Soul Chats with Glynis McCants | What is Numerology

Episode 158: Soul Chats with Glynis McCants | What is Numerology

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Explore what numerology is with celebrity numerologist Glynis McCant! Glynis shares the fascinating world of numerology, shedding light on how numbers influence our personalities and destinies. She emphasizes the importance of understanding one's Life Path number for relationships and decision-making, offering practical tips to enhance harmony and success. Listeners are encouraged to embrace personal growth, kindness, and joy while navigating life's challenges with the guidance of numerology.

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Episode 158: Soul Chats with Glynis McCants | What is Numerology

In this captivating podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing the renowned celebrity numerologist Glynis McCant.

Our conversation delved deep into the fascinating world of numerology, shedding light on the significance of numbers in our lives and how they can offer insights into our personalities, destinies, and paths to self-discovery.

An Introduction to Numerology

Glynis eloquently explained what is numerology.

She said it is a science of numbers that dates back 2,500 years, with different systems like Pythagorean being utilized to interpret the vibrations associated with each number.

Each number from 1 to 9 is linked to specific traits and characteristics, offering a unique perspective on an individual’s inner workings.

Understanding Your Numerology Blueprint

One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the concept of a numerology blueprint, which consists of three numbers derived from a person’s name and three numbers from their birth date.

These numbers help uncover aspects of one’s soul, personality, and destiny, providing a comprehensive overview of who they are at their core.

Deciphering Destiny Numbers

The destiny number, in particular, caught my attention as Glynis highlighted its importance in shaping our life’s path.

By analyzing the original name on a person’s birth certificate, one can uncover their destiny number, which may offer profound insights into their purpose, challenges, and strengths.

Understanding and embracing one’s destiny number can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

The Role of Master Numbers

What is numerology in terms of master numbers?

For those with master numbers like 11, 22, and 33, the journey toward self-realization and fulfillment may take on a heightened significance.

These master numbers carry unique frequencies that amplify certain traits and characteristics, guiding individuals toward a deeper understanding of their innate abilities and potential.

Embracing the energy of master numbers can lead to profound transformations and spiritual awakenings.

Discovering the Power of Numbers

Glynis McCants shared what numerology is when we opened our discussion by sharing how numbers play a pivotal role in shaping our lives right from birth.

She revealed how our birth numbers, soul numbers, and personality numbers can provide valuable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and life paths.

By understanding the unique vibrations of each number, we can unlock our true potential and navigate life more effectively.

Unraveling the Secrets of Life Path Numbers

One of the key highlights of our conversation was delving into the concept of Life Path numbers.

Glynis explained how our Life Path numbers can offer profound insights into our innate talents, purpose in life, and compatibility with others.

By calculating and understanding our Life Path numbers, we can gain clarity on our life’s journey and make informed decisions that align with our true selves.

Navigating Relationships Through Numerology

Glynis also shed light on how numerology can be a powerful tool for understanding relationships.

By analyzing the compatibility of numbers between individuals, we can gain deeper insights into the dynamics of our relationships.

Whether it’s with a partner, family member, or friend, numerology can offer valuable guidance on how to nurture harmonious connections and navigate challenges effectively.

Harnessing Numerology for Personal Growth

As our conversation unfolded, Glynis shared practical tips on how we can harness the power of numerology for personal growth and self-improvement.

From naming babies to choosing business names and altering energy in our living spaces, numerology offers a wealth of tools for enhancing various aspects of our lives.

By aligning with the vibrations of favorable numbers, we can create a more positive and fulfilling reality for ourselves.

Embracing the Wisdom of Numerology

In conclusion, my enlightening discussion with Glynis McCants on what is numerology underscored the profound impact that numerology can have on our lives.

By embracing the wisdom of numbers and incorporating them into our daily practices, we can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment.

I encourage you to explore the world of numerology and uncover the hidden truths that numbers hold within each of us.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on my conversation with Glynis McCants, I am filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the intricate tapestry of numbers that weave through our lives.

Numerology is not just a mystical art but a profound science that can illuminate the path to our true selves.

I invite you to embark on your own numerological journey and discover the magic and wisdom that numbers have to offer.

May you find clarity, purpose, and fulfillment as you unravel the mysteries of numerology in your own life.

Thank you for joining me on this enlightening exploration of numbers and their profound significance in shaping our destinies.

Until next time, embrace the power of numbers and watch as they guide you on your journey to self-discovery and personal growth.

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With love and light,

Amy Robeson

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Full transcription of the episode:

Amy Robeson
Hey, Amy Robeson here. Thank you for joining me on this podcast, where we talk about spirituality, the awakening process, mental health, and so much more. Join me weekly to get your weekly dose of spirituality and medicine. I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Today’s Today’s spec.Ial, special Soul Chat interview. I am so excited for today’s guest. I have been a number person my whole life, and I’m so excited to bring you on as a celebrity numerologist. Glynis McCant has been on all sorts of different talk shows. She’s been doing numerology for, I believe, over 20 years now. And she’s been on The Today Show, Dr. Phil. She’s been on, let’s see, CBS, The Talk, The View, Entertainment Tonight. She was also hired as a numerology expert for the Jim Carrey film the number 23. She has been interviewed in the Pride magazine. This woman is hilarious, first off, and she is going to talk to you about numerology and why numbers are so important. I cannot wait for you to listen. So, let’s jump in. Welcome, everyone. I’m so excited for our special class. Glenis. Hi, Glenis. How are you today?

Glynis McCant
I’m wonderful. Great to be here.

Amy Robeson
I’m so excited to have you. I’ve been attracted to numbers my entire life. I love numerology. Can you tell everybody what numerology is and why it’s so important to have it in their life?

Glynis McCant
Yes. Numerology itself it’s a science of numbers. It’s 2,500 years old. And Pythagoras is the system that I use because there’s more than one. But the belief is that everything in this universe has a vibration, and it’s especially true about people. So Pythagoras attached traits to the basic numbers 1 through 9. One is the beginning. It’s like working on the self and nine is the number of selflessness. So we all fall into something here, 1 through 9, and that’s my specialty. Who are you by the numbers?

Amy Robeson
I love that. What numerology number are you?

Glynis McCant
Double three. You’re a double three. I’m a three-day, three-life path, here to motivate and uplift others. Natural comedian, I was a stand-up comedian, a headliner. But I always use numerology as a part of it because a three is here to communicate. They are here to uplift and motivate people. So being funny, sure, I can make you happy for a moment, but I’d rather make you happy for a lifetime. And that’s what I have done for well over 25 years. It’s been amazing.

Amy Robeson
And you’ve done a lot of readings, a lot of numerology reading.

Glynis McCant
I can honestly tell you, I was talking to George and me from Coast to Coast about this. I have surpassed 50,000 readings. 1995 is when I went professional because I’ve been studying it since I was a teenager. It was just my thing. And I have to tell you, numerology found me. I wasn’t looking for it. Because I knew what I knew about myself because I was a voted class clown in high school, but I was also a straight-A student, which is unusual. And the principal literally said, We have never had a class clown who was also the top 10 students of the school ever. So that’s where I was different. I always had the humor that was easy. So I thought, oh, I remember this little thing. I’m like, okay, I’ll be famous. I’ll be an actress. And then, when I’m on the talk show couch, I’ll teach people to know there’s nothing you can’t achieve if you set your mind to it. Well, the joke is that is who I am. That is exactly what I’ve done as a numerologist. And had I just gone that other route, it would not have been fulfilling. This is about transforming people’s lives, and numerology is one of my tools.

