Episode 209: ​​The Power of DNA Activation

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In this episode, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing through the power of DNA activation. Discover how activating your DNA can help you manifest your reality, unlock hidden gifts, and release ancestral traumas.

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Full transcription of the episode:

Welcome everyone to day one of the DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass Series. My name is Amy Robeson. I’m an Akashic Record Master Teacher, a DNA restructure practitioner. I speak like codes. The main thing that I do is help you discover your reality that you really want and manifest that in as quickly as possible. I’m super excited you are here today. If you’re joining us live or catching the replay, welcome. This is so powerful no matter when you are consuming this because the information will meet you where you are at in that exact moment. I’m excited you are here. If you are joining us live or watching this on the replay page, please let us know where you’re tuning in from, how you’re doing, and if this is the first time you have ever taken this masterclass series with me or not, or if it’s the second time, third time. When have you taken it before, if you have taken it. I’m really excited. Let’s give a brief recap of what we’re going to be doing today and this whole series. I’m also going to share an opportunity that you will have to win some cool prizes as well during this series.

If you’re new to me, I love doing all sorts of fun giveaways when we are doing a free master class and I give a lot of stuff. It’s okay if you are watching it, it’s live, and it’s okay if you’re watching the replay because I always give them to both people because sometimes people can’t show up on the live. Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Terry, Ralph, Ellie, Tennis, Rebecca, Kristen, Shanna. If I am butchering your name, I apologize. Sometimes I do not know how to read names. Welcome, welcome. I’m really excited you all are here. I’m going to make sure that we are live on the other page. Awesome. Welcome, welcome. Okay. So fun, fun, fun. First time, upstate New York, been to many of your Zooms. Thanks, Joana. Hear from Texas first time. Shana said this is her second time. I’m excited. Okay, so what we’re going to do is over the next four days, we are going to be doing a healing each and every day. That healing is designed to support you in prepping if you want to get your DNA activated. Each one is going to be very powerful. Each one is going to meet you where you’re at.

I’m setting the intention that you are going to receive downloads and insights even after the Masterclass series is complete because we are so multidimensional and we have so many many things that the universe, spirit, God, creation, whatever sacred title you give that beautiful frequency, wants to gift us with, wants to bless us with. And part of our awakening process in our human experience, because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, is to activate and to understand that our DNA is so powerful and it has the ability to share information with us, to heal many different things within us and outside of us that are programmed into the DNA and so much more. So we’re going to do four healings, and then I want to talk… Every day we’re going to build upon more about what we were talking about. Let’s talk about DNA. If you have questions, post them in the comments, and I will try my best to answer all the questions that I have. We do have a certain time that I want to keep these classes within just so that you have an ease of watching them. Can you watch these classes out of order if you end up missing a class?

Absolutely. If you end up coming to a live and then catching the replay, you can watch them out of order. They will only be available for a short period of time, so make sure you do sign up for the free series so that you get access to the replays. We will delete them off the social media after the series is complete. Let’s talk about DNA. You have over 32 trillion cells inside your body. Most of those cells hold DNA. Dna is going to assist us in recognizing who we are and within the DNA strands, hold dormant memories, gifts, and abilities. They also hold stories and trauma from our ancestors. When I’m chatting about this, if anything you find interesting, let me know. If you want me expand upon something, let me know in the comments. When we are on our awakening journey, we are activating our DNA, knowingly or unknowingly. You cannot activate 32 trillion cells of DNA at once because your physical body would not be able to handle it. It would also be a really hard time staying in this human experience if you did that because of the amount of energy and insight you would have flowing to you, and your physical body would not be able to handle it.

Over our lifetime, we want to activate DNA. When we are activating the DNA, it is letting us in on, and I’m going to say, beautiful secrets that your soul wants you to have access to, beautiful insights, beautiful blessings, beautiful knowings, and also the good, the bad, and the ugly. So sometimes we hold old traumas from our ancestors, and we can clear that when we do DNA activations and restructure. So I’m going to back up a little bit so I can talk a little bit more about our evolution and where we’re at now and where we used to be and why it’s important to activate the DNA. So When we were just beautiful beings floating between different consciousness and realms, we had the ability to go in and out of different levels of consciousness, different levels of realms and realities. We were able to do this very, very easily and effortlessly. Along the way, there were dark forces that placed certain seals upon the Earth. Those seals scramble our ability to be able to access some of the spiritual gifts and abilities that are becoming more easily accessible now that the veil is thinning. So people are waking, waking, waking, waking up at a rapid pace now.

