Awakening with Amy Robeson- episode 22

Episode 22: Believing in the Power of Prayer

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Believing in the power of prayer is what makes it so powerful. We have to believe in the power of prayer in order to access it in its fullest capacity. Learn how to powerfully pray so that you can get the most out of your prayers.

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Prayer is so powerful. We have the ability to heal ourselves, heal our community, and to lean into the sacred energy that is of love and light. We have to believe in the power of prayer in order to access it in its fullest capacity. Today I’m going to talk to you about believing in the power of prayer and also how to powerfully pray so that you can get the most out of your prayers.

We have to believe in the power of prayer in order to access it in its fullest capacity.


Anytime you are praying, you want to speak directly to the sacred energy that you have given a title to. Some people use the word God, some people use the word Divine, Creator, Lord, Shakti, or Shiva. There are so many sacred titles and the title is super important.

For me, I start off my prayer with Heavenly Father, Earthly Mother, every single time. This allows me to bring in the masculine and the feminine that dwells within me. There’s a sacred energy (and I’m going to just use the word God for now) that dwells within each and every one of us.

This is an omnipresence that we have access to, that allows us to recognize our God-self, our divine self. We are not separate from this energy. This energy dwells within everything, including within our furniture, within our crystals, within our clothing, within our being, within our mind, and within every single thing that we have access to.

When we pray, this sacred being, this sacred force comes before us and allows us to recognize the power within us. But we have to believe in that power in order to access it in its fullest potential. Believing in the power of prayer gives it its potency.

God dwells within each and every one of us.



When I was growing up, the thought of praying was always really confusing because nobody taught me how to do it. I didn’t grow up in church. I think that when you grow up in church you’re used to people praying. But something inside me understood the power of prayer. As a young child, I was already believing in the power of prayer with a little “altar” I had set up with crystals and little statues of angels.

I didn’t know what I was doing. All I knew it that it felt safe, it felt good, and I knew that someone was listening. Someone cared about me. Even though I was asking for things that now, as an adult, seem insignificant, I was learning that when I needed or wanted something, I could ask a Higher Power to help me.

This is something I have carried with me into adulthood. I know that I can pray even when I’m not sure what to pray for. I can call out for help for guidance on what to ask for!


When you’re having a hard time and you’re not really sure what to pray about, pray for courage and strength.

This is really important because when we feel defeated or feel like there’s nothing left, one of the things that you can do is you can lean into Source or the Divine, and the Divine will cradle you, hold you, and support you.

So if you’re not sure what to pray for, but you’re having a hard time right now, pray for courage. Pray for strength. Remember, you can give God whatever sacred title it is that you give this sacred energy of love and light.

It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out prayer with every minute detail of your concerns outlined. The power of prayer doesn’t depend on how wordy you can be. You can keep it very simple:

  • Divine, please give me guidance today as I go through this.
  • Please give me the strength and courage I need to use my voice today.
  • God, please help me know which decision is for my highest good.
  • Universe, please help me understand why this situation is happening.



Believing in the power of prayer means believing that what you are asking for is already here and available to you. The key is to speak as if you’ve already received it. We are not limited to how many things that we can ask for. The more that we ask for, the more that will be bestowed upon us. So remember, you have to ask in order to receive. Anytime you’re setting intentions or setting goals, you want to speak it as if it’s already occurred.

Let’s say you are not wanting to argue with your partner anymore and you’re just tired of it. You can say, “Heavenly Father, Earthly Mother, thank you for gifting me with kind communication in my relationship. Thank you for assisting me in hearing what my partner is saying to me. Thank you for allowing my partner to hear me and for me to be seen and feel safe while we’re communicating. I am so grateful for this. Please continue to give me the strength so that I can have compassion for my partner and my partner can have compassion for me.”

Remember, you have to ask in order to receive.


Any time I am praying, whether, for guidance or a specific resolution to a troubling situation, I am always expressing gratitude. When we speak with gratitude, this helps with infusing, in the belief, the prayer. It assists you in raising your frequency so that you’re vibrating at the highest frequency when you are saying your prayer.

Does that mean that you always have to feel high vibe when you’re saying your prayer? Does that mean that you can’t feel sad or upset or angry when you’re praying? Absolutely not.

I want you to let your true raw emotions out and talk to God, talk to the universe, talk to Heavenly Father, Earthly Mother about how you’re truly feeling so that they can help you transmute those feelings as well.

Oftentimes people in the spiritual community think that you can only talk about positive things. That is truly not the case. God wants you to talk about anything and everything. If you are having a hard time and you’re truly sad, this is super healthy in processing your emotion. Praying is powerful to release all emotion, all feeling, all thought, and all burdens.