Amy Robeson
I love that. What it sounds like you’re saying is that your brain needs to be stimulated at the same time. So, are numbers stimulating to you in terms of making you think and allowing you to grow?

Glynis McCant
Numbers are alive for me. So, when I look at a blueprint, it literally comes to life. And when I read clients, they feel like I’ve opened up their diary. They’re like, What? How do you know that? My husband said that last week. Oh, my gosh. My daughter just said that yesterday. That’s my gift. So what I tell you is when I do numerology, my third eye is open. And actually being double three, born on a three-day three life path, it’s even more true for me. So my ultimate calling, like back in the day when I didn’t know how I was going to get there, I’m like, I should be a motivational speaker. I should be a writer. I’m a counselor. Well, guess what? By being Glenis has your number, I am all of those things. So, I manifested my life purpose. And it turned out numerology was a huge part of that.

Amy Robeson
I love that. And to me, it’s like just following the energy of whatever is speaking to you. And clearly, numbers have been speaking to you for a really long time.

Glynis McCant
Numbers never shut up for me. They never stop talking. But yes, you are correct.

Amy Robeson
I love that. So you have your blueprint, your numerology blueprint. What does that include and what does that look like?

Glynis McCant
Okay. So, how does the blueprint work? You got three numbers from your name and three numbers from your birth date. And what you’re using is the Pythagrine system. So example, even if you went to Google right now and said, Oh, Pythagoreus number, letter, chart, it would pop right up. And what it is is every letter has a number attached to it. So A is one, B is two, C is three. Well, when you get to Z, 26, 2 plus 6 is eight. So that is what you use when you’re doing name breakdowns. The numbers that I get from it are a soul number, a personality number, and the power name number. And the power name means the most significant, like when your parents named you. Now, in this instance, the birth certificate number gives us a destiny. So Destin, like, where are you destined to go? That comes from the original name. And people don’t understand this, but let’s say you were adopted, and it literally says Baby Girl Smith. You are breaking down Baby Girl Smith to get that destiny number. That’s fascinating. A lot of people don’t realize that. That’s fascinating. Yeah. However, the most sacred number is the birthday because it’s the day you’re born, it’s your life path number, and it’s your attitude.

Glynis McCant
Those three numbers tell me all about you. And on that note, I do have your numerology blueprint. So I want to talk about you. The month and day you were born are 8:02. Is that correct? No. Say your birthday.

Amy Robeson
April eighth.

Glynis McCant
4:08. It’s just confirming the numbers I see. Okay, so what I have in writing your blueprint. You were born on an eight-day, and you’re on a seven-life path. So, ultimately, what you also have is a seven destiny. So I’m going to really play with that seven for a minute with you. You’re the ultimate observer. So even though you can be Well, so you know damn well, you’re always picking up everything in the room. You’re a trip that way. You could be at a party, you’re talking to me, but you can hear what’s going on way at the end of the table. Your sensors are amazing. My favorite example of a seven is Spock from the Starship Enterprise, Star Trek. The way he said, this is not logical because there’s a part of your brain where you step back and go, okay, that’s not real. Like someone’s talking to you like, I have no time for this. You don’t know what you’re talking about, and I’m bored. So, what you’ve learned to do is mentally leave the building. You’re actually able to do that. How often have you done that?

Amy Robeson
My husband will ask, Are you here?

Glynis McCant
And that’s a fair question. I say to people, I have a seven-life path partner. I’m like, Look; if you’re not interested, if you don’t cut to the chase, if you ramble too long, they’re gone. Their body is still there. But once you stop talking, they’ll return. So it is a funny thing. And what I teach people is not to take that personally. Don’t be offended by it. They’re not trying to be hurtful. It’s just the truth for you. And the other thing, again, saying you can be social, but when you need your time alone, oh, honey, you get very upset. It’s like, I’m in my room right now. I need space. I just need to decompress. Actually, there’s a beautiful thing that happens when you’re by yourself. You tend to have major spiritual breakthroughs. How true has that been for you?

Amy Robeson
That’s super true because I need space. That’s why I like working from home by myself: I have space and time to download and process. I love hanging out with people, but I love being by myself.

Glynis Mcant
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Again, because you’ve all got threes in your chart. So, three is communication. That’s the playful part. That’s the part that can laugh. Then more on an eight-day. Here’s what’s funny. Eight cares about the image and appearance. How does it look? So here you are, looking amazing with beautiful hair and makeup. But the truth is, and let’s not lie, if you weren’t ready, you would not be on this camera. If you woke up and the hair is a disaster, you can’t fix it. You might even move an appointment. That’s the eight energy. It’s like, look, I’m not doing it to impress others. I just want to represent myself well. I want to put my best foot forward. So tell me about that part of you.

Amy Robeson
I love esthetically pleasing things. I can walk out the door without makeup. I have no problem with that. But I want to look a certain way, and I want things to look a certain way because I like nice things.

Glynis McCant
Well, how about this idea? Even though you can walk outside without makeup fine, you have to be wearing a cute outfit, and the hair must be okay. You just represent it well. You’re not fake about it because, actually, you’re madly in love with nature. So nature speaks to your soul, the ocean, the mountains, the plants, the flowers. You’re so happy there. So it’s not about makeup in that moment, but it’s still about feeling attractive and good. You really get inside yourself. So I want to say yoga meditation. What exercise are you doing for your body?

Amy Robeson
For me, Pilates, yoga, walking, and just started sprinting again.

Glynis McCant
So I’m doing anything- That’s all seven. Like I told you, this is my life, right? I live, eat, and read numbers, but horse racing by the numbers. I did a whole piece about that. It’s the numbers 1, 5, 7, the birthdates of the horses that win the races because they’re based on movement. And when you said, I’m back to sprinting, you need to. You’re a horse. It makes you happy. If you can, It’s like an endorphin release. That is a happy you. It’s like, oh, I feel good. Because the other thing about you, you can be intense. If something’s bugging you, you get haunted by it. You’ve got a very strong mind. So when that happens, if you can just release it, exercise, of course, is a great way to do it. And get back to your center. You go to this peaceful place of gratitude. You have a lot of gratitude, Amy. That’s something you strive for, correct?

Amy Robeson
Yeah, I do. It’s necessary. It makes me feel good.

Glynis McCant
So here’s another one. With that three attitude, that is a natural counselor. So helping others is not hard for you to do. When someone’s troubled, I almost feel like you’re seven steps back to observe them, and then the three is able to deliver. And communicate with them what’s going on. So what else is there? You do have a one, power, name, and number, which means you strive to be the best at what you do. That tells me you have high standards. You want to do well. And if You come up short, you beat yourself up. It’s like, Gosh, darn it. I could have done it better. So I think you try to learn from that experience. But what I teach ones is to stop and acknowledge what they did accomplish. Say, You know what? Overall, it was a great thing. And just because that one thing went wrong, I’m not going to ruin it. I’m not going to sit there wallowing in lack of perfection. I’m going to embrace the good stuff here. Now, that’s part of your lesson. I’m not going to say that that’s easy for you.

