
Episode 5: 4 Ways to Protect Your Energy

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Your energy is sacred and you need to protect it. The energy you carry with you is going to impact the way that you are creating your reality and the way that you're manifesting. You will learn four spiritual practices that will help keep your energy clean, sparkly, and open for more positive energies to take up space in your energy field.

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You can tell the universe what energy you do and do not want to come into your space. You can protect your own energy field from anything that doesn’t belong there.

We are constantly bombarded these days, through every interaction both in the physical world and the digital world. This makes it even more important to hold YOUR space as sacred.

Our energy is really important to protect. When we feel safe, we have the ability to navigate life very differently.


We are all energy, and we’re constantly interacting with different energies. And when we have those interactions, they can and do influence our behaviors, our thoughts, and our beliefs. We can unknowingly fill our energy container with energies that are not for our highest good.

I see energy as a container that we carry with us and I’m a big believer in having a clean energy container. I believe it’s super important to be diligent in consistently clearing that container to protect your energy field. The energy you carry with you in your container is going to impact the way that you are creating your reality and the way that you’re manifesting.

The more diligent you are about protecting your energy, the more that you’ll be able to start seeing, sensing, and picking up on how other people’s energy or other things are influencing your behaviors.


Spiritual hygiene should be a daily part of any routine. While there are myriad different methods to clean and clear your energy, I have four daily practices that I make a priority in my everyday life.

These four practices keep my energy container clean, sparkly, and open for more positive energies to take up space in my energy field.

  1. Prayer and Mantras
  2. Self-Care
  3. Crystalline Energy
  4. Setting Healthy Boundaries


I think protection is our birthright, and we have to be very mindful of the things that we’re asking the universe for. And so having a protection practice is crucial in your soul’s evolution.

For me, prayer, or a mantra, was life-changing. This practice made me feel safe and secure not only in my physical body but in exploring the emotions that would present themselves to me.

My beautiful mentor taught me a mantra that has stayed with me for years. You can change the word “God” to another sacred title that resonates more deeply with you and your spiritual journey. This is my go-to prayer/mantra for protection:

“The pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times, in all places.”


It is very common for empaths and sensitive people to take on the energies of the people they interact with. It’s essential to get to a time and space where you can be totally alone to check back in with yourself.

For me, taking time out for myself gives me time to check in with myself and see how my energy is doing and see how it’s being influenced. And then it also gives me time to reset my energy as well, reset protection, and also to clear my energy too.

Take a walk…talk to yourself…examine your feelings…find the source…release


I love working with crystals of all kinds. They are amazing little helpers on our spiritual journey.

I have three, in particular, I call on for the intended purpose of blocking negative energies, providing protection, and keeping me grounded in my own energies.

  1. BLACK TOURMALINE – blocks EMF waves & transmutes lower vibrations energies
  2. BLACK JADE – overall protection and clarity
  3. AMETHYST – acts as a psychic vacuum, sweeping out all negative energies from your energy field

It can be super easy to get stuck in a negative thought cycle which signals the universe to send more of that which you are thinking about. Those self-deprecating thoughts can say “yes, this is my reality and this is what I accept.” But you can catch those thoughts, break those chains that imprison your mind, and free yourself from the negative thought loops that are creating your negative experiences.


This can be as simple as letting your yes be a genuine yes and your no be a resounding no. For people-pleasers, this can be super uncomfortable, but if you over-give, if you have people walking all over you, or you’re doing things that you don’t want to be doing, your cup will get depleted very quickly. When you’re depleted, you are more susceptible to illness, injury, and disease within the body.

Setting boundaries is key to protecting your energy, and taking care of yourself, your mind, your body, and your soul.

Say no when you want to say no, say yes when you want to say yes.


The moment you start protecting your energy and clearing your energy field, the more you will become the essence and the radiance of who you truly are. You will radiate more and more, which allows you to start seeing yourself in a different way.

Protecting your energy brings you to YOUR highest good, which in turn sets you on the path to contributing towards the highest good of the collective. So, make these practices, or some of your own part of your daily routine and you will be amazed at how much lighter and brighter you feel!

Say protection prayers, give yourself space, set boundaries, set time for yourself, and take care of yourself. Work with crystals if that feels good as well. Your energy will become very, very sparkly, your vibration will rise and you will start feeling better. You deserve it.