The divine will cradle you, hold you, and support you.


I think surrender is a really important thing. We have to trust God. And so when you pray, when you’re believing in the power of prayer, that is allowing you to start to trust and lean into the unknown. As you just collapse in the Creator’s arms, you are being cradled in this sacred energy and it will provide for you.

You still have to take action. So when God and the universe start to send you little things, synchronicities, signs, start taking action on those. Trust that you are receiving it because it is meant for you. It’s meant for you.

And I often just say, “I surrender this to you, universe, Creator. Please send me what it is that is going to help provide for my family, for my business, for my team. Please send that to me. I am all out of ideas. Whatever serves the highest good, please bestow that upon me. I trust that you’re going to provide for me, for my team, for my family, for my clients, for my community.”

Trust what’s happening because there’s something bigger and better that’s going to come your way.


Another way to start believing in the power of prayer is to listen to spiritual music. I love listening to chanting music, Christian music, and music that has Sanskrit in it. Listening to prayer music or sacred music that has prayer infused in it is really powerful and it will raise your frequency.

You can also memorize chants, sacred text, and scripture that you are called to memorize. One of my favorites, that I use to this day is “The pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times in all places.”

Having a prayer memorized is really comforting and allows you to use it as a chant. You can repeat it over and over again as a mantra or chant that will allow you to really center into your heart space.


I want to encourage you to allow your prayer to be simple and allow your prayer to be powerful. Because you are powerful. God wants to gift you and assist you in recognizing that power, that omnipresence that dwells within you because you are not separate from it. You are not separate from it whatsoever, my friend. You’re not.

Lean into prayer whenever you are happy, sad, or angry. Ask the universe or the Creator to assist you in processing any anger, sadness, or confusion in a very helpful and healthy way. This will help you get out of your ego and start seeing things through the lens of love and from multiple perspectives.

When you pray for it, it can allow you to soften and bring more compassion in as well. You deserve it because you’re amazing.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Prayer is so powerful. We have the ability to heal ourselves, heal our community, and to lean into the sacred energy that is of love and light. We have to believe in this power in order to access it in its fullest capacity. Today I’m going to talk to you bout believing in the power of prayer and also how to powerfully pray so that you can get the most out of your prayers. And some other tidbits and tips that I want to share.

One is anytime you are praying, you want to speak directly to the sacred energy that you have given a title to. Some people use the word God, some people use the word divine, or creator or Lord or Shakti, or Shiva. There’s so many sacred titles and the title is super important. For me, I start off my prayer with heavenly Father, earthly Mother, every single time. This allows me to bring in the masculine and the feminine that dwells within me. There’s a sacred energy and I’m going to just use the word God for now. God dwells within each and every one of us.

This is an omnipresence that we have access to, that allows us to recognize our God self, our divine self. And we are not separate from this energy. This energy dwells within everything. It dwells within our furniture, within our crystals, within our clothing, within our being, within our mind, and within every single thing that we have access to. And when we pray, this sacred being, this sacred force comes before us and allows us to recognize the power within us. But we have to believe in that power in order to access it in its fullest potential. Some of the things that I’m going to share with you today will help in that belief.

The second thing I wanted to share is when you’re praying and you’re not sure what to pray about. I know for me the thought of praying was always really confusing because nobody taught me how to do it. I didn’t grow up in church and I think that when you grow up in church you’re used to people praying. I taught myself how to pray when I was a kid because I would stand before and I put in quotations “altar.” I had a shelf that had tons of crystals and angels on it. I collected angels when I was a kid because they made me feel so safe and I would sit before this shelf and I would pray to God.

I didn’t know how to do it. I would just ask for little things and I would ask when I was upset to release energy. I would ask if I wanted to sleep over at a friend’s house, to let my parents, to make my parents let me do that. When I was a kid, this was what was on my mind and what was really important. As an adult when we pray, we want to be very clear on what we’re asking for. Always ask for what you need. Always ask for support that you are wanting to embody as well.

So if you’re needing more money, ask for more money to be bestowed upon you. If you are needing your body to feel better, speak as if it’s already done and say, “Thank you, God, for allowing my body to feel so amazing today. Thank you for giving me the strength to work through the pain that has been occurring in my life for so long. Thank you for allowing me to see what I have access to and the strength that I have access to, that I can continue to give strength to myself and to others as well.

The key is to speak as if you’ve already received it. If you’re not sure how to do that, that’s okay. Just ask for what it is that you truly, truly need. We are not limited to how many things that we can ask for. The more that we ask for, the more that will be bestowed upon us. So remember, you have to ask in order to receive. So make sure that you are asking for what it is that you truly want. Let go of the things that you’re not wanting. Stop talking about what I don’t want because the universe doesn’t hear it any differently. And source wants to gift you with so many different things, so start shifting your words from I don’t want, I don’t need, I can’t to what it Is that you truly want to have.