Back in the day when the veil was much thicker, and someone wanted to get spiritual insights and knowing, they would have to go into a deep, deep trance to receive insights or to channel information or to channel different beings that wanted to come through. And I’ll give you an example who I love to talk about, which is Edgar Casey. He was known as the Sleeping Prophet. He was the Sleeping Prophet that had used the Akashic records and had the insight to document all sorts of different things that he was channeling inside of the Akashic records. I love that he not only document this, but he also shared that some of the things that he was channeling actually went against some of his conscious belief systems. When he was in a trance state, he would allow himself to channel, and he would allow himself to access information. As the veil gets thinner, more people do not have to go into these deep transes like Edgar Casey would, because you can actually access things a lot more easily without having to close your eyes or you can open your eyes depending on the type of channel there you are, but you can access things and people are starting to wake up to new possibilities.

And what What activating your DNA does, it accelerates your ability to tap into your gifts and dormant abilities and heal that old ancestral trauma that is coming for us to heal. I think this is really cool because when we are doing other modalities and things like that, you have to sit down, you have to do all sorts of different work in order to do that where when you activate the DNA, it’s an experience. It’s an experience that allows you to just receive the DNA activation without much work. I’ll explain a little bit more about what I mean by without much work in a little bit. First, I want to check out some of these comments. I have chills already. Yay. Is that Tyra? I Well, behind you? Yes, that is the Goddess Tyra. Welcome, Carla. I’ve always felt that all the answers are within. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Absolutely. Just like the Akashic Records designed within, the DNA have information for us. We are so multidimensional that we have an entire universe within us. What’s outside of us is also within us. When we go within, when we journey within, there’s all sorts of different magical doors that can open.

What you end up doing is you end up discovering new things about yourself that allow you to awake into new possibilities, which I think is so awesome. Do I have to say that makes sense? I have a question. How do you know for certain, what are your spiritual gifts? Do they simply manifest? I’ve been in a state of confusion concerning this, and I hear, listen to people talk talk about all their Claire’s abilities, but still feel… Okay. So when we activate the DNA, so there’s many different ways that we can uncover our spiritual gifts. And Ryan, I think this is a great question. One of the things that I love about doing DNA activations is it takes out some of the work for us. We always have to put in the work, but what activating the DNA does is it allows you to activate those dormant memories or those dormant gifts or heal some trauma that’s preventing the gifts from coming forward. And they just accelerate. They allow you to move really quickly through the process of awakening. Now, we have many different awakened throughout our lifetime. The first one you have might be the major one where you’re like, Oh, my God, I’m going through the dark night of the soul.

However, you end up having more wakenings than that, just like you have more than one purpose in life as well. And when you give yourself permission to activate the DNA, you are opening yourself up to many new things that want to come forward. When I heard about DNA activations for the first time, my heart was like, What is that? And I need to know more right away, and I need to do this right my way. I got my DNA activated and restructured. After I got my DNA activated and restructured, I ended up starting to receive downloads and insights on how to do certain healings and activations. Also, access to different spiritual tools and how to use spiritual tools in sacred geometry in the work that I was doing in my spiritual coaching business. As a healer, this is amazing because when you end up downloading different insights that you can implement right away, it’s like, I feel like I have known this information all along, but it was laying in a dusty closet that I didn’t even know existed, which that’s the DNA, right? Those are the strands. When we awake into those possibilities, it can be something like that where all of a sudden you have new insights, or it could be you awake into your new level of self-worth, or you awake into different spiritual gifts or abilities you didn’t know you have that just start coming in really quickly and really naturally to you.

