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Episode 179: Friday The 13th Goddess Healing Celebration
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I invite you to see Friday the 13th not as unlucky but as a celebration of cycles, death, and rebirth. Through a healing meditation using the 13 moon phases, we’ll release old patterns and embrace your inner feminine energy. This Friday the 13th Goddess Healing Celebration is your chance to let go of outdated identities and welcome transformation.
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Full transcription of the episode:
Hello, everyone. I think we are alive. Hello, hello. I hope you can see me and hear me. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully. Let me know if you can. This has been fun. Hello, hello. Let me know if you can see me and hear me. It’s been an adventure trying to get this to work today. So welcome to the Awakening with Amy Robeson. Live experience. I am so excited we are going to be doing the Friday the 13th Goddess Moon healing. And I’m so excited for this because I know so often, so many people are scared of the number 13. So many people are scared of this day because it can feel unlucky because of superstitions and things that have happened through out our history in terms of this particular day. And I’m here to tell you that, to have no fear, that we are actually celebrating cycles, and we are celebrating Celebrating Death and Rebirth. And let me know in the comment section if this has been a day that you’ve feared in the past or if this is a day that you’ve celebrated. Whatever it is, I’d love to hear from you because this is such a…
I think that any time we can find a way to celebrate, it raises our frequency. And it’s how we’re choosing to celebrate, and it’s how we’re choosing to be in relationship. And so it’s really important that we get to decide how we get to show up on whatever day it is and however we’re showing up, because we can bring a special meaning to anything, and we flip the script on anything. So welcome, everyone. Thank you for saying hello. And if you are listening to this as the recording on podcasting streaming sites, know that we do a live show every week. This is something new that I’m starting. And so you just have to check out my website,, to see when the next live event is. We will be doing a fall equinox healing next week, Friday, which I’m super excited about, and I’ll be getting our next schedule up pretty soon as So welcome, Cindy, Heidi. And if I don’t say your name, I apologize. I was born on the 13th, so it’s my lucky day. I love that. That was from Kim. Jamie said, Friday 13 is one of my favorite days.
I have good luck. Awesome. I’ve always celebrated this day. This is from Philip. Katie said, I’ve always celebrated. Awesome. Sa says, My daughter was born on Friday the 13th. It’s a lucky day for me. Awesome. Welcome. Welcome from Bangladesh. I was born on the 13th. Lots of 13th birthday. That’s cool. Friday is always a day of devotion for me. Thirteen number has never fazed me. Awesome. Okay, so let’s talk about… I just need a quick sip of water. So let’s talk about the moon cycles. And let’s talk about the moon cycles because the moon cycle is important to talk about in terms of femininity. And when I’m talking about the goddess and femininity, know that I am not talking about if you’re in a man’s body or a woman’s body. It has nothing to do with that. We want to celebrate masculinity, and we want to celebrate femininity. And since most of us are doing, doing, doing, doing, going, going, going, going, overly exert masculine energy. And again, it doesn’t matter if you’re female or male. We both have both masculine and feminine. And when it comes to Friday the 13th, we’re talking about the 13 moon cycles we have through the year.
And the moon cycles govern our ability for new beginnings and to bring things into completion. And when we think about the moon, there’s a lot of ton of feminine energy that’s connected to the moon. And we also have grandmother moon. So if we look at just that energy and how she supports us and how it influences behaviors because the moon affects water, and we have a ton of water in our body. And so the moon cycles affect us, no matter if you’re female or if you’re male. Now, if you are female, you do get more affected by the moon cycles as well just because of your menstrual cycle or lack their menstrual cycle. And so no matter what phase you’re at in your life, you are affected by the moon. And when we take time to celebrate and connect with our inner feminine wisdom and honor the inner Goddess and God, because God dwells within us. And so if we want to change that word to… If we want to change that word to creation or creator or universe or divinity or divine, whatever sacred title you give that sacred being, we are not separate from.
Creation created everything. Creation created you, creation Created Me, creation created me, Creation created the stars and the planets and the cosmos and the universe. And we are very much affected by the cycles that we are in. And now when we look at Friday the 13th and when we take away some of the negative… I’m just going to say negative scripts, so negative narratives out there around it, and you decide to show that this is a chance for me to celebrate the inner feminine energy within me, the inner goddess within me, that inner feminine wisdom within me. You have the opportunity to, one, give yourself permission to enter and to surrender into this birth and death cycle. And when I’m talking about birth and death, this can be this emergence that allows us to let go of something that is no longer working for us. So this could be a pattern, a thought, a behavior, a way of showing up, an identity. And when you give yourself permission to let that go and surrender into letting it die. So this is where the death part comes in, where you get the opportunity to let that aspect of you die, to let that aspect of you go and lovingly go back to source, back to creator, back to creation.