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Full transcription of the episode:

I am so excited to share today’s topic with you. This very thing, this very act, this very spiritual practice was one of the very things that supported me in overcoming my depression. It also assisted me in feeling safe to explore past trauma as well. And that is spiritual protection. When we feel safe, we have the ability to navigate life very differently.

And our energy is really important to protect. You can protect your energy in several different ways, and I’m going to share those ways with you, but I want to talk a little bit more about protecting your energy and its importance. When you protect your energy. what you’re saying to the universe is my energy is sacred. I don’t want any other energy coming into my energy field that’s not welcome or that belongs here.

We are all energy, and we’re constantly interacting with different energies. And how rapidly technology is advancing, we are constantly bombarded by more and more and more and more content. And that content influences our energy because our energy is interacting with that content. And when we have that interaction, that interaction influences our behaviors, our thoughts, and our beliefs. And the more that you are very diligent about protecting your energy, the more that you’ll be able to start seeing, sensing, and picking up on how other people’s energy or other things are influencing your behaviors as well.

I’m a big believer that you work from a clean container, and your energy field is that container. And when that container is nice and clean and sparkly, you’re able to think differently. You’re able to navigate life differently. And that navigation as you’re navigating it and you’re moving through it, you are also interacting and participating in the law of vibration. And if you have a bunch of other people’s energy in your energy field and it’s influencing it, it’s also going to influence your vibration. It’s going to impact the way that you are creating your reality, the way that you’re manifesting, as well.

It is so crucial to protect your energy on a consistent, daily basis. This practice will shift your vibration. It will also allow you to feel safe. For me, when I started meditating and when I started meditating, my meditation teacher gave me a very powerful mantra. And this mantra I say to this day still, I’m so grateful for my teacher, Elizabeth Barron. She’s no longer with us. She’s transitioned a while ago, and this mantra completely changed my life. This mantra that I’m going to share with you right here right now is so powerful, and that is…and you can change out the title of God if you want to, a different sacred title that you have for God. So please note that you can change this if that is not the title that resonates with you.

And the prayer is, “The pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times, in all places.”

Let me say it again, “The pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times and in all places.”

I would repeat this mantra over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over to myself. I would repeat it in meditation, and I would repeat it out loud to myself. I would repeat it while I was driving.

And the reason why I would repeat it is it made me feel safe. And for the first time in my life, I felt really safe to start exploring my emotions. I also felt that I was being protected and I was commanding that protection. And commanding is a really strong word, but I’m using that very purposefully here because when we set intentions when we say prayers when we say mantras, we are telling the universe that’s what we want.

And I think protection is a birthright, and we have to be very mindful of the things that we’re asking the universe for. And so having a protection practice is crucial in your soul’s evolution. There are many different spiritual protection practices that you can implement, and one of them is mantra and prayer.

The next one is working with crystals. And I love working with crystals in general. They are great little light beings that will help you manifest, help you reorganize your life, and work on your body, mind, and soul. And one of the things that they can do is help protect your energy. And there are many, many protection stones. So I’m just going to share three of my favorite protection stones.

One is Black Tourmaline. I like Black Tourmaline because it will transmute, lower vibrational energy. All three of these stones will do that, but they will also help combat the EMF waves. We have a lot of technology. We’re constantly being influenced and impacted by EMF waves, and Black Tourmaline will help shift that from your energy field.

It will also help with energy vampires. And I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced an energy vampire, but it’s someone that is very efficient at identifying whose energy they can consume. And sometimes these are very unconscious behaviors. Sometimes it’s a very conscious behavior, but energy vampires will just take as much energy from you as possible. And I like Black Tourmaline to combat those types of behaviors that come from people sometimes.

The other one is black Jade, and I like working with black Jade when it comes to clearing or protecting myself from dark forces and very, very low vibrating energy.

It is a stone that I keep next to my bed. I will sleep with it. I will meditate with this stone. And it’s just so it’s such a really grounding yummy stone. The third crystal that I like working with is Amethyst.

And I’m a big believer that everyone would benefit by working with Amethyst. Amethyst not only helps you connect with spirit and wakes up your psychic gifts, but it acts as a psychic vacuum, and it will vacuum out other people’s energy out of your energy field, which then assists with bringing in protection as well.

So the three of these in combination are just working with Black Tourmaline for protection and amethyst is really powerful. Sometimes it’s harder to find Black Jade. That might be different now, but the crystal market has really changed over the last few years on what you’re able to get and what you’re not able to get.