Now it’s up to you to implement what it is that you’re receiving and to work through some of the jitter bugs that you might have coming up for you when you’re receiving this information. I’ve had clients that have taken the DNA Awakening Accelerator where we activate 24 strands of DNA and restructure it, where they’re like, I’ve got a job opportunity. I healed a nail fungless. I’m starting… Now, please note that I don’t have gray hair, so I can’t talk about it firsthand, but I’ve had people talk about that some of their gray hair starts disappearing when they’re activating their DNA. I don’t have gray hair, so I don’t know if that is something that I have not personally experienced this, but I’ve had people tell me about it. It’s really neat to see what different insights people have. Now, when you activate the DNA, those spiritual gifts are up to you to run with or not. Knowing about your Claire’s can be really important. I’ll talk a little bit about the Claire’s before we do the healing, just because I like to set a foundation of how we receive in healings anyways. So thank you, Ryan, for asking this.

Someone said, So why did the nice beings protect us from the dark forces? Are they too weak? No. Okay, so let’s back up for a second. So When our consciousness fell, these dark forces came in and brought on some seals that remained with us until you decide that they are gone. Or you get them removed or you’re doing the spiritual work on them removing on their own. I love this question because why weren’t we protected? Well, we have free will, and It’s like a computer program. These seals work as a computer program. I will talk in more detail about the seals over the next four days, just because I don’t want to share them all at once, and I want to dissect them a little bit. With these seals, each seal has a particular programming, like a computer programming, where it does a particular thing. The Seals could be where they scramble your chakras. They make you forget. They have you feel like you are going to experience the wrath of God. So that religious guilt. They have different Seals that disconnect you from the ability to understand unconditional love. Every single time we transition, we have the ability to decide if we’re coming back or not.

When these seals are in place, they can sometimes lead to confusion on what your options are. When you have these seals removed, everything starts to accelerate. I’m being guided to talk about the Unconditional Love Seal. Let’s first talk about the Unconditional Love Seal. This particular seal is going to prevent you from identifying with your higher self. It blocks you from evolving. It blocks you from understanding unconditional love. It blocks you from understanding higher dimensions and higher powers. It’s almost like you get to the invisible top floor and you think that that’s the only floors that are available. You’ve reached the top. But in hindsight, there are so many floors available to you, but you don’t have the connection or the where your rare with all to understand that there is higher levels of consciousness that you can reach. The best way that I like to explain this is sometimes it feels like amnesia. You know that there’s something out there, but you can’t really put your finger on it, but you can’t figure out how to tap into that wisdom. And there’s many different modalities that can help you tap into that wisdom, but they’re still there until you remove it.

And also it creates distortion within receiving as well. And when you have distortion in receiving, it makes it 10 times harder to receive what it is that you’re receiving. So it’s like you’re swimming against the current. You know you could possibly get to the bank, but it’s going to be twice as hard to get to the side of the bank of the river, swimming up current versus if you’re going along with the current. But it feels like you have tunnel vision that you can’t move past that as well. So I’m going to scroll down and see. Yes, so this is why it’s so important to activate your chakras. We’re releasing… Yes. So this is part of the DNA as well. So there’s a seal that creates this distortion in the chakras as well. And I love Kundalini yoga. I love all sorts of different ways that we can go in and activate them as well. The sales are trauma from our life. It could be a childhood trauma. We have ancestral trauma that can be held within the DNA, and then we have soul trauma that can be held within the DNA as well. Because you have two lignages.

You have your entire soul’s lineage that’s gone along its path. It’s had many different ancestral lineage it’s been a part of. But then when you have this lifetime’s ancestral lineage that you’re also born into that’s in the DNA as well. And so we can go in and we can clear that. When we do these healings over the next four days, should we do them in our cashec records? No, The Kashic Records isn’t a requirement, but if you’re a Sacred Awakening Kashic Records student and you want to do them inside of your Kashuk records, you absolutely can. After taking the DNA course, I gained a lot more clarity. I started noticing the smallest of things around me physically and spiritually. I love that, Shonda. Okay, Annabelle, what about if no matter what you do, nothing seems to work out? No matter how hard you try, does that mean DNA needs restructure? So that is one of the ways that you can go about accelerating this more clearly. I want to preference this. There are so many different ways that you can go about your awakening process. I teach many different things and many different modalities. And so know that I am not saying at all that DNA restructuring is the end all be all because I love working with light language.