It allows you to emerge as your new born self. And what do I mean by that? You get to be free of the expectations of how you’re supposed to show up when you are in or holding on to a pattern that is no longer serving you, or holding on to identity that’s no longer serving you because it was based off of previous experiences. We are often operating from the past. And so when we give ourselves permission to let this aspect of us go, we get to emerge, and a new part of us gets to be reborn or to be birth. And I’m using reborn because What you’re rebirthing back into is your wholeness, your sovereignty, your true authentic essence, your true authentic self, your true authentic authority. Tell me how that feels. Let me know in the chat. Tell me how that feels. Does this feel good to you? Do you want to have a rebirth, birth? Do you want to let something go? And take a moment and let me know in the comment, what do you want to let go of? What What do you want to let die? What do you want to free yourself from?
Is it an aspect of your identity? Is it a pattern? Is it a behavior? Is it a thought or a situation? You might have a situation that’s just keeping you and holding you hostage. What does that look like? Let me know in the comment section. I’m going to take a sip of water. And just for replay For my purposes, we are not doing any editing on these replays, and so I have a tendency to drink a lot of water when I’m teaching and talking just because I end up talking way too much. Hello from Wisconsin. My 13th is when my husband and I got married. That’s awesome. Jessica said, I have a lucky 13th tattoo on my arm. Beautiful. What are we letting go of? So Jamie said, behavior. Another person said, My low self-esteem. Essay said, Self-sabotage. Michelle said, An addiction. Beautiful. Cassie said, Negative self-taught and low self-worth. Michelle said, She’s letting go of a toxic relationship with mother and free myself from guilt, anger, shame, fear. I don’t want to be hostage to this fear and shame anymore. Awesome. Let it go, my friends. And we’re going to do a healing where we’re releasing this.
So if you haven’t thought about it, if you haven’t given yourself permission to think about it, remember, sometimes what we avoid is pain. And so actually acknowledging what you want to let go of can sometimes feel painful to even consider looking at it. And so we’ll stick our head in the sand, or we’ll hide our head under a pillow, or we’ll hide under the covers. We go into hiding, and hiding only gets you so far. Hiding is like pretending like if you broke your arm and pretending like your arm is not broken and pretending like it’s just going to fix itself. If your arm broke and it didn’t get reset or you didn’t give it the opportunity to properly heal, and yes, it does hurt because if you did break your arm or you did break something or you do have, let’s say, a thorn in your finger, you have to pull it out. It’s going to hurt. However, once you do pull out that thorn or once you do get the bone reset, or once you do have that opportunity to start the healing process, because this is the part that most people miss, is you can only run from something for so long.
And the more you run from it, the more that it’s going to fester under the surface, and it’s going to come out at some point in time in your life to address. And it’s up to you if you want to have a little bit of control over whether it comes out or not. And so for any of my perfectionists out there or any of my control freaks, and I say that with lots of love because I’m one of these people, when you give yourself permission to look at it, you actually have more control over the situation than what you think. And so if you let it fester and you pretend like it’s never going to… You’re never going to have to address You will address it at some point in time during your soul’s journey if you like it or not. And so it can be hard. So let’s see. Cathy said, Feeling blocked from fear of my true self. Another person, Feelings of my heart, addiction to quitting smoking. I want to let go of keeping recipes. I think that’s what… Receipts? Or receipts. I want to let go of keeping receipts. Okay. Sherry, yes, I really want to release resistance.
I’m currently sitting here in a cast with a broken hand. Oh, yes. So here’s the thing, guys. When we do this healing, you don’t want to be driving or operating heavy machinery. So if you are doing that, please come back to it because We’re not getting into it yet. So please make sure you don’t drive or operate heavy machinery. Some people do get into a deep trance. We are going to pull in some really beautiful sacred feminine energy in. I channel. And so I channel through the Akashic records. If you don’t know what that is, the Akashic records are an energetic library of your soul. Every word, deep thought from the moment your soul is incepted is recorded in the Akash. And so we’re working with higher self to higher self when we’re doing these types of healing celebrations. And you can relisten to this. This is going to be on YouTube. You can relisten to this healing as many times as you would like to relisten to it. If you fall asleep, that is sometimes normal. That’s why I say don’t drive or operate heavy machinery. Some people do go into a trans, just relisten to it.
