of the pieces, all aspects of yourself, the dark and the light. And then I want you to just breathe. And as you breathe, you’re going to anchor and you’re going to open, you’re going to anchor and you’re going to open, and you’re going to anchor and you’re going to open. And then we’re going to call in blue calcedony, amzonite for your throat chakra, your upper chakras. We’re going to call in clear courts. And before the clear courts comes fully in, I want you to just set an intention because the clear courts is going to amplify your intention. And then we’re going to call the clear courts in. And then I want you to call in whatever crystalline energy feels really good for you to call in. So we’ve talked a lot about different crystalline energies.

What crystalline energy feels really good for you to call in? And it might be an energy that you just like that we didn’t even mention, or it might be a color. And then I want you to feel that energy just roll all the way through your body and being, and it’s going to swirl in the perfect chakras in the perfect places that it’s going to help support you and amplify you, or support and recalibrate and balance that space. And then you’re either going to download or you’re going to receive a message. And this is from Creation, God, Universe, whatever sacred title you give With that being. And then we’re going to take a nice deep breath in, cleansing breath Bow your chin in towards your chest and slowly blink your eyes open, taking your time, coming back to… And then let me know how you’re feeling, how you’re doing. We are going to be doing another show next week, live. We are not going to be doing a show the week of the 18th because we will be going to San Diego. So next week we’ll be doing it on the 10th, and then our next show will probably most likely be on the 24th of October.

24th of October. Someone said, I feel relaxed. Yay. Someone said, I was gifted a Cristicola from a hotel. From a hotel, Casadega, recently purchased. Cool. A. Miller said, I used to be pulled towards Amtrain. I even named my Jeep Amtrain. I like Amtrain, but I have since lost that. Chris, I don’t believe it no longer serves me as my go-to. Yeah, that’s perfect. Yeah, we have those ones. We have things that we’re like, yes, this feels right. And then it’s done its job and it’s done. It doesn’t mean you won’t come back to it. Red Carneelian coming forward for strength, courage, and wisdom. Yay. Alyssa feeling much more calm. Awesome. A. Miller said, Was drawn to ruby cyanide not long ago, but was gifted ruby’s zoocyte. Patricia said, I love your meditations. Thank you, my dear. Awesome. Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Share this with a friend. Also, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already. So you get notified, hit the bell to get notifications when we go live or when we have a new episode that’s released. So thank you, thank you, thank you very much for joining me today.

I look forward to seeing you guys next week. Take care. Bye..

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All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.

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