I love working with the Akashic records. I love working with crystals and things like that. And so know that this is just one way to do it. And your heart will know. Your body, your soul, however you receive information, you’re going to get clear insight If you’re the type of person that likes to teeter where you’re like, I don’t know, I don’t know, but I want to, trust your intuition. Trust yourself. If you’re getting a yes, do it. Absolutely, this can be one of those things that no matter… Nothing ever is working out, I don’t know why it’s not working out. This can be the thing that accelerates it without having to do a lot of work behind it. For example, if you are coming into my Sacred Awakening program where I teach you the Akashic Records, there’s a lot of work that you have to do to lay the foundation to be an Akashic Record practitioner, where when you come into DNA, you get it restructured, and then I give you a bunch of bonuses and things like that that allow you to do it. And so all of the activations that we’re doing and healings that we’re doing over the next four days prep you for the 24 strand of DNA activation and restructure in our DNA Awakening Accelerator, if that’s something you’re interested.

And I’ll talk more about that as well. Our gifts and greatness are Activate it from healed trauma, hence why pain is the most amazingly beautiful gift. I love that. And yes, I think that when we work through our trauma, when we heal our trauma, those experiences catapult us to the next level, especially when you’re brave enough to take a look at it and you’re brave enough to let it go because it releases story, it releases identity, it releases the comforts of what you are known. You know what that is and what you’re familiar with, and it It just moves everything along really quickly. Let’s see. I’m ready. We are made of magical, mystical stardust. That is true. We are made of stardust. I love that. Okay. Okay, I’m going to read one more comment, and then I’m going to share a little bit more, and then we’re going to do the healing. How do you heal both traumas and trauma lineage and in special So your soul lineage and your ancestral lineage. One way to do it is to activate the DNA. Another way to do it, because you’re going to be doing work throughout your lifetime, is to find different spiritual practices that allow allow you to work through your stuff.

And spiritual practices, and this goes true for all DNA activation. So when you’re doing a DNA activation, you are activating DNA knowingly and unknowingly all throughout your lifetime. When you start meditating, you start activating DNA. When you start doing different spiritual practices and modalities, you start activating DNA. We don’t activate 32 trillion DNA DNA strands all at once, and that’s because your physical body couldn’t handle it. However, you could do it that way, and you can also do it where you purposely go out of your way and you activate strands of DNA in a container that allows you to feel safe and allows you to accelerate. And so I do DNA activations throughout the year on myself and my students. And what we do is we activate 24 strands or more, depending on what we’re doing and what the invitation is. And 24 strands of DNA activation, you have over 32 trillion cells in your body. And so we go into the Akashic records, and I work with your higher self and your guardians of your Akashic records to determine what 24 strands serve the highest good to activate, because your strands are not numbered 1 through 32 trillion.

They are all sorts of cells and what serves the highest good that you are working on in that particular moment in time, those strands are going to be activated and restructured, and we’re going to remove whatever seals that have been released and known to us inside of the Akashic records to release. And I get new seals each round that I’m doing this that are coming forward for us to release and activate. I have a lot of students that come back from activating their first 24 strands. They come back for the next round, they come back for the next round because there’s something really special that you can’t put into words that happens when you are activating your DNA and restructuring. The key word here is restructuring. Some DNA activations fade over time because there’s not something that holds them in place. And what I have found is when we restructure the DNA, we remove these cells, and there are so many more things that we do behind the scenes. And I keep saying we because I work with your higher self and your guardians of your Akashic records to do this work. And when we look at it and we restructure it and we remove the seals, it makes everything so much easier.

And we do all sorts of other work, like balancing your meridians and bringing more light and releasing other things. So with that being said, I am going to take a sip, and then I’m going to talk about the Claire’s, and then I’m going to talk about the healing, and then we’re going to do the healing, and then you’re going to want to hang out with me so you can enter to win some prizes I’m giving away. Today, I’m going to pick some winners on the live, and then you also have a chance to win if you are watching the replays as well, and I’ll announce winners throughout the week for the replays. And then we’ll also talk more about what the DNA Awakening Accelerator is as well. So if you are new to me, do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this. Some people do fall sleep. Some people go into a deep trance. Some people feel like they are completely out of their body. And so we want to practice safety. Safety, safety, safety first. Everything that I do is inside of the Akashic Records. I’m working with your higher self and your guardians of your records.