Amy Robeson
No, it’s not because I have to reframe. So I’ll always go, and this is just the truth. It doesn’t matter if you’re spiritual or not. As a spiritual teacher, I still go to the negative and go, Yeah, it didn’t work out the way that I envisioned it at first. But then I have a practice of What went well? Let’s talk about that. So then I get off of dwelling about what didn’t perfectly happen.

Glynis McCant
Yes. But that’s exactly what I talk about in my books. Glen is such a number loved by the numbers. There’s a positive and negative side to every vibration. When we go to the negative, and this is what we have to be careful of, is not to live there. It’s easy to get mad. I’m going to tell you a true story that happened today, which I’m still shocked about. I have an amazing dog named Coco. She’s a Husky. She’s beautiful. And she’s real good about going outside when it’s time to go potty. Well, I went upstairs to help my mother, who’s now in her 90s, like 91. So I was helping her take care of her. Of course, my mother left the door open to the bedroom. So when I came back down, the dog decided to go number two on my carpet. Oh, no. Well, if you didn’t think, Amy, I did lose my mind. I was so furious. But then I thought, pull yourself together, Glenis, because, yes, that’s a horrible thing, but that’s life, right? So, let’s handle that and get on with our day. Whereas somebody else would not get over that.

Glynis McCant
They’d be furious about it all day because it messed up the carpet. It smelled bad. And now I’m miserable. Well, because I am Glenis McCant’s numbers lady, I know better. It’s not that I couldn’t do that, but it’s like, that’s not going to serve you. So, I teach people to learn to compartmentalize, right? Right? It’s like, in this moment, it’s me and Amy. In another moment, we deal with discipline or whatever it is that needs to take place. Many people don’t know how to do that, and that’s what causes them to fall into depression and feel unhappy. So I teach them how not to do that.

Amy Robeson
And I love that. And I know you’re big into affirmations as well. I know that you studied with Louise Hay or worked with her.

Glynis McCant
I would do this. Louise was a buddy. Praise the Lord because I can’t love anyone more than Louise. Hey, I can’t.

Amy Robeson
Oh, her folks changed my life.

Glynis McCant
I have absolutely heard. Yeah. And I got lucky because, of course, I’d done a work. As long as I did numerology, I was always about affirmations. And I had success stories like, I had this thing, especially during comedy, but I’d lose my voice. And then, in her book, she explained, No, that swallowed anger. You don’t feel heard. And I thought, Oh, that’s interesting. So, one time, I had lost my voice right before an interview that was going to be at 11:00 in the morning, and I just quietly sat there with my candle and I just started affirming. To get my voice back. At about a quarter to 11:00, I had my voice back, and that had never happened. So yes, affirmations are as significant to me as numerologies. So what I do is I look at your blueprint, and I often will give you affirmations to help you, to be on what’s going on with you. And boy, the level of success I’ve had in helping people heal their lives has been staggering. But going back to Louise, we met in, say 2006, and it’s because I did her, I can do it convention, and we became fast best friends.

Glynis McCant
And I love her. And I actually was blessed to read her. I got to do numerology with her and help her alter things. It was just the biggest honor of my life. And telling you people real quick, the woman was told she had terminal cancer in her 50s. We’re not going to make it, blah, blah. We’re going to have to do that. She’s like, No, I’m not going to do that. Not going to do the chemo. So anyway, she walks away and does all this forgiveness. She realized she had a ton of anger and resentment that she had to let go of. And when she went back, let’s say, six weeks later, there was no cancer in her body. It was gone. So, yes, I love that so much. She’s amazing. That was a huge inspiration. But going back to affirmations, this world number, let’s talk about that, 2024. Two, 2 plus 0 plus 2 plus 4 is eight. So, the world number eight, there are two things happening. People, when they hear the number eight, like even you in learning numbers, often think of money. It’s like, oh, eight, prosperity. There’s so much more to the eight.

Glynis McCant
But what I had said said is this is the year of politics. The number eight has a position. The number eight is outspoken. It is blunt. It tells you how it is. So we’re hearing plenty of opinions. But what I found was really remarkable because I had said it was the year of politics back last year, right? Just because of the eight. Well, it turns out, Amy, 4 billion people are voting this year. 4 billion people are voting throughout the world this year. And as a result of that, we’re going to see big shifts, right? This is the year of saying, who are we? Who are we? Where do we stand? What matters most to us? So that’s why it feels so crazy. And if you take your number eight and you trace it and you have an eight, so you know this, you can go round and round. Amy, there are times, right? When you thought you did it differently, you’re like, oh, my gosh, I’m back in this space again. I didn’t mean to do this. But the beauty is you always have the power to turn it around. You don’t have to stay stuck.

Glynis McCant
But anyway, that’s a big part of eight. The other one is health, health issues. I’ve got a lot of people coming to me. When the royal family was suddenly talking about Kate’s cancer, Charles’s cancer, I’m like, oh, my goodness. Going back to the belief, internalizing is not hard for us to do. And when you internalize, you can get sick. Because let’s say you’re angry, maybe you’re in a bad marriage, and you’re putting up with it, and you don’t speak up. Next thing you know, you’ve got a bunch of toxic energy in your body, and as a result, you can get sick. So, I firmly believe this is the year to look at yourself. How do I feel? How’s my back? How’s my lower back? How’s my neck? Check everything so that you don’t get sick. And on that note, how are you feeling, Amy? Tell me about you that way.

Amy Robeson
I’ve been on a massive health journey for a long time, and I’m finally in a good place. I’m hypermobile, so I’ve had nerve issues for a long time, and I’m finally in a good, but it’s with my pain because last year, my focus was health. I needed to really make sure that I felt really good, and I do feel really good. So now, for me, it’s getting to the next level of that. What does that look like? As I get older and become hypermobile, my joints are very vulnerable. And so, what does it look like to strengthen all the muscles around those joints in order to feel even better? So I’m in a constant position of looking at what I can do to better my health because if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

Glynis McCant
Gorgeous and true, very true. But I want to say that The reason you felt this strongly last year, you were in a cycle of one, which is getting into the driver’s seat of your life. Your personal cycle was the beginning of a brand new cycle these next nine years. This whole thing is big. So going to that one, you’re like, I can’t live like this. I can’t. I have to find a new way. I don’t want to be in pain. I’m not looking to suffer. You don’t like to feel bad for yourself. It’s not fun for you. And also when you deal with people, if they play the victim, it makes you nuts. It’s like, get up, soldier. This is life. Let’s get on with it. So when you feel like you can’t get on with it, it bumps you out. So I’m going to give you an affirmation because it’s a good one for you as well. So write it down. I release all negative thoughts and embrace the vibrant health that is within me now. That is fantastic for you. And I’ll tell you why because you deal with humans. Isn’t that your life?

Glynis McCant
Your career is based on humans. And as a result, because you are so cerebral with all those sevens in your chart and even having a seven destiny, because you have a seven destiny, this is about spirituality on the greatest level. Do you do your meditations? What do you do? I know you said yoga, but what do you do?

Amy Robeson
Oh, yeah. I meditate twice a day. As a spiritual teacher, I teach the Akashic records. I teach people how to tap into and use their intuition. Spirituality and spiritual practices are a big deal to me. If I don’t do them, I don’t pay for them.