Another way to protect your energy is to set healthy boundaries. If you over-give or you have people walking all over you or you’re doing things that you don’t want to be doing and it’s not necessary for you to do, your cup will get depleted really, really quickly. And when you’re depleted, you are more susceptible to illness, injury, and disease within the body. Setting boundaries can be really challenging for some people. I know for me setting boundaries is a constant evaluation in my life, and I’m seeing that in a positive way.

I think that we outgrow some of our boundaries. Sometimes when we set boundaries, it’s really hard to set them at first and to stick with them. And then we stick with them and then we go, whoop, I think it’s time to upgrade that boundary as well. And this is really cool to see and witness. For me, I know that setting boundaries have been a challenge for me in the past.

It’s become easier and easier as I am willing to look at setting them and I’m willing to be uncomfortable with setting them. So, set healthy boundaries. Say no when you want to say no, say yes when you want to say yes to things. And that right there, just going to check-in. Do I really want to do this? Yes. All right, let’s do it. Do really want to do this? No, let’s not do it.

And don’t let guilt or shame force you into doing something that breaks a boundary. Guilt and shame from someone else can happen. And when you can say nope, I’m not doing that, I’m really sorry. You start taking back your power and you start letting the other person take back their power as well, and it’s going to be uncomfortable at first. I think I need to do a whole topic, a whole episode on setting boundaries because I think it’s a really important step in our soul’s evolution, especially in manifesting, especially in feeling better about ourselves, and navigating life in general. Setting boundaries is key.

The next protection practice is a simple one, yet a challenging one for some people. And that is making time for yourself. The more you carve out time for yourself, the more you’re able to see and pick up on anything that’s influencing your energy in general. Let me give you an example.

So let’s say you take some time out for yourself to just kind of go for a walk and decompress. And as you’re walking, you realize you’re really agitated. And you’re like, Why am I agitated? And you realize as you’re taking this time out while walking, the agitation started when you had a conversation with a friend that was very agitated. And you realize that you took on some of your friend’s agitation.

This is very common for sensitive people and empaths. We end up taking on other people’s energy. You wouldn’t have the opportunity to pick up on that so easily if you didn’t take the time to be with yourself. And so for me, taking time out for myself gives me time to check in with myself and see how my energy is doing and see how it’s being influenced. And then it also gives me time to reset my energy as well, reset protection, and also to clear my energy too. And this is key. So taking time out is going to also help with protection. It will also fill up your cup because you’ll have the time to start discovering new things about yourself. You’ll also take the time to bring more joy and love into your life because you’re able to create that space of receiving because your energy is different, your vibration is different.

And it’s really, really cool witnessing this transformation. And it is a transformation that is a gradual transformation, but it also can be instant. And this is the cool part that I really love. The moment you start setting protection and clearing your energy field, the more you start getting into your essence and your radiance, and that essence and radiance start to radiate more and more, which allows you to start recognizing yourself in a different way. I love watching my clients all of a sudden we’ll clear their energy. And I’ll do these check-ins with my clients, how are you feeling? What’s going on? And the consensus is like, I’m scattered, I’m scared, I’m all over the place. I’ve been a nervous wreck lately. Whatever it is, there’s usually a common theme.

And we’ll do some protection, we’ll do some clearing. And this protection clearing can just be like a minute long, a couple of minutes long. And the shift in energy is crazy in just a short period of time.

And so if you are having a character-building moment or a character-building day, take time out for just going, you know what, let me do a quick reset. Let me reset my energy, let me clear my energy, and let me set protection to see if I can shift out of this experience right now.

And that it’s so neat. And even if it doesn’t shift you 100% out of it, it will shift your energy to a place where you can notice the difference. And then the key is to be consistent in setting the protection on a consistent basis throughout the day. And I believe I already mentioned this setting it in the morning and setting it at night is the minimum I suggest in doing it. It does not have to be a very long practice. It can literally be 10 seconds. Like I set protection around me, I feel that protection. It could be really simple.

Come up with an intention that feels really good, a prayer that feels really good to you, and say it and if you want to use the one that I shared with you earlier which is “the pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times, in all places” and again you can switch out the title of God whatever sacred title you give the universe, God, Spirit, insert it there.

Say protection prayers, give yourself space, set boundaries, set time for yourself, and take care of yourself. Work with crystals if that feels good as well. Your energy will become very, very sparkly, your vibration will rise and you will start feeling better. So let’s get started, let’s start protecting ourselves. You deserve it.

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