Sometimes we can go into avoidance or we can have a a nervous energy of looking at something. If that happens, just remind yourself you’re safe. That’s a really big thing. Remind yourself you’re safe, because the more that you remind yourself you’re safe, the more that you’ll be able to go deeper into what wants to occur for you today, what serves your highest good and what serves your highest good of all. And that’s really the intention here is we want to work with your higher self. We want to work with your team, and we want to work on the highest level that serves your highest good, not what serves my highest good, what serves your highest good, because what I’m working on myself is what serves my highest good as well. And so we want to always keep that in mind, too. And remember, it meets you where you’re at. And I think I’m just being guided to share some of this today because so often people will go, Well, that didn’t work for me because I didn’t have this crazy visual image, or I was a little irritated when I was done. That’s okay, too.
Here’s the thing. Some people feel really great, and then you might do another healing, and you might feel a little irritated afterwards. It’s not because it didn’t work. It’s because you’re releasing old emotions or you’re releasing lodged memories from the cells of your body, from your DNA, from your physical, your emotional, your mental, your spiritual body as well. And so when that happens, there can be different emotions that can come up, and that can also be that could be tiredness, that could be resistance as well. And then you just got to give yourself permission to shake it out. You got to give yourself permission to sit within. You got to give yourself permission to just be because what’s going to happen is because you’re doing this work, you’re showing up, you’re listening to this, you’re going to do the healing, you’re doing the work. And so when you do the work, it’s not going to look the same way every time. One, that would be boring. And two, if you’re going deeper, there’s going to be different things that come up for you. And yes, there can be some similarities. And yes, there can be some normal things that happen for you.
But the thing is, I want you to always ask yourself, Am I willing to go where I haven’t been willing to go before? And If you are willing to go deeper, go deeper with this because this is the opportunity for you to let something die and for you to have this rebirth. And it’s going to be awesome. I’m really be really excited for you. Are you guys excited? Let me know in the comment section, are you excited to do this? And then if you haven’t shared what you’re letting go of, you can just put it into one word in the comment. This is just a way for the universe to see how serious you are. And it sends this beautiful echo, this beautiful ripple of this is what I’m letting go of. So go ahead and type that in the chat box or in the comment section. And Alicia, releasing burdens, lack of confidence with myself and my spiritual business. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I want to let go of my troubles with my finances. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And if you’re interested, if you’re working on some money stuff, we do have a free healing in our free sacred gifts.
It’s called, if you go to,, you can sign up for the free sacred gifts. There’s 20 plus free healings in our member portal, and one of them is a money thing. So if you’re wanting some assistance with letting go of some money stuff, you can check out that free healing in there as well. I’m loving all these. Physical lightheadedness, releasing old flame, fear of change. I’m very excited keeping Let’s see. Keeping receipts for me means holding grudges for lack of a better way to describe it. I had a feeling, Philip, that’s what you meant. My problem is I’m dyslexic sometimes, and I read things in a different way. So at first I was thinking you said recipes. I’m like, that is totally not the same spelling. So I love that. Emily, I’m letting go of doubt and fear. Yes, yes, yes. Yes to my sacral authority is all in. Awesome. Releasing fear of scarcity and lack. That’s from Laura. Heidi, cycles of bad business choices. Oh, these are all good. These are all good. Awesome, guys. So with that being said, we are going to do this healing. And when you do this, don’t try to operate heavy machinery.
I will most likely speak light language. Light language is the cosmic language of your soul. It speaks higher self to higher self. So whenever you are ready, go ahead and take a comfortable seat and close your eyes. And receive a breath, taking a nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. Another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. And on the next inhale, you’re going to release your grounding cord into the Earth, taking another nice deep breath in. Cleansing breath out, releasing your grounding cord into the core of the Earth. So you’re going to see a crystalline ball of energy in the center of the Earth. And you’re going to plug your grounding cord into that crystalline ball of energy. You’re going to take a nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. And on the inhale, We’re going to pull GEA, Mother Earth, sacred feminine energy up into your entire aura field, and she’s just going to give you a nice big hug. And on the exhale, I want you to just feel her energy just floating all around you, surrounding you with love and light and tenderness and support. And then I want you to feel the great I am, the sacred masculine energy pouring into the crown of your head from a golden bucket above your head.