Glynis McCant
It’s who you are. So again, like I said, numbers are me. Same thing with you. You love to help other people. And any breakthrough you have for you personally is an added bonus. It’s like, I want to heal me, too, because you don’t want to feel like a hypocrite. It’s like, I’m trying to help you guys do all that, but meanwhile, I’m suffering. You don’t want to be that. You want to be the ultimate testimonial. Here’s what I did, and here’s why I had my breakthrough. Now, keeping that in mind, with the seven life path and the seven destiny, seven plus seven is 14, and one plus four is five. Girl, you’re never a dull moment. I mean, You’re like Speedy Gonzales. Now you see me, now you don’t. And that also means as you get older, you become more that. You love this celebration of life. Where are we going? What are we doing? What’s the next adventure? And we’re meant to travel. You and I talked briefly right before we did the show, and you were telling me all the places you’ve moved around. Some people cannot handle that. In my numerology, I’ve lived…

Glynis McCant
I was born in my parent’s house, so I was there for 20 years. Then the next house, I lived there for 17 or whatever. And then I married Charlie. I’ve been here forever. So I’m never… I’m the girl who never moves. And you’re the girl going, Wait, what are we doing?

Amy Robeson
I have, so many times, just even locally. I have probably moved them more than the average person, and it’s been all my life. Oh, you have?

Glynis McCant
But guess what? It didn’t make you miserable. See, if your numbers were not the ones they are, Someone else would say, We just keep moving, and I’m so unhappy. I feel so displaced. I don’t know how to meet people. You’re not that girl. You’re like, Whatever. Whatever. It’ll be fine. I’ll reconnect. We’ll figure out what’s here. But I will tell you, that has to be a constant is the beauty. Nature’s beauty. Technically, do you have water anywhere near you now or not? What do you have? Mountains? That is the big thing that I need.

Amy Robeson
I’m missing the ocean. We used to live near the ocean. So we do have lakes. My husband and I are on a two-and-a-half-acre property, so I have woods. I could go to… We have hills here, not necessarily mountains in Nashville, but we have places to hike. And I have to go outside at least once a day in order to… And working from home, it’s easy to stay in your house all day, and so I have to get all the time.

Glynis McCant
Yes. No, you literally have to make that effort because, remember, since you are so cerebral, you live in your head, and time will fly on you, right? You could look, it’s like, 11:00, you’re like, Two hours just passed because that’s how much you go within. But it’s also about seeking knowledge. But I’m saying the water… I had a client who was to seven with all your sevens. He was in Arizona. I’m like, Dude, Arizona. So you know what he did? He got a massive, and I mean, gorgeous fish tank. And it’s got these gorgeous fish. And he says, Glen, I just sit in front of it, and I get so happy. He goes, I watch it for an hour. And he goes, And it puts me in a whole different space. Because what I tell people with the seven. If something’s bugging you, get near the water. You can get in a bathtub, do the salt, you could do a Jacuzzi. But ask, what is it I need to know? What is the answer? Because, as a seven, the answer comes from within. And the guy told me with that fish tank, he always got his answers.

Glynis McCant
So I thought that was a great solution when there was no water. But yeah, ultimately, you need to get near the water. You do.

Amy Robeson
I love that, Glynis. Actually, my parents and I had two fish tanks. I had a fish tank growing up in my bedroom, and we had a fish tank in our living room growing up.

Glynis McCant
Well, your baby girl would love it.

Amy Robeson
Oh, she’s a fish. She loves being in the ocean, being in the water.

Glynis McCant
But she loved to see those fish. I’m just saying that’s the Yeah, that’s actually an excellent idea.

Amy Robeson
I love that.

Glynis McCant
It’s powerful. Yeah, it does work.

Amy Robeson
Yeah. Well, that’s really cool. With the life path number how do people figure out what their life path number is? Okay.

Glynis McCant
So we’re I’m going to keep it simple because, like I said, there are people… Back in 1995, numerology was nowhere to be found. It just wasn’t. It was Astrology. And then, I did The Lisa Show, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and CVS. I’ve been everywhere. I mean, go to, click on media, social media, and you’ll see it. But the point I’m making, back then, it wasn’t there. So, what I really focused on was the basic numbers, one through nine. That was to teach people. Then when you learn more about numerology, you learn also about a master number. So if someone’s born on the 11th or the 22nd, that’s an obvious master number. But 33 is also considered a master number. And I teach that because it’s a tricky one. A true master number, 33 or 6, you have to have the master number 11 and the master number 22 when you add up your birthday. And a lot of people don’t realize that. So when we talk about energy in general, if you’re 33, or 6, it does promote communication. Three is a communication, right? Music Communication, six is magnetic, but it’s that double master number that would mean master number 33.

Glynis McCant
Now, there are other numerologists that go all the way. They go to 44, 55, 66. Sorry. Let me tell you something, Amy. I’ve helped people heal their lives by keeping it simple. Tools to use on the date, like when you schedule something important, if you’re going to get married, and when you launch your business. And what are you going to name your book? Look at the blueprint, this relationship. Is it a good idea, or is it toxic? If we try to make it too much, you know that saying, the more you know, the less you know? Yeah. That’s a fact. If you fill your brain with too much information, you know nothing. You want to know something.

Amy Robeson
This is so complicated. All right?

Glynis McCant
Okay. So, going to the numbers. Date of birth. Let’s go with 8:02, 1980. So what would you do? 8 plus 2 plus 1 plus 9 plus 8 plus 0. That becomes 28. Two plus eight is 10. One plus zero is one. So someone born that day, 8 to 1980, is a one life path. So what does that mean? The first thought is, and this is me doing what I call in this interview, fast food numerology. We’re keeping it simple. If you want to learn, it’s the books that teach you, right?

Amy Robeson
And this book is awesome, guys. And I’ll put the link in the show notes.

Glynis McCant
Yeah, people love it. And it’s because more detailed and just teaches you what you need to know. But keeping it simple, one. The one wants to be the best of what they do. They’re trying to succeed. Now, the shadow side is they often don’t think they’re going to get there. It’s like no matter what they do, no matter how accomplished, they feel like they’re running a race and they’re not getting there. And what I am convinced of at this point, it’s because it’s one through nine. So the one is at the beginning, and that’s why they might think that, but that’s simply not true. If one can acknowledge what they’ve accomplished and then move on to the next, they will be so happy. If they take time out to just acknowledge, maybe you’re a workaholic, and you’re very successful, but you’re always on to the next project. That’s a typical one. So I say, Stop, just stop. Take a trip. Go away for the weekend. Pick a high-end hotel and spoil yourself. Because otherwise, what are you doing? You’re just going to work to the end of your life. So the money is in the bank.

Glynis McCant
You didn’t spend it. That’s silly. So I teach them to be right here, one, striving to be the best. Number two, love. Love, peace, harmony. That’s what they want. So that means they have to be careful who they hang out with because if they got negativity coming at them, it can shut them down. They can become afraid to love. So I teach them, no, no, let’s keep ourselves open. They’re also very intuitive. That’s considered the psychic energy. They just know. Like, I meet someone. There are two numbers, Amy, that do this, the two and the seven. So you already have that seven, lots of sevens. When you meet someone, you feel it. You’re like, I really like this person. Or you meet someone and go, Okay, whoa, I don’t know what it is, but something’s wrong. There’s a hidden agenda, right? You want to know the truth. The Two deals with that a lot. The number Three. Three is the natural communicator. They are here to express themselves. Yes, Threes have a natural sense of humor. But the Three always… If you don’t let the Three communicate like you’re in a relationship, shutting them downtown to be quiet, that’s a mistake.

