Power of Tiger Spirit Guides

Episode 106: The Power of Tiger Spirit Guides & Medicine

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Discover the power of the Tiger Spirit Guide in boosting confidence and self-esteem while improving mental health. Learn to process emotions effectively and embrace the support of animal spirit guides. Experience healing and growth through the guidance of the majestic tiger.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I love that there’s a whole month out of the year to bring awareness to mental health. I believe that mental health should be on our minds all year round. 

In today’s episode, we will dive into the importance of mental health, how to process emotions and boost your confidence, and how animal spirit guides can help you on your journey.


Sometimes life is challenging, and it’s hard to get your mind to not play tricks on you or hard to process emotions that are so old that keep you in the same reality. The more we work on our self-confidence and self-esteem, the easier it is for us to maintain or create good mental health. That does not mean that you won’t have moments of sadness, anger, rage, or whatever emotions you experience because you are a soul having a human experience. 

Emotions are not bad or good. They’re simply just emotions. The more we give ourselves permission to lean into the emotion and then go through the emotion…

We allow our nervous system to heal and to regulate. This can be challenging because science says we process an emotion for up to 90 seconds. 

If the mind takes over and stays in that emotion because of one or more of the following reasons: 

  1. You’re too afraid to process it
  2. It brings up old hurts from the past
  3. Your thoughts spiral out of control
  4. You’re not sure how to process it
  5. You never had someone teach you how to process emotions in a healthy way 

When you stay in the emotion for longer than 90 seconds, this brings your nervous system out of a regulated start. The good news is you can learn how to process emotions. 

You can learn how to process emotions in many different ways. One of my spiritual practices that I love to support me in processing my emotions is working with animal spirit guides! 


When I was meditating, I saw a beautiful tiger come forward. She was powerful, magnificent, elegant, graceful, stable, and patient. I could see her walking toward me, and her fur was unique. The front of her body was white, and the back of her body was orange. Her whole body had the classic tiger stripes. 

 My interpretation of the meaning of her two types of colored fur was: 

  • I let go of the past and purify the mind
  • Free myself from hurt from emotions that are keeping me entangled in the past

I love working with animal spirit guides. They have some of the best medicine. What do I mean by medicine? They have a particular energy to support us in our journey. 


When you work with tiger animal spirit guide medicine, it can:

  • Support in purifying the mind
  • Create stability
  • Give the courage to look at raw, old, unprocessed emotions
  • Look at the shadow aspects of our being that we hide from 
  • Boost competence and self-esteem

Your mental health will greatly improve when you can boost your confidence and self-esteem. If you feel worthy, confident, and like the world supports you, you will move through life more easily and gracefully.

The tiger animal spirit guide is also here to support us in processing rage, anger, and tough emotions that are hard to process, like shame and guilt. The tiger wants to help you.

Animal spirit guides show up when the soul is ready to receive support. They’ll show up for a short time or a long time. You can call on any animal spirit guide you want to work with at any time. 

I am super excited to connect you with your tiger animal spirit guide that wants to love on you, support you, boost your confidence, and process old emotions so that you can free yourself from them and live your best life.


Please do not listen to this while you are driving or operating heavy machinery. Please be in a space where you are safe to relax before you listen to this meditation.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hello, and welcome to today’s episode. I am so excited you are here. Welcome to Mental Health Awareness Month. If you’re watching this outside of the month of May, it does not matter, May is the Mental Health Awareness Month. If you’re watching this outside of the month of May, it does not matter, May is the Mental Health Awareness Month.

I think mental health awareness is supposed to be and should be on top of mind all the time because if we can get our minds healthy if we can take care of ourselves in such a beautiful way, we’re able to create the changes that we want in our lives. But sometimes life’s hard.

Sometimes life is challenging and it’s hard to get your mind to not play tricks on you or hard to process emotions that are so old that keep you in the same reality. I find that the more that we work on our self-confidence and self-esteem, the easier it is for us to maintain or to create good mental health.

That does not mean that you’re not going to have moments of sadness or moments of anger or moments of rage or whatever array of emotions you get to experience because you are human and you get to experience those emotions.

Emotions are not bad or good. They’re simply just emotions. And the more that we give ourselves permission to lean into the emotion and then go through the emotion, we get to allow our nervous system to heal, to regulate. And that can be a very hard thing because science says we process an emotion for 90 seconds, up to 90 seconds.