So let’s say you are not wanting to argue with your partner anymore and you’re just tired of it. You can say, “Heavenly Father, Earthly Mother, thank you for gifting me with kind communication in my relationship. Thank you for assisting me in hearing what my partner is saying to me. Thank you for allowing my partner to hear me and for me to be seen and feel safe while we’re communicating. I am so grateful for this. Please continue to give me the strength so that I can have compassion for my partner and my partner can have compassion for me.”

If you notice, I’m talking about it as if it’s already happening. I am not dwelling on what is going wrong. I am concentrating on what it is that I want to receive. And this is also really powerful. When you set intentions, they are prayers out into the universe. And so anytime you’re setting intentions or setting goals, you want to speak it as if it’s already occurred as well.

The next thing that you want to be mindful of is when you’re having a hard time and you’re not really sure where to go. Pray for courage. Pray for strength. This is really important because when we feel defeated or feel like there’s nothing left, one of the things that you can do is you can lean into source, you can lean into the Divine, and the divine will cradle you and hold you and support you. And so if you’re not sure what to pray for, but you’re having a hard time right now, pray for courage. Pray for strength. And you can just say and again, give it whatever sacred title it is that you give this sacred energy of love and light.

So let’s say you give the title of God, you give it the title of Divine, you’re going to say, “Divine, I pray, to you, the sacred Divine that dwells within me. I pray that you gift me with courage and you allow me to access that courage when it is necessary for me to access. I pray that you allow me to recognize the courage that is held within me and every cell of my body so that I have the courage to speak up, so I have the courage to take action, so I have the courage to move forward with ease and grace. Please gift me with strength. I own that strength in every cell of my body and being. I am so grateful for the strength that you continue to bestow upon me and that strength is going to be used for good. That strength is going to be used in a way that allows me to give back to the community, but it allows me to actually recognize the true strength that you have always dwelled within every cell in my body. That you have always had within me. Because I am you and you are me and we are together as one. Thank you for this strength. I am so grateful. Thank you.”

And if you notice as I’m praying, this example of prayer, I’m always giving gratitude as well. When we speak with gratitude, this helps with infusing, in the belief, the prayer. It also assists you in raising your frequency so that you’re vibrating at the highest frequency when you are saying your prayer. Does that mean that you always have to feel high vibe when you’re saying your prayer? Does that mean that you can’t feel sad or upset or angry when you’re praying?
Absolutely not.

I want you to let your true raw emotions out and talk to God, talk to the universe, talk to heavenly Father, earthly Mother about how you’re truly feeling so that they can help you transmute those feelings as well. Oftentimes people in the spiritual community think that you can only talk about positive things. That is truly not the case. God wants you to talk about anything and everything. And I know that I said that try to keep your prayers as if you have already received what it is that you truly want. But if you are having a hard time and you’re truly sad, this is super healthy in processing your emotion.

I remember one time I was having a really hard time at work and I was getting ready to quit, and retire from my career. I already had my business set up. I had my website set up. I was starting to see clients, and I was getting ready to leave at the end of the year because that was the date that I stated. What was really cool while I was getting ready to retire from this career was my now husband proposed. And when he proposed, I got super scared and super nervous about making sure I had extra money to pay for the wedding.

And so I was going to just stay for an extra four months. And once the wedding was done, we were going to step back and I was going to be full-time in my business. Well, the universe had different plans. And my last day of work, I did not give notice. On my last day of work, God decided to take matters into his own hands. And I was really stressed out and somebody was doing something that they shouldn’t have been doing and I put a squash to it and our new GM did not appreciate.

We got into a tiff so I left for lunch and when I was driving back to work, I said a prayer because I’d been crying and I’d been upset and I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to quit, but I didn’t have the courage to quit and so I surrendered and I said, “God, I surrender to you. Whatever decision is meant to be, please make that for me now. I surrender. I trust in you. I surrender. I let this go and I hand it over to you. Please help me with this.”

And I walk back into work and guess what happened? I got fired for the first time in my life. And it was awesome. And when I say that I didn’t get fired because I was doing something wrong, I got fired because there was a power struggle right there and that served the highest good. I haven’t looked back. I’m grateful for everything that career has provided for me. And unfortunately, this person ended up losing some other good team members because this person was having a major power struggle. And bless him. Bless every part of him because he did me a huge favor.