Glynis McCant
They will be very unhappy. So, yeah, this is about expressing who they are and finding a way to communicate. They can write a book, they can counsel, they can do whatever. But it’s about how do I make a difference with what I say. If someone’s in trouble, can I help them? We just need to do that. Number four seeking knowledge. They have an inner voice that says, if I can’t do it perfectly, I don’t want to do it because they’re just afraid they won’t know what they’re talking about. But once they learn something, they cannot wait to teach you. So the shadow side of four is sometimes they feel like they’re raining on the parade. So example, if I said, Oh, it’s such a sunny, beautiful day, a four would say, Yeah, but what about that black cloud? It’s on the left side by that tree. I’m like, Are you kidding me right now? So they think that’s helpful. Like, Bring that umbrella. I’m like, Really? On the perfect day, thanks. So that’s why fours feel misunderstood. But the truth is, they’re always trying to help. They’re They’re going to help everyone else and themselves.

Glynis McCant
Okay, number five, five seek, adventure, freedom. They don’t control. You do not control a five. It’s not possible. If you come on strong with a five, the five is at the door. If you ignore the five, the five will mosey back in. So yes, it is cat energy. That’s why I say that. But they are natural detectives. So if you’re dishonest with the five, they’ll do the research. They’re going to bust you. And remember, Amy, you have that. You have a five maturity number, which means every time you think you don’t know, you find the answer. You’re like, I’m going to find out what that’s about. So that’s the five. But I call them the celebrators of life. So whenever there’s a big event, if you ask the group in your class, raise your hand if you’re five, please. The bulk of them are going to be fives because they just can’t wait to get out of the house and go have an adventure and learn something new. Fives also should travel because if they stay stuck in the regular environment, they can get depressed. They have to feel they can come and go. Then, number six.

Glynis McCant
Six is magnetic. I call it, well, for a man, it’s the king of the castle. They really want to be respected for what they have to offer, having a good partner and a nice home. All those things really matter to six energy. If they don’t have kids. They put clothes on their pets. Oh, trust me. I’ve had photo after photo of a 6 Life path whose pet was wearing a sweat. I’m like, really? A sweater? Okay.

Amy Robeson
I can picture every pet that I know that wears clothes.

Glynis McCant
Yes. And just think about that. As a matter of fact, now this is funny because I wasn’t even considering this. My sister Vanessa has a little dog named Lulu, and of course, we did it by the numbers. So Lulu is ridiculously compatible with her. But it just occurred to me every time I see Lulu, She’s got something on her. Little shirt, little jewelry. I’m like, What is going on?

Amy Robeson
Vanessa is a six.

Glynis McCant
So, are you thinking about that until just now to describe it as six to you? Anyway, they’re meant to be in charge. So here’s what happens. They’re so afraid. If they don’t do it, it won’t get done. So, they’re often considered or accused of being a control freak. Oh, you’re trying to control us. No, they’re really not. They’re just afraid that if they don’t do it, it won’t happen. And that scares them very much. So, I teach them to stop doing that. Stop looking for that damage control. Trust that when things are good, just say, Hey, it’s going good. I deserve it. And then the seven, seven, which is you, sevens again. And by the way, this is important. When you break down a birthday, there are two numbers before it becomes a life path. Those numbers can all be different. In your case, it’s a 34, seven. So what does that mean? Well, three is that communication in you, and four seeking knowledge. That’s a piece of your seven. But ultimately, what is a seven? Sevens are forever questioning, what is this about? This life experience? What matters? What doesn’t? Who am I?

Glynis McCant
Why am I here? And when they get those answers, they’re really happy. That’s where they get their joy. It’s like the aha moments of life. Wonderful for seven. And nature, I said, just like a five, they need to travel, look at different parts of the world. And sometimes I meet a seven and say, why don’t I just stay home? I’m like, yeah, but do you read books? Oh, yeah. I never stop reading books. That’s another form of travel, isn’t it? They’re living inside a book, right? But when I put it to you this way, sevens either thank God or thank their God. So when they’re spiritual and profound, like having breakthroughs, they can show us all. But there are examples out there that it’s bad. Putin always comes to my mind because he’s double seven. And here, Putin is dealing with a war with Ukraine, but he doesn’t even call it a war. In Russia, he says, it’s a military exercise. So that’s not good. And that, to me, is an example of someone who decided, I’m playing God. In this scenario, I run it. But in life, things blow up in our faces.

Glynis McCant
We have to deal with consequences. And so seven is no good. But I will tell you this, too, Amy. When I meet, let’s say, a spiritual leader, maybe a priest or a pastor, if they’re a seven, when they talk about their faith, it is so powerful because sometimes sevens don’t talk. Like even you. I’m sure there are times you just go quiet. You just shut it down. You don’t want to talk. And that’s the seven. And I feel like that’s because they’re learning something. There’s new information coming in. And never push a seven to talk until they’re ready, because otherwise, you’re going to regret what they say.

Amy Robeson
I agree with that.

Glynis McCant
Yeah, because it’s like, Okay, you pushed me. Now I’m going to tell you, it’s better just give them time to catch up and tell you what they think. The number eight, eight life path. Now, like I said, politician number. And what I mean by that is they are strong, ended. If they see injustice, they feel like I have to do something, and they feel like I can represent this. They also care about nice things. So I say people are like, Oh, are they materialistic? It’s not about that. They’re drawn to quality. They just know they like it. It’s like, Oh, I want that. And it just happens to be the most expensive thing. That’s not why they were drawn to it. They just loved its beauty. So it’s common for an eight to have quality things in their home that matter to them. The other thing about eight, I put it this way. Yes, they care about appearance. Do I look good? How am I doing? If you made an eight that’s just dropped it all, that is someone who’s incredibly unhappy, someone who lost their way. So again, as a counselor, I help them find their way back.

Glynis McCant
Because eight is a vibrant energy. They have to be careful what they say. It’s a blunt number. So they do speak and just say what they think, and they can be misinterpreted. So I say truth is an art form. You can tell the truth but still find your words. The number nine, ultimately, the nine, when we say selflessness, that’s what they’re learning. The nine is the old soul number. So if you have a little one, which, by the way, you did say your little girl, what was her first name?

Amy Robeson

Glynis McCant
Josie. Yeah, you didn’t tell me. Is it J-O-S-I-E?

Amy Robeson

Glynis McCant
Okay. And, of course, now I’m hearing Josie and the pussy cats. That’s what you did to me. Thanks. Anyway, because she’s a nine, it always represents That’s the old soul number, right? It’s the number of completions. It means that she’s going to learn quicker than most. She’s going to be able to express herself. And I know she’s born on a three day, so it’s not hard for her, but she is a natural comedian. It is the goofball. And then 11, In 30, one plus one plus three is five. This kid gets bored easily. It’s like, what are we doing? So what’s cool for you is you have a five. You’re like, yay, let’s go do something else because your goal is to make sure she’s exhausted by the end of the day. Where she’s not going to sleep. She’s just so ampy and excited. And with the holidays, oh, my goodness, a gift. She must light up like a Christmas tree. No, that energy is all about it. So, going to what is a nine? They know things beyond their years. And as the parent, you want to direct them. Whatever comes up, whatever feels right to them.

