How to Recognize Signs from the Universe

Episode 176: How to Recognize Signs from the Universe

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Learn to recognize and interpret signs from the universe, like repeated numbers or songs, and discover how these messages offer guidance, comfort, and support on your journey.

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Episode 176: How to Recognize Signs from the Universe

Whether you refer to it as Spirit, God, the Universe, or another sacred name, your guides are always sending you spiritual signs from the universe.

Are you paying attention?

Do you notice numbers like 1111, 222, or 777?

Perhaps you see the same animal repeatedly in your news feed or on various images and graphics.

Or maybe a song with a meaningful message keeps replaying in your mind, with its lyrics sticking with you.

These are all possible signs from the universe.

It’s crucial to pay attention to these spiritual signs from the universe, even if you feel like you’re not receiving any.

The universe constantly shares messages to provide confirmation, encourage you to move forward, help you make decisions, or offer warnings.

🎶 Personal Story – Message from a Song

Signs are constantly present around us.

I had a profound experience that highlighted this.

After my beloved dog tragically passed away when he was at the dog sitters, my husband and I went to pick him up.

At that moment, a song was playing on the radio that seemed to hold the perfect message for my dog.

It reassured my soul that he was okay and that everything was alright.

The song was “Cups” from the Pitch Perfect movie, with the lyrics, “You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone. You’re gonna miss me by my walk. You’re gonna miss me by my talk.”

The song felt so fitting and comforting.

Even the lyrics about whiskey were particularly touching because my dog had a funny habit of sneaking into people’s whiskey drinks at our holiday parties.

We never gave him whiskey ourselves; he just loved to find it and drink it.

We had to be very careful with drinks because of his whiskey-loving habit.

The lyrics of the song even mentioned, “I’m gonna bring two bottles of whiskey for the way.”

It was such a beautiful touch and truly helped my soul heal.

Recently, this happened quite a while ago, but it resurfaced in a special way.

My daughter was at her sitter’s, and they were having a dance party to the Trolls album.

I noticed that Anna Kendrick, who sings “Cups,” also voices Poppy in the Trolls movie.

It brought the song back to my mind at a divine moment.

I hadn’t thought about my dog in a while, which is perfectly okay.

It felt like he was sending me a little sign—“Hey, remember me? I love you. Look how far we’ve come.”

On my way home after picking up my daughter, I listened to the song again.

It made me miss him but also helped me reflect on how far we’ve come since his transition and the many changes we’ve experienced.

🫂 You Are Not Alone – Spiritual Guidance

I want to share this with you, especially if you’re feeling alone—something I hear quite often.

Recently, I conducted some Akashic Record group readings online for free, and many messages centered around feelings of loneliness.

I want you to know that you’re not alone.

You are always loved, and there are guardians, masters, teachers, loved ones, and angels watching over you, constantly sending you messages.

It’s up to you to recognize these signs from the universe.

When a message comes through, take the time to pause and sit with it.

Sometimes we’re in a rush or too focused on dissecting the message, but it will keep showing up until you understand it.

✉️ Ignoring Messages and Realizing Their Importance

I recall a time at a retreat when my phone would randomly play a song at the most inconvenient times.

I never let the song playfully, but it would start up unexpectedly, reminding me of the importance of paying attention to these spiritual signs from the universe.

It would just start playing randomly, and I couldn’t understand why.

At the time, I wasn’t in the right mindset to receive the message and didn’t realize it was a sign from the universe.

One of my friends at the retreat sent me a link to a video, so I clicked on it.

I wasn’t watching the video, just listening to the lecture when a song began playing.

I thought it was interesting that they included a song at the start.

As I listened to the lyrics, I realized they were reflecting exactly what I was going through.

The song’s message was that everything would be okay and that an emergence was happening within me.

It dawned on me that this was the same song that had been playing randomly, trying to get my attention for weeks.

I had never let it playfully, missing the chance to receive its full message.

Once I allowed that song to play through completely, it never happened again.

It wasn’t a song, album, or artist I had selected—it just randomly played on my phone.

✨ Understanding and Accepting the Signs

Now, I often experience this, and I’ve come to recognize that when a song unexpectedly starts playing, it’s usually a message from spirit.

Whatever signs from the universe you receive, it’s important to get curious about the underlying message.

Whether you call it God, the Universe, Divinity, Source, or another sacred name, this divine presence is constantly sending messages to support your soul’s evolution and help you experience unconditional love in many forms.

It’s up to you to pay attention to these spiritual signs from the universe and explore their meanings.

Understanding them might take some time, and having spiritual tools in your toolbox can be helpful. You can also simply ask the universe for clarity on what the message means.

One of my favorite ways to uncover the meaning of a sign is to meditate on it or consult the Akashic Records for clarity.

Sometimes, there’s just a profound, deep knowing of what the sign means.

It’s important to take the time to pay attention to the signs from the universe and to actively ask for them.

If you need confirmation that you’re making the right choice, request a very specific sign.

If you need a warning, ask for a clear signal.

The universe communicates through numbers, animals, plants, symbols, music, lyrics, people, and even through strange experiences and synchronicities.

Are you paying attention?

Are you getting curious about their meanings?

It’s up to you to explore and interpret these signs.