And I leaned into prayer and I trusted that God was going to provide for me and make the right decision. And I know most people would not celebrate getting fired. I was prepared and I was ready to leave, and it was ready for me to do that. And so know that if you do lean in and surrender to God, the universe, when you’re praying, trust the universe. Trust what’s happening because there’s something bigger and better that’s going to come your way.

And I often, anytime, let’s say I want some money to come in, I just say, “I surrender this to you, universe, creator. Please send me what it is that is going to help provide for my family, for my business, for my team. Please send that to me. I am all out of ideas. Whatever serves the highest good, please bestow that upon me. I trust that you’re going to provide for me, for my team, for my family, for my clients, for my community. Please surrender.”

I think surrender is a really important thing because sometimes people don’t really know how to do it and we have to trust the universe. And so when you pray it’s also the belief when you’re believing in the power of prayer, that is allowing you to start to trust and lean into the unknown. And you just collapse in the creator’s arms. You are being cradled in this sacred energy and it will provide for you. You still have to take action. So when God and the universe start to send you little things, synchronicities, signs, start taking action on those. Trust that you are receiving it because it is meant for you. It’s meant for you.

Another way to start believing in the power of prayer is to listen to spiritual music. I love listening to chanting music, I love listening to Christian music, I love listening to a lot of music that has Sanskrit in it. I’ll listen to spiritual music because it makes me feel better. I know for me, when I started to go to church, when I used to go to church, the favorite thing about the church that I went to was singing and it was all about prayer. And if you’re not sure how to pray, listening to prayer music or sacred music that has prayer infused in it is really powerful and it will raise your frequency as well.

You can also memorize chants, sacred text, and scripture that you are called to memorize. This is something that you can lean into and say anytime you’re nervous or scared. I say a prayer that one of my very first meditations teachers said to me and taught me a really long time ago that I will say to myself anytime I’m nervous. You guys have already heard me say it and that’s, “The pure white light of God surrounds me and protects me at all times in all places.”

This is a prayer that I say to my daughter before I put her down to bed. I think having a prayer memorized is really comforting and allows you to use it as a chant. And you can repeat it over and over again as a mantra or chant that will allow you to really center into your heart space. So memorization of prayer is really helpful as well.

Taking time to pray is also really important. I pray anytime I sit down to eat my food. I will pray before I meditate. After I meditate. I will pray when I am driving in the car. I will pray when I am sad. I will pray when I’m happy. I will pray whenever I am called to pray. You will have certain times a day that you will naturally want to pray. If you don’t know what those times a day are, you can start with just your food. Pray above your food.

Thank you for gifting you with nourishment, for providing love and light, vitamins and minerals and protein for your body so you can flourish and be healthy and anything else that you want to give thanks for while you are praying above your food is a great spot to pray. You can pray before you get out of bed. You can pray also right before you go to bed as well. You can pray any time of day. I want to encourage you to pray any time of day because this will assist you in recognizing the power of prayer as well.

If you’re really not sure how to pray and you’re like, “Amy, I still can’t wrap my head around this”, you can look at images of praying. That might be really helpful for you to hold a powerful image of prayer in your heart and in your mind’s eye. I personally think it’s really awesome if you want to take a selfie with your hands on your heart or in a prayer position and that can also be something that you can look at to remind yourself that you are a powerful being and that you have access to the power of prayer as well.

This is really awesome too. You can also throw your arms up in the air and pray with your arms in the air. There is no particular right or wrong way that your body is meant to be in for prayer and it’s also important to keep it simple. Keep your prayer simple. You don’t have to overcomplicate things. You do not have to, and I did say this, memorize some scriptures or chants that are simple for you to memorize. If it’s super complicated and you can’t memorize it, don’t give yourself a hard time. Keep your prayer simple and the prayer can be thank you. I’m so grateful God, thank you. That could be your prayer. That’s how you can start. The prayer is what you make out of it, it’s your relationship with it.

And so I want to encourage you to allow your prayer to be simple and allow your prayer to be powerful. Because you are powerful. God wants to gift you and assist you in recognizing that power, that omnipresence that dwells within you because you are not separate from it. You are not separate from it whatsoever, my friend. You’re not.

All right, my friends, I want to encourage you to continue to pray. Lean into prayer whenever you are happy, sad, angry. Also, just so you know, if you are super confused or super angry, ask for the universe, for Creator to assist you in processing that anger, that sadness, that confusion, in a very helpful way, in a very healthy way as well because this will help you get out of ego and start seeing things through the lens of love and with multiple perspectives. And when you pray for it, it can allow you to soften and bring more compassion in as well. You deserve it. You’re amazing. Start praying, leaning into prayer, because you’re awesome.

Alright, guys, I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Make sure you like and subscribe. It helps more than you know. I think you’re amazing. Have a blessed day. Bye.

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