Glynis McCant
Because technically, yeah, it’s a humanitarian energy, meaning they’re supposed to make a difference and make sure that they left the world in a better place when they got here. So, yeah, there’s a lot of magic in her, but it’s about how we help her stay focused and not get bored to get it done. Because what she is right now is an entertainer. And everywhere she goes, the whole world’s her audience. Wax her room. It’s like, You guys love me, right? I know. I’m famous, aren’t I? She has that in her energy.

Amy Robeson
You’re so spot on, Glynis. We can’t go to the store without her saying hi to every person who passes her. And the checkout person—she has to tell them a story, tell them what’s going on, tell them about herself. I know, right?

Glynis McCant
I mean, my goodness. And that’s why as a mama, and I think you’re going to be able to do this because you’re seven, you’re going to be able to help her calm down. It’s like, Sweetie, I love your passion and your energy, but now we need to regroup. And she’s a storyteller. She’ll make up the story. If her imagination is active, you’ll see it. She’ll come up with something. It doesn’t mean it. It didn’t necessarily happen. So you could laugh and say great imagination, but that’s not what happened. So she’s funny. You have a character before you. She’s trying to tell me yesterday. One last thing about a nine-line path for those listening. They have to overcome the past. When a nine does not, when they feel unloved or abandoned by mom or dad as kids, it haunts them later in life, and they have to let it go to have some joy. They must let go of the past. Those are the basic numbers. Now, master number real quick. It’s what I tell people because I have a master number on my chart; it’s an 11. But I embrace the regular frequency as well.

Glynis McCant
So it’s 11/2, 22/4, 33/6. And the reason I tell you to do that is you cannot live in your high frequency. A master number cannot walk around always being a master number. There are times they have to calm it down. So, for example, 11. Jennifer Aniston is a great example. Look how much she’s mastered in her life. And yet two is about love, and her heart’s been broken, right? You had the Brad Pitt, a horrible story. And then this guy, she married after that, and it fell apart. But what has she done with it? She did yoga and meditation. She’s gotten into her core. She has great friendships. She’s got her animals. So she has some serenity, even though her life has not been… It’s been incredibly successful, but not everything’s happened that she wanted, yet she finds a way to be joyful daily. That’s the two in her. The 11 is the performer, the physical body, But the two is love, peace, and harmony. So 22, master number 22. They see everything. A plus B must equal C. They’re brilliant when they create, especially if they do go down the right of being a builder or any director.

Glynis McCant
They’re the ones who do big business. But then they bring it back to two plus two is for my home, my family, this sacred space. And they need it to be beautiful around them. It makes them happy. And then ultimately 33, 6. I told you about the uniqueness. No matter what, if you have a 33 before your 6, communication, playful, you got to express yourself. But the master number double frequency. Now, again, what’s our girl? Meryl Streep always pops through because she’s such a ridiculously good example. The woman has this massive success as an actress, nomination after nomination. But her home is sacred. She loves to cook. She likes to decorate. That’s the 6 energy in her. So, yeah, I invite people. Go to numberslady. Com. If you click on the link under numbers, you can read more about the master numbers. It’s there, and it’s in my books. But that is what you need to know for the basics.

Amy Robeson
Thank you for sharing all that. Now, there are lots of numbers that people can look at. What is the destiny number and why is that important to look at?

Glynis McCant
Okay. So, a destiny number, that really does come from the original birth certificate name. So I said when we took your birth certificate name, it was the number seven. Now, why that’s lucky? It’s almost like saying it sped up your destiny because you’re opening a seven-life path. If your destiny number is in conflict with your life path, it’s going to take more time to get there. So, in your case, seven, how quickly were you in your career? How quickly did you move into what you felt called to do? How?

Amy Robeson
Well, I got a really good career right when I was 21. And then once I found my spiritual path, it took me a little bit. But I’ve been doing this for quite some time now, and I love it.

Glynis McCant
Let me ask you this. Go back to ’21. What was the career you picked originally?

Amy Robeson
I was a finance manager in the car business. I got interviewed and didn’t even know what I was getting an interview for.

Glynis McCant
Right. So are you ready for the why? This is how my brain works. Finance, which is money, you were born on an eight-day. Cars, which is movement, a seven. Please, you walked in, you’re like, I guess. What? But you were charming. That was your three attitude. Put on the show, walked away, going, What? Did I get a freaking job? What is the job? But yes, that makes sense to me. You landed into something, but it was never going to be enough for you. It was never going to be enough for you. Because once you And when you tap into the who am I? What am I? Why am I here? It’s about the spiritual breakthroughs. And once you learn them, you’re going to teach others. I told you, there’s nothing more profound than when a seven explains something spiritual to people. It’s intriguing. It’s interesting. They’re not loud about it. Don’t you tend to go to a quiet place when you do it?

Amy Robeson
Yeah, I try to because I’m a loud talker. But when I’m talking- Of course.

Glynis McCant
But when you’re teaching. Yeah, Because remember, your three attitude is like your daughter. That’s why she makes you laugh. You get that. But not when it comes, just like someone who’s in pain and needs your help. You go right there. And honestly, what I need to make clear, it’s coming right through your body. It’s not from you. So you’ve become a vehicle. Instead of selling vehicles, you become a vehicle. I said it. I said it. I love that.

Amy Robeson
It really does because there’s a very clear knowing of what wants to be said and what wants to be done. And I just allow it. I witnessed it as it was happening myself.

Glynis McCant
You feel honored to be a part of it, absolutely. And let’s go to the other idea. I said ego. When we talk about ego edging that out, you become very ego-less. It’s like, no, I’m a vehicle here, and I can’t wait to see what happens. It’s our breakthrough. I’m looking forward to it. That’s all you want.

Amy Robeson
That’s a lot of fun. So, with the Destiny number, they’re taking whatever their original name on the birth certificate is. I know that in your book, you talk about vowels as well. Is that something that they have to do? Well, remember, this is the Pythagrine number chart that we’re following.

Glynis McCant
So the vowels across is a soul number. The consonants below added together with just one digit is a personality number. Those two numbers added together are the power name number. But in my opinion, in an interview, what does that mean? You listen, and I go. That’s where the books come in. Do you want to learn and understand what is my soul? What is my personality? What’s the power name number? Now, there are two schools of thought. Some people feel it can only be that birth certificate name that gives you a soul number, personality number, and in that case, it’d be a destiny number. No. Numerology is an onion, and it has layers. But the fact is, when you introduce yourself, whatever name you’re going by today, first and last, is the vibration they experience when they meet you. So you want to know your destiny number because it’s an important message. And you can look at the soul and the personality of that original name and see what changed. So for me, my birth certificate name gave me 911. Who did they call for help? I think they called me. But that was in my chart.

Glynis McCant
That came from my birth. My birth. And I actually have a sister who has the same numbers. And sure enough, she’s a guy. Her thing is called Fine Parent, but she helps people become good parents. So that was her calling. So you use 911 to say, 9-1-1, they call you and you help them. But the name I go by today gives me 8-7-6, which is a little more complicated. See, the soul is eight, which is business-minded because you can be creative. You can do this. But if you’re not able to teach people, if you’re not able to get on a platform so people can learn, that’s not going to work. Anyone can be great in their house. But I’ve been able to touch the world in a massive way, and I know that soul number eight helped me do it. And then my personality, this part I love Amy, because I am double three, natural comedian. That’s me. But my personality number from my name is a seven. And my seven does observe before I speak. I do listen, and that’s why I’m accurate. And then when you add those together, it becomes the number 6, the six power name.