And this beautiful great I am, sacred masculine energy is coming in to support you, to support you in taking action, to be assertive, to be vocal about what it is that you want, what it is that you want to release, what it is that you want to experience and be and embody. So this is a beautiful balance of the masculine and feminine. And I want you to just feel their energies support you. And as they support you, I want you to feel, sense, or imagine that there is a beautiful golden crystalline energy pouring into your heart space space in where you sit. And this beautiful golden crystalline energy is preparing you for this beautiful sacred Moon Goddess healing celebration journey you are about to embark on. And I want you to feel, sense or imagine as that beautiful energy glows and pours into your heart space gets brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter. And as it gets brighter, it almost gets to the point where it’s blinding. It’s so white. It’s so pure. It’s so beautiful. It’s so bright. And then I want you to take a nice deep breath in, a cleansing breath out.
And as you exhale, the light dims a little, and then you will notice, sense, feel, see, or imagine that there is It’s a beautiful, sacred, feminine goddess standing before you. Now, this goddess may be Mother Mary. This goddess may be GEA, Mother Earth. This may be an ancestor that is just really honed in on their sacred feminine energy. This goddess may be the Goddess Diana or the beautiful Goddess Bridget. Whoever and whomever is coming and showing up for you is of the highest light, of the highest vibration, and it It’s authentic light. And I want you to just receive a breath. And this Goddess may be the Goddess Diana or The Beautiful Goddess, Bridget. Whoever and whomever is coming and showing up for you is of the highest light, of the highest vibration, and it is authentic light. And I want you to just receive a breath. And this Goddess may be the sacred feminine aspect of you, your higher self that has embodied its sacred feminine energy. Or maybe the Goddess of Creation, God, that sacred aspect, the feminine aspect of God. There’s all many different variations of what Goddess is showing up for you today.
And I want you to greet her and give her a nice big, gigantic hug. And as you hug her, I want you to feel this beautiful, magnificent energy of support that pours out of her into you. And this beautiful goddess, kiss you on the forehead and takes you by the hand and leads you to a doorway in the back of your heart space or on the side or the front. When you reach the door, She motions to you to open it. When you open the door, a flood of light comes pouring in. You are encouraged to step through. When you step through, you notice, you sense, you see, you feel, you imagine that you are standing on a golden pathway. And on this beautiful golden pathway, there are 13 beautiful moons. Now, the moons may be full moons, crescent moons, new moons. It could be any cycle of the moon. There’s just 13 representations of the moon on this beautiful golden path. This beautiful goddess leads you to the first representation of the moon, and you step on it. When you step on it, you have the opportunity to declare what it is that you are letting go of, what it is that you are no longer willing to carry with you.
This could be a fear, this could be a This could be a pattern. This could be a thought. This could be a habit. This could be an identity. Whatever it is, you’re going to take a moment and you’re going to declare, I’m releasing this. I’m no longer identifying I’m going to give myself permission to have a death around this.. There’ll be a moment of silence while you declare this. And as you’re standing on this beautiful moon, this beautiful goddess whispers into your ear a beautiful, beautiful mantra or intention. And this could be, you are powerful. You are capable. Whatever it is, I want you to just breathe that beautiful intention, that beautiful mantra in. And as you’re breathing it in, this beautiful moon phase that you are standing on illuminates. And as it illuminates, it starts to shake the core of your existence How that shows up to you may be different. So what is happening is there is these beautiful vibrations and frequencies that are moving through your body and being across all time and space, portals and dimension, seeing, unseeing, known, unknown, and collecting whatever you are letting go of, whatever you have entanglements with this particular thing that you are letting go of.
It is going to identify the entanglements, identify where this energy resides within you, and it is going to start to release it. Release it across space and time, release it within the cells of your DNA, release it within you, within your ancestral lineage, within your soul lineage. It’s going to assist in releasing it from you. And you are encouraged to move to the second Second representation of the 13 moon phases, because this entanglement process of whatever you are entangled with in terms of these fears, these thoughts, these patterns, these identities, they’re going to start to be released. And there are going to be working your team, and this can be God, creation, universe, your spirit guides, whoever serves your highest good, your team, your ancestors, your team that are of the highest light, of the highest frequency, of the highest vibration, is going to start to assist you with releasing these from the solar plex, from your power center. You’re going to stop giving your power away. It’s going to release it down through the sacral, down through the root. And that second moon cycle is going to illuminate all the way through you. And then this beautiful goddess is going to move you to the third moon representation on this beautiful golden path.