With love and blessings,

Amy Robeson

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hey, Amy Robeson here. Thank you for joining me on this podcast where we talk about spirituality, the awakening process, mental health, and so much more. Join me weekly to get your weekly dose of spirituality and medicine. I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Hello, and welcome to today’s episode. I’m so excited you are here. Spirit, God, universe, whatever sacred title you give that being, your guides are constantly sending you signs. Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention to the signs that you are given? Do you see numbers like 1111 or 222 or 777? Do you maybe have the same animal that keeps popping up in your news feed, or do you notice it in pictures or graphics everywhere? Do you have songs that really speak to you and the message in it and That song just keeps repeating in your mind like a broken record, or the lyrics just won’t leave you? These are all possible signs from the universe. It’s so crucial and important to pay attention to the signs that you are constantly receiving, even if you don’t think you’re receiving anything. The universe is always sharing things with you for confirmation, to encourage you to move forward, to make a decision, to warn you about something.

Signs are constantly there. I had an experience once when my beloved dog ended up getting hit by a car when he was at the dog sitter. And unfortunately, he passed away. And when my husband and I went to go pick him up, there was a song playing on the radio. And this song was when I say it held the perfect message for my beautiful dog that transitioned. It made my soul let me know that he was okay and that it was all good. And it was a message from him. And the song is Cups from the Pitch Perfect movie When I’m Gone. And the lyrics in the song are, You’re going to You’re going to miss me when I’m gone. You’re going to miss me by my hair. You’re going to miss me everywhere. And it was so perfect. And even a little lyrics in the song about whiskey were beautiful and the most divine message ever, because when my husband and I, would throw these big holiday parties, this dog would get into anybody’s whiskey drink if they left it there because the dog loved whiskey. We didn’t give him whiskey. He just would find the drink and drink it.

And we would have to be very careful with the drinks. But it was even in the lyrics of the song, it’s like, I’m going to bring two bottles of whiskey for the way. And it was just so beautiful, and it helped my soul heal. And recently, this happened quite a long time ago. Recently, my daughter was at her sitter’s, and they were listening to the Trolls album and having a dance party. And Anna Hendrick, I believe I’m seeing her name right, that’s the person that sings the Cups song. And I was like, she also plays Popy in the Troll movie. And I was like, oh, my God. That song just popped back into my mind. And it was divine timing because, one, I haven’t thought about my dog in a while, which is there’s nothing wrong with that. But it was just like, he was just sending me a little sign like, hey, remember me? Hey, I love you. And look how far we’ve come. I had to listen to the song on my way back home after I dropped her off. And it made me, one, miss him, and two, just really relish in how far I have come, we have come since his transition, and how many changes we’ve had.

I do miss him. And it was such a beautiful, nostalgic thing. And I want to just share this with you if you feel alone because this is oftentimes something that I hear a lot. And I recently did some Akashic Record group readings for free online. And there are messages around feeling alone, feeling lonely. And I want you to know that you’re not alone. You are always loved, and someone’s always working over you. You have guardians and masters and teachers and loved ones and angels that are loving on you and are constantly sending you messages. And it’s up to you to recognize those messages. It’s up to you to pause when that message comes through and sit with the message as well. Sometimes we’re in a rush and we don’t want to pay attention to the message or we want to dissect the message. And it will keep showing up until you get it. I know that I was once at a retreat, and before I went to the retreat, my phone would randomly play a song, I would never let the song play, but it would just randomly start playing in the most inopportune time.

It would just start playing. And I was like, I don’t know why this keeps playing. But I wasn’t in the place of receiving, and I wasn’t paying attention that it was a message. And one of my friends at the retreat sent me a link to watch a video. So I hit play on the link, and I wasn’t watching the video. I was just listening to it because it was a lecture form, and a song started playing. And I was like, Oh, that’s interesting that they have a song playing at the beginning of the video. So I’m just listening waiting for the lecture to start. Then I was listening to the words of the song, and I realized that everything that the lyrics were sharing was everything that I was going through that the lyrics were telling me everything was going to be okay, and that there was this emergence that was happening within me. Then I realized that it was the song randomly playing again and that my spirit team had been trying to get my attention with this song for a long time. When I say a long time, it was probably a couple of weeks where I just wasn’t giving it the opportunity to fully play through.

Once I let that song playfully through, it never happened again. It never happened again. And it wasn’t a song or an album or an artist that I was clicking on. It just randomly would play on my phone. I have this happen to me quite a bit now. So now I know that when a song randomly starts wanting to play on my phone, it’s a message from spirit. Whatever you are receiving, whatever it is you are receiving, it’s important to get curious about what is the underlying message that the universe is trying to share with you. Because God in the universe, divinity, source, divine, creation, whatever sacred title you give that being, is constantly sending you messages that are supporting your soul’s evolution, that are supporting you for you to evolve, and for you to experience unconditional love in many different ways. It is completely up to you to pay attention to the signs and to get curious about the meanings. It might take some time to understand the meanings. You might want to have some spiritual tools in your toolbox that support you in finding the meanings of what that means. And you can simply just ask the universe for what it means as well.

But one of my favorite ways to figure out what the meaning is is to, one, meditate on it, or ask in the Akashic records what the meaning of the sign is so I fully understand it. And sometimes it just… There’s a deep knowing of what it is, a very, very, very deep knowing. Take time to pay attention to the signs. Take time to ask for signs from the universe that support you. If you want to have a sign to confirm that you’re making the right choice, ask for a very specific sign. If you want a sign to let you know to beware of something, ask for a specific sign. There are numbers that speak to us. There are animals that speak to us. There are plants that speak to us. There are symbols that speak to us. There are music and lyrics and people and strange experiences and synchronicities that are constantly speaking to you. Are you paying attention? Are you getting curious about the meaning? Because it’s only you that can do that. All right, my friend, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please make sure you like and subscribe, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.

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