But it’s the mind that will take over and stay in that emotion because it’s one, either too afraid to process it, or two, it brings up old hurts from the past, or three, we spiral out of control, and we’re not really sure how to process it, or you might have had someone never teach you how to process emotions healthy. And that’s okay.

We are learning to evolve. And the more that you give yourself permission to allow your mental health to evolve with you, the easier it’s going to become for you to process the emotions when they arise instead of shove them down and ignore them, disassociate from them. And it’s such a powerful thing.

And so today I have a little special treat for you, and I’m so excited. So when I was sitting with what I wanted to kick this mental health awareness month off with, I saw a beautiful being come forward. And that beautiful being was a tiger. She was powerful. She was magnificent. She was elegant and graceful, stable and patient.

I could see her walking towards me, and she was in two types of color. The front of her body was white, the back of her body was that orange fan color. My interpretation of this meaning is if I let go of the past and purify the mind, I will free myself from hurt from emotions that are keeping me entangled in the past.

I love working with animal spirit guides. They have some of the best medicine. And what do I mean by medicine? They have a particular energy that is here to support us in our journey. In this particular case, the tiger medicine is here to support in purifying the mind, creating stability, having the courage to look at raw, old, unprocessed emotions, to look at the shadow aspects of our being that we hide from.

The tiger is also able to boost competence and self-esteem. When you can boost your confidence and self-esteem, your mental health will greatly improve. Because if you feel worthy, if you feel confident, if you’re feeling like the world is supporting you, you will move through life with a lot more ease and grace.

Again, this does not mean that you’re not going to have moments of sadness because we get to have those emotions. The tiger is also here to support us in processing rage, anger, and tough emotions that are hard to process, like shame and guilt. The tiger wants to support you. And if you’re listening to this, it definitely wants to support you.

Animal spirit guides show up when the soul is ready to receive support. And now they’ll show up for a short period of time or a long period of time. You can call on any animal spirit guide that you want at any moment in time.

And today, I’m going to connect you with your tiger animal spirit guide that wants to love on you, support you, boost your confidence, process old emotions so that you can free yourself from them and live your best life.

Today is going to be a little different than how I usually do the show. So a couple of things I just want to share with you since we are going on this journey. One is I’m going to leave some space and time at the end of it with some extra music so you can process and connect with the tiger animal spirit guide as long as you would like.

You can also have a journal next to, and you can jot down any notes that you would like as well. Please do not watch this or listen to this while operating heavy machinery. I will also cut this healing out of this episode and upload it directly to our member portal and our YouTube channel.

And that way you can listen to just the healing anytime you want, over and over and over again, if that is something that you desire to do. And if you don’t know, we have a YouTube channel, and all of our podcast episodes are going to be uploaded moving forward to our YouTube channel, which I’m very excited because this is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time.

So if you are the type of person that likes to connect through video versus audio, I got you covered on YouTube. Also, plan on uploading a bunch of different healings like the one we’re about to do today so that you can be supported on your journey. And healings are my jam. I love doing healings.

One other thing, not one, but several other things I want to mention is don’t operate heavy machinery or drive while listening to this. Also, know that you may receive messages after you listen to this. It may be hours; it might be minutes; it might be days; it might be weeks; it might be months.

Please note that you do not have to visually see something in order for it to work. You can sense, feel, or imagine it. And know that there may be synchronicities that will come your way from doing this guided visualization as well.

I do everything in the Akash, so by listening to it, you’re giving me permission to bring you into the Akash to receive this healing. I just work higher self to higher self. It doesn’t matter if you’re watching this a year from now or right when it’s released, it’s going to work for you.

You can watch it as many times or listen to it as many times as you would like. I’ll also speak light language during the healing as well. Light language is a cosmic sound of our soul, and our soul recognizes it. The higher self recognizes it. Every word or sound, or movement holds paragraphs of information. When you’re listening to it, the higher self will recognize what it means.

You do not need to recognize what it means. Your human self may not know what it means, and it’s perfect. I love light language because of that. The soul gets an opportunity to experience something really beautiful and something really profound. The human self doesn’t have to understand it because the higher self completely understands it. Also, if you enjoy this, please share it with a friend. Like and subscribe. I’m super excited. Find a cozy spot, and let’s jump into this tiger medicine, animal spirit guide, and initiation. I’m so excited for you. Let’s jump in.