And this one’s going to illuminate. And whatever is caught up within the mental, within the mind, there’s going to be this beautiful shaking of energy, releasing and collapsing of neuro pathways that are keeping these loops or these thoughts or these behaviors in place.. And then you’re going to take another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. And this beautiful third moon phase is going to illuminate the entire skull, the entire skull, the entire skull. And it’s going to illuminate through the brain. And then this beautiful goddess is going to whisper in the other ear another mantra, another prayer, another intention. And this could be, You got this. This could be, I see you. Do you see you? This could also be, You are one, you are a whole, you are complete. Whatever it is, I want you to just receive it. And you can sense it, feel it, imagine it, hear it.
And then you’re going to move, this beautiful Goddess is going to move you to the fourth representation of the moon cycle or representation of the 13 cycles of the moon. And when you stand on this one, there’s this beautiful calming effect. This beautiful calming effect that’s working through the entire nervous system. It’s soothing. It’s calming. There’s peace. Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep peace within this, within your nervous system. And then this beautiful moon cycle that’s on this fourth one that you’re standing on is going to illuminate, and then it’s going to start to swirl energy within the root chakra because this is your home, this is your safety. And so it’s bringing a calming energy to the root chakra along with the nervous system. Taking another nice deep breath in. Cleansing, breath out. We’re going to move to the fifth representation of the moon on this beautiful golden pathway where there are 13 representations of the You’re going to stand on the fifth one. And on the fifth one, the goddess is going to stand before you, looking at you eye to eye, connecting to you heart to heart, and she will place her hand on your heart and instruct you to breathe.
So go ahead and take a nice deep breath in. Exhaling out, feeling the sacred feminine energy of letting go, of surrender, of receiving, receiving, receiving, coming to you. Sora, sora, sora, sora. And as you’re receiving on this fifth moon cycle, she gently carries carries you to the sixth. And when you are on the sixth cycle, this beautiful goddess holds you like a baby. You are being held in the arms of the sacred feminine, and you’re being held and cradled like a baby. And this is even more calming on your nervous system. There’s a great sense of peace, deep, deep peace. There’s also cleansing and dumping of stories. And there’s this just gentle, rocking. Gentle, gentle, rocking.. And then the goddess whispers to you, you are loved. You You are held. You are seen. You are always supported. You are always supported. You can feel your energy floating to the seventh moon cycle, where this beautiful goddess continues to rock you. And here, this is where you are guided while you are in this really deep level of receiving support, where you get the opportunity to fully declare what it is that you would like to receive by letting go, by having this death.
What would you like to receive? What would you like to have? And I want you to say it as if you already have it. So if you want vibrant health, all you’re going to say is, I am so healthy. My physical body feels amazing. If you’re wanting clarity, I am clear on my business. Or if you’re wanting just to feel strong and empowered, I am empowered. I’m prosperous. I’m and financially free, whatever it is, I want you to declare it in this really deep, deep state of peace and relaxation and receptivity. And then this beautiful goddess stands you up, and you and her walk to the eighth representation of the 13 moon cycles. And when you step on this one, there’s this great surge of energy that lets you know You are infinite. You are infinite. You are infinite. You are infinite. You are infinite. You are infinite. You are unstable. And once you just feel that energy building in your heart as the goddess places her hand on the back of your heart and whispers another beautiful message into your ear, Trace up a And then you and the Goddess walk to the ninth moon cycle.
And there’s this beautiful crystalline energy that is assisting you in embodying the sacred feminine that’s pouring into you as you stand on the ninth representation of the 13 moon cycles. And as this energy flows, you can feel your heart pulling you to the 10th, and then the 11th, and then the 12th, and then the 13th moon cycle. And when you stand there, you are You are greeted with another Goddess. This Goddess may be your sacred feminine higher self. This Goddess may be creation or another Goddess that you may be familiar with or not familiar with. This goddess is of the light and of the highest good and of the highest frequency, and of the highest vibration. She and the other goddess that you are working with are going to collectively share a very sacred message with you, and they are going to celebrate you.
Taking another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. These beautiful Goddesses are going to give you a hug, and you’re going to step You’re off the 13th representation of the moon cycles for the entire calendar year, and you’re going to look down the pathway, you’re going to notice all 13 are illuminated. And as you’re noticing how they’re illuminated, you are going to receive one last message, and this message may be downloaded for you to receive at a later date about your rebirth. And you’re going to take another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. On that exhale, you’re going to land back in your heart space, taking another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out, wiggling your fingers and your toes, taking your time, coming back to. When you’re ready, you’re going to slowly, slowly blink your eyes open, coming back to. When you’re ready, let me know how you’re feeling. Let me know how you’re doing. If you had a particular goddess that showed up and you want to share who that was, you can type that in the chat box. Very excited for you all. How are you guys doing? I always love to see what Goddess shows up.