Glynis McCant
My joke is I breastfeed the planet. I do. Everyone knows one child. But it’s my 6, now it’s magnetic, and it happens to be a natural match semi-life path, which is three. So that’s how it works. You want to understand your blueprint. You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to put your name. If they type Amy in the promo code for an individual reading report to get their breakdown. Yeah. The numerology reading report is just to tell you about yourself or a soulmate breakdown to see you with someone else. Are you guys compatible? Or what are the pros and cons of the relationship? Because some of us get stuck. I call that a soulmate connection, Amy. If you have three numbers out of six as a soulmate, that doesn’t mean it’s always good news. Sometimes, a soulmate is someone we learn from, but it’s not easy. And if you know the difference, you can use your life because it gives you permission to move on if it’s not healthy.

Amy Robeson
So, I know that sometimes numbers can challenge other numbers. For example, I’m a seven, my husband’s a three, and we have different life paths.

Glynis McCant
But remember what we found with you? We found that you have three hiding behind your time. A three. A 34, seven. And yeah, you have a three attitude and a three. But the point I’m making, it really matters about your life path. If you didn’t have a three in your life path, It’d be more difficult with your husband. And there’s no doubt in my mind there are times you guys have a breakdown in communication. No doubt in my mind. Because frequency is how we deal with life. But when you understand the difference, so what? My husband is a four. I’m a three. It’s a challenge. But it doesn’t matter. He is a 31/4, and I am a 30/3 with one destiny. And we happen to have the same maturity number, which is four. So, yeah, it’s about educating yourself on where you’re the same.

Amy Robeson
Thank you for sharing that, because I think if someone were to say, Oh, well, this is a challenge number, and then they question if they should be with that person or whatever. But I know all the other numbers play into it.

Glynis McCant
Let me tell you this. This is where I do get concerned. If you have one or two challenge numbers out of six, no big deal. You just agree to disagree. If you have three challenge numbers out of six, you both need to commit to keeping the relationship healthy. If you have four or more, you have to be honest with yourself and say, Is it worth it? Because here’s what usually happens. When you have four challenge numbers out of six, there’s a breakdown in communication all the time. I’m sure you have friends where maybe the girl is like, Oh, he said this and this happened. And she’s lost her life. She’s not working on her own career. She’s not achieving any of her dreams. She’s just living and breathing her partner. That’s not good. So, yeah, if you have four challenge numbers out of six, you really need to evaluate the relationship. Now, the good news is I’ve had couples change their name. When I say, should you take his name in marriage? I have one girl, and the marriage fell apart. She went from three natural matches in her name with her guy. She took on his name and went to three challenge numbers.

Glynis McCant
And it really hurt them. But after I counseled them, she changed it back, and they’re doing great.

Amy Robeson
Isn’t that so interesting?

Glynis McCant
So it matters. Yes, it does.

Amy Robeson
I find that interesting because, one, teaching the Akashic records, a name is important when you’re opening your records. And for me, when I changed my name after I got married, it took me a while to own that frequency. And then, once you own it, you own it, but it takes a while to own that frequency. So I find that so fascinating. And how important is it to figure out what your pet’s name, your child’s name, or your business name is before you officially name something?

Glynis McCant
It’s everything. I do it all the time. I have a lot of celebrity clients, and I’ve literally named some famous couples and their babies. Baby by the numbers to make sure the baby’s name was compatible to both of them. And yeah, so it really matters what you name your child, but also taking on your partner’s name. My husband is the love of my life. We’ve been together for 21 years. I’ve never, ever loved someone more than him outside my family, my mom and dad, and there are a few sisters I’m madly in love with, but outside the family. No matter what Charlie does, if I was a cartoon character, Amy, I could have hearts above my head when he’s just… No, it’s ridiculous, but that’s because he’s such a good man. So going to that idea, I didn’t take his last name. His last name is Youngblood. I didn’t take it because it wouldn’t have been good for us as a couple. It would have brought challenges we didn’t need. So I stayed. I’m Glynis McCants. He’s Charlie Youngblood.

Amy Robeson
And he understood that and- Please.

Glynis McCant
Are you going to marry the numbers lady and not understand that?

Amy Robeson

Glynis McCant
As a matter of fact, one of the reasons he won me over when he first found out about me, because I said, I did it on a dating site. Numeral just looking for a man who’s really got my number. And I said, Give me your birthday. Well, he bought my book. This before we met. He bought it for his daughters, Christine and Nicole, and they loved it. That was already a positive. Yeah. So no.

Amy Robeson
He knew who you were – So he did research on you beforehand.

Glynis McCant
Well, he literally got my name, and I had already told him who I was. Then he found the book, and he got it for the kids.

Amy Robeson
That’s cool. Very, very neat. How important is it to name your business and how important is it to know the number of the business?

Glynis McCant
Okay. It is significant because everything has vibration. That’s why you end up using the Pythagorean number chart. If the name, like a book title, is not compatible to you, it’s going to make it more difficult. When you launch a business, you want that business name to be compatible to you, because if it isn’t, again, there’s going to be challenges in the business, even the address where the business is. And what I do, I help you alter energy. If the address that you already have is not compatible, I show you how to change the number on the door to alter energy. But ultimately, why not? If it’s not, what’s the saying? Why would you make a mistake if you have a chance to make it right? So naming a baby by the numbers means the world to me. And Lisa Gibbons was my big example. She was the one who launched me on TV. I did five one-hour specials with her, and she was pregnant with her baby, and she wanted to know these names. What would it be? So we went through three names, and it was very funny. One of the names, I’m like, he’s spending all your money, and she just laughed.

Glynis McCant
And then finally we got to Nathan, the son that she named him Nathan. And when I broke up the numbers and explained who he was, she got very excited. Well, that was all recorded. And what’s great is we’re friends to this day. This was 1997. And she literally will say to me when we talk, Do you know everything you said Nathan would be is exactly who he is? Like she was, It is uncanny that that baby was in my stomach and you knew who he was just by the name.

Amy Robeson
He comes everywhere.

Glynis McCant
Yeah, definitely. That is my world. So helping people name their baby just to ensure compatibility in the family is extremely important.

Amy Robeson
Is there something that’s quirky Is there something weird about numerology that most numerologists don’t talk about that you like to look at or like to talk about?

Glynis McCant
A lot of people will read a book and say they’re a numerologist, and it’s simply not true. It’s simply Really not true. So I will get calls from people that I’m reading, and they’ll say, A numerologist told me blank, and I’m blown away by the inaccuracy of that. So, the truth is numbers are extremely important, but interpretation is key. So, it’s the same as astrology. You can meet an astrologer who is just on it. They look at those planets and what they say is right. You go to another astrologer and they got it all wrong. They have planted these seeds of negativity, whereas the other one didn’t see that. So I say it’s incredibly important that you find the right people, like the people who are truly skilled and have years of experience to help guide you. Because numbers talk to you no matter where you are. If you see your birthday, do you ever see your birthday, by the way?

Amy Robeson
Yes. All the time. Where do you see it?

Glynis McCant
Do you see it on the clock? Where do you see your birth numbers?