Close your eyes and drop down into your heart space, sink into the sacred nectar of your being. And as you settle into this sacred space, feel, sense, or imagine. There’s a beautiful golden light surrounding you. This golden light is made up of pure love, pure creation energy.

You are held and protected. Breathe with this light. And as you breathe with this light, allow your heart to expand and your grounding cord to release into the Earth. Each and every breath you take, a sense of peace, love, and surrender takes over the cells of your body and being.

You can feel, sense, or imagine your grounding cord rooting into Gaia Mother Earth. Your grounding cord roots down, down through all the layers of the Earth, where eventually it hits a crystalline ball of energy. This is Mother Earth’s heart chakra.

You plug your grounding cord into her heart, and she sends a beautiful wave of crystalline energy into your body and being, supporting you, loving you, cradling you, assisting you in knowing that you are safe and capable of entering the sacred energy of this journey you’re about to go on.

You take a nice deep breath in, a cleansing breath out, and you notice that there’s a sacred doorway in the back of your heart space. You walk over to the door, and the door opens. You step through, and acts as a portal that brings you across all space-time portals and dimensions. And you land in a beautiful place in nature.

And when you land, you notice that you’re in a beautiful jungle. There’s beautiful trees. It’s the perfect temperature. The birds are chirping, and you sense that you are not alone. You notice off in the distance, there is a tiger. It’s peacefully laying in the grass, observing you.

You make eye contact with it, and you can feel a surge of energy from this powerful animal spirit guide roaring through yourselves, through your heart, through your body. You can feel your body gravitating, wanting to move towards it.

But before you start even moving, the tiger stands up and slowly starts to walk towards you. You can feel its grace, its beauty, its strength in each and every step it takes. The tiger has its eyes locked in on you. It’s telepathically telling you you’re safe. I’m a friend. I’m here to support you. Breathe.

And as you breathe, the tires getting closer and closer to you. Before it reaches you, it stops. Right before you, it sits and bows its head, a greeting of a hello. Like an old friend, you calmly walk towards the tiger and hold out your hands. The tiger places its big, gigantic paw in the palms of your hand, and you touch the paw.

And when you touch the paw, there’s a beautiful surge of energy that roars through your body, through your being. This tiger’s power is echoing through you, reminding you you have the willpower, the strength, the courage. In the stamina, you start to greet the tiger in a very intuitive way. You might hug the tiger.

You might place your forehead to its forehead. However, you greet the tiger is beautiful and unique to you in this moment. And as you’re greeting the tiger, there’s another surge of energy. This energy echoes through the cells of your body and being assisting you on embodying.

The medicine of the tiger, the strength of the tiger, the courage of the tiger. And as you’re greeting the tiger, the tiger invites you to rest, to lay on it. And as you snuggle up with this beautiful, majestic creature, the tiger says, it’s time for you to release the emotions that bind you to unworthiness, to release the stories, the patterns that make you feel like you are not.

Enough that make you feel that you are incapable that make you feel that your self-esteem is not worthy to feel what its true essence is. And that is of love, that is of strength. That is of a humble power. And as you feel the tiger breathing with you, its beautiful energy starts to reorganize your energy transmuting outdated stories and beliefs.

You breathe with the tiger, and the tiger shares a sacred message with you. You breathe, and you sense, you feel, you imagine. You hear. You know what this message is. Connect with the tiger. Receive this message as you rest gently on the tiger. The tiger then makes a gesture.

This gesture is to assist you in remembering your creation with this beautiful spirit animal that you are divinely connected to. This gesture is a gesture of friendship, companionship, and love. You are welcome to make a gesture back.

The tiger wants to support you on your healing journey. You are welcome to sit and commune and receive high vibrational love and light and clarity from this beautiful, majestic, graceful animal. You sit quietly, relay quietly. You rest quietly, connecting with the Tiger (light language).

You breathe deeply, and you sit with the tiger for as long as you would like.

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All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.

Do not watch or listen to any healings or meditations while driving or operating machinery where it is not safe for you to relax and fall asleep.

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