There are so many different types of Goddesses, and if you’ve never worked with Goddesses before and you’re interested in working with Goddesses, you can check out our course, my course with Goddesses. I love working with the sacred feminine energy. It’s really beautiful. You can check that out on my website, The course is called The Sun, and I’ll put that in the I’ll put the show notes in the description after we are off this live as well. Okay, let’s see. Someone said, Kwa Nian showed up. That’s awesome. I love that. Love, love, love that. Is the Goddess of Compassion. I think Victoria said, I think it was the Goddess GEA and Athena. And then Kathy said, I was greeted by a goddess that I never worked with before. She was holding an olive branch. Oh, that’s awesome. And as he said, That was awesome. I will share this with friends. Oh, thank you. Share this with a friend, guys. Share this live. Share this YouTube with a friend or this podcast, depending on where you’re watching it. Share it because This is how we get the word out about this type of stuff. And it’s really neat to see what everybody’s experience was.
Deborah said Mary Magdalene and my great grandmother showed up. Gabriella said, I had a tingling in my head and saw a image of a woman coming towards me and then got asleep. Oops, that happens. Artemis and Venus showed up for Kim. That’s awesome. Someone said, My goddess was blue and emerald green. That’s cool. Durga and Mother Mary, and Sara Swati. Oh, that’s awesome. I love that. A brown hair goddess and a red gown. Second one was blonde with light blue gown. Beautiful. I always say that got his name. Lithia? I’m saying it wrong. She showed up for Cassie, then GEA. Awesome. They told me, I am divine. I am the Phoenix It’s rising, rise high, shine bright, never forget who you are. That’s awesome, guys. This is awesome. I love reading all these comments. If you didn’t get a message or you’re like, I fell asleep, just relisten to it. Also know that you’re to pay attention to what goes on after this, because what goes on after this can highly impact the way You are receiving messages. Let me say that slightly different because I’m saying that slightly strange. When you pay attention to synchronicities, that is spirit, that is your higher yourself, that is your team sending messages to you.
And it’s up to you to receive them. It’s up to you to interpret them. It’s up to you to acknowledge them. And the more that you start paying attention to all the magic and all the messages that you are receiving, the quicker you’ll fold time on the things that you are struggling with, and the quicker you will emerge as the powerful being of who you’re meant to be. And it’s really, really beautiful. It’s absolutely beautiful. She called me Mary Magdalene, which is a nice surprise I always felt like mother and daughter. Oh, that’s great. And then Sam said, I had a hard time today. Going to do it again later. I did receive and was told that when I signed up for this life, It’s challenges. It’s because I have everything I need to accomplish all of it. Yes, exactly. Exactly, exactly, exactly. So that’s the thing, guys. Even if you had a challenging time receiving, you still received. Even if you saw nothing, even if you felt nothing, you still received something. It’s up to you to interpret it. So you just take your time with that. Awesome, friends. So we are going to be doing the Fall Equinox healing next week, Friday at 11:00 AM Central, 12:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific.
If you can’t make it to that, no worries. We are going to upload the replay right away to the podcast streaming platforms, or you can just come and check it out on YouTube. My goal is to keep this live show going. And whenever we’re doing a free masterclass series, we’ll just pause the live show, and that’s what we’ll be doing for the week because it’s hard to do both things. So I’m really excited. I’m excited to celebrate the fall equinox with you all. If you’re on the other side of the hemisphere, you will be celebrating spring, but still come and join us because it’s always just fun to celebrate change because that’s what we are ultimately doing. We are celebrating change. We are celebrating you And we are welcoming the next chapter with open arms, which when we do that, that resistance meter or that natural way of us resisting things starts to go down because we are actually taking a moment to celebrate, just like we took a moment to celebrate today and to work on ourselves. So thank you all so very, very, very, very much for sharing and showing up today. I cannot wait to see you again soon.
Also, if you feel like a friend would enjoy this, please share it with them. And also like this video, and please subscribe to the channel. Awesome. I will see you guys soon. Take care. Bye.
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All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.
Do not watch or listen to any healings or meditations while driving or operating machinery where it is not safe for you to relax and fall asleep.