Amy Robeson(56:27)
I will see it on addresses. I have a weird thing with numbers.
Glynis McCant
I’ll see it- So example, 8:20. Do you ever see the clock? You just look at it. It says, even though it’s 8:2, it might say 8:20. Do you ever see that on your clock? Yeah. Okay. So here’s my point. Numbers talk to us all the time. But when you see your birth date number, that’s a specific thing. It is the universe checking in with you, saying, what’s going on with you? Are you happy? Are you on the right trail? Is it time to regroup? What are your relationships like? Are they reciprocal? Or are you the one just giving, giving, giving, and then they’re taking? It is checking in on you. So it’s a funny thing. I never would see my birthday for years. And the last couple of years in the pandemic, every time I turned around, I’m like, really? I’d see my birthday, and it made perfect sense. I’m like, oh, wow, checking in on me. How am I? And it helped me every time. I’d make new choices. I had to let some friendships go because they weren’t reciprocal, right? And then it also means relationship. You’re having trouble with your partner?

Glynis McCant
Here’s something a lot of people don’t understand. Personal year cycle. Some numerologists say it changes on your birthday. Like, once you have your birthday, that’s the day it changes. I am not in agreement with that. The other numerologist believes it’s the first day of the new year. Well, Amy, not only do I believe it’s the first day of the new year, But it makes perfect sense because the world number has also shifted. Every year is a different year, a world year. And think how often people wake up and say, I will never go through what I went through last year. It has to be different. We say it all the time. So that really validates to me why that’s so significant. And as for quirky, sure. I mean, you can have numbers follow you around where it feels a little creepy. But if you educate yourself, you’ll understand what it’s really doing. What is the message? So, the knowledge is what will comfort you. Not understanding it makes it seem scary. One more thing. The numbers two and seven attract spirits. Like ghosts often feel comfortable living in a house of two or a house of seven.

Glynis McCant
And then, with you as the seven, they think they’re welcome. They’re like, well, you must like us, right? You’ve got the seven, and you got the two. We’re coming on in. Well, sometimes you don’t want them. So what I teach people is to say, I am a senior in my space, and you’re not welcome here. You can let them go, but they always do feel welcomed by the two and the seven energy. Yeah, they do.

Amy Robeson
Yeah. And you teach, so you add up your house numbers, and if a number doesn’t resonate, you can just change it and write the new number on the door, correct?

Glynis McCant
Well, the inside of the door, you can alter it. Again, this is covered in both books. So, I encourage people. It’s one thing to hear this interview. It’s another to learn this. Learn those basics for yourself. If your house feels weird to you, and maybe it’s a five, so you feel like you can’t sleep, well, perhaps you’re a two. And the two is just really love, peace, harmony, low frequency. The five is like, what? Party time. Well, if your house wants to party and you want to sleep, you might have trouble in that house. So I teach you how to change the number, put a number on the inside of the door that can alter the energy. And it’s very effective.

Amy Robeson
So if someone works from home, and let’s say they have a home office, but they want to just change the energy of, let’s say, their office. Can they do that?

Glynis McCant
Yes, they can. Because remember, the door coming into that room is the most significant. So, I’ll give you an example. One gal, one of my clients, lived in a house that promotes independence, but she really wanted a relationship. So I said, well, then put the number two on the inside of your bedroom door. Just shift it. Within three months, she had the love of her life. I mean, she’s been with him for five years now because she’s one of my clients. But you get what I’m saying? You’re inviting energy. So yes, if you have an office space, you can alter the energy that’s compatible with you because it’s in that room only. Just like an apartment complex. There’s an address outside, and then there’s an apartment number on your door. That’s going to matter the most. I love that.

Amy Robeson
So, for example, like 2222. That is a number sequence that follows me around everywhere.

Glynis McCant
Yeah, but what did I just tell you? The two and the seven are linked, and it’s about spirituality. And it’s not uncommon when someone crosses over. I had this one woman ask me about her son, and all these twos came through on her cell phone. For no reason, they popped up. It was like, Am I No, no, no, no, no. That is your son. So when you see two, two, two, what I first do is make a note of 2. Where’s your intuition? Is there something you said yes to and you shouldn’t have? It’s her minding you. Check your gut instinct. What do you really want to do? And then, if it’s two, two, two, I always add it up to see what the final number is. Two plus two plus two is six. I’m like, okay, what about my family? What’s going on with my family? What’s going on with my home? So it’s simple like that. All these numbers that repeat themselves have a message. You look at that single number to get its definition, and then you add it all up to see what the final one is as well.

Amy Robeson
I love that. If someone wants to do a reading with you, do you do readings?

Glynis McCant
So here’s what I offer. First of all, I always invite people to sign up for the newsletter. It’s free. And what I do is tell you what’s in store for every month. We talk about the energy of the month and what to focus on. So that really helps people. People are allowed to submit questions. I do some of the Just Ask Linas in there. Anytime something big in the news happens, I cover it by the numbers. So that’s one part of it. I do live numerology sessions. If you go to my website, you’ll see I literally mentioned it, but I don’t sell it. If I were to put that on my products page, I’d lose my life completely. It would be insane. And I’ve never done that. What I do is if you’re in trouble and you’re hurting, and you need help, reach out to us, and we will get you books. So yes, I still do live sessions. And then my whole thing was, if you look at my site, I have books to help you learn the basic numbers, but I also have affirmations. Amy, I know you’re going to relate to this. We have a real kindness shortage right now in society.

Glynis McCant
It’s not fun. The way people talk, and I guess I can certainly put it to politics this year, it’s mean-spirited, negative, name-calling, whatever it is. That is the lowest frequency. So it’s about hiring your frequency. This is one of my favorites. It’s a tricky one. It’s not easy to do, meaning manifest it. But I radiate such love and kindness that negative people cannot see me. I radiate such love and kindness that negative people cannot see me. Man, if you do that and you really get into it 15 minutes a day, you won’t believe the kindness that shows up. But yeah, I have a Kindness CD, too. So they should visit the site, decide what’s going on with them, and use these tools that will change their life for the better.

Amy Robeson
And for everybody listening or watching, we’ll definitely put all the links in the show notes and in the description if you’re watching on YouTube. It was so much talking to you, Glenis, today. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge about numerology and everything else you shared as well. Is there anything else you’d like to share before we hop off?

Glynis McCant
I just want to remind people that the key is when life gets crazy around you because, again if I said numerology is an onion, the layer, the world number eight is part of your layer. You have to get back to the basics. Focus on you. What What is your goal? What are you trying to achieve? What’s going on with your family? Connect with each other. I personally, look, we all work in a world where we promote, right? So, social media is a part of our world. But cut down those headlines. Do not click when it tells you to click. So let this year be the year that you see more of your own life and find joy with your people. You will feel so much better. And if you have a health issue, get it checked. Don’t let it turn into something more. You don’t have to. This is a year to feel better in spite of what’s above our heads. Good things are in store, I promise.

Amy Robeson
All right, my friends, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Wasn’t that so much fun learning about the Life Path number? I think the Life Path number, your Destiny number, and all the special numbers are crucial in understanding how you vibrate, how you operate, and how you can use your numbers to better your life. Depending on where you are listening from watching, this is where you’ll click. I am just thrilled and excited for you to go calculate your LifePath number. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please make sure you like, subscribe, and share this with a friend who you think would benefit from it. All right, friends, I’ll see you in the next one. Bye.

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