When you listen to this, it’s only to do this particular healing, and so you get permission for that, and only this particular healing when you are listening to it. It does not matter if you are listening to this on the replay or watching it live. It’s going to meet you exactly where you’re at, and it’s just as potent if you’re watching the replay. When it comes to receiving in a healing, and here’s where the Claire piece comes in, I want you to give yourself permission to allow all of your senses, meaning all of your Claires, to work with you. You might sense what I’m saying. You might feel it. You might see it. You might hear it. You might just know it. You might imagine it. It is okay if you do not have a movie reel going on in your brain of what exactly it is that I’m guiding you through. It is okay if it’s a black picture, but you just know. You just have this knowing that you’re there. Also, a lot of times people will receive insights and downloads after the activation, healing, meditation that we do. Pay attention to synchronicities.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to signs. Pay attention to random conversations you have. Pay attention to the animals that come into your life because there are all sorts of messages that you are going to receive later on. But you are the only person that can give yourself permission to actually notice them and interpret them. And so notice them, interpret them, receive them. And then I’m also setting an intention that you’re going to receive even more than what you are getting in the healing that you’re going to receive much more after we end this series as well. So yes, yes, yes. Someone said, I’m new here finding this very Interesting. Awesome. Awesome, awesome. My soul is so excited. I feel like I’m vibrating. Yay. Only time in my life that I’m a pick me, girl. Yes, the pick me for the healings. We’ll give that. So know that I’m going to give the opportunities to enter some raffles. I’m going to be giving away some really cool prizes. I’m really excited about it as well. My heart is so open and happy right now. Yay. Okay. Okay. Curiosity has brought me in first time we’re, yay.

Okay, awesome. I’m going to take a sip. Then we are going to do this healing. Someone said, I’ve done a DNA activation once, and it was so nice. Afterwards, the colors I saw, the peace I felt. I love that, Tiffany. Okay, let me check. If you are on Facebook, I’m going to click on comment, so there might be an echo for a second. So let me… Here’s If you’re on Facebook, I’ll check out the comments in just a little bit. They weren’t up on my screen. After we do the healing, I’ll definitely check out your comment. So know that if you’re on Facebook, I see you, my dear. Okay. Perfect. Awesome. Go ahead and find a comfortable position. You can close your eyes, you can lie down, you can sit up, you can even stand. Some people do better when they stand. Go ahead and find a comfortable position, close your eyes, bring your awareness into your heart space. Take a nice deep breath in through the mouth. So you’re going to breathe in through the mouth and exhale out through the mouth. Another nice deep breath in through the mouth and then exhale through the mouth.

Then feel as you deeply breathe in and out through your nose, feel your grounding cord start to release. I want you to imagine you have this beautiful grounding cord, and it’s rooting you down into Mother Earth. And there’s these beautiful, strong roots that you have that are going through all the layers of the Earth, where it’s going are going to reach the core of the Earth. Your roots are going to reach the core of the Earth, which is a crystalline ball of energy, or it might look like hot, multi-lava. And you’re going to just plug in. And when you plug in to GEA, Mother Earth’s Heart Chakra, you’re going to inhale, pull this beautiful, sacred feminine energy into you. And Mother Earth is just going to give you a nice big hug and welcome you to this sacred space, this sacred journey you are about to embark on. And as Mother Earth, as GEA is just squeezing you, loving on you, I want you to feel the crowd of your head stretch up towards the great I am, towards the great central sun. As you stretch up, I want you to feel, sense, or imagine.

Creation, creator, universe, God, whatever sacred title you give that sacred frequency is pouring into you. As it’s pouring into you, you have this beautiful blend of masculine and feminine. You have this beautiful blend of giving and receiving. You have this beautiful blend of love and light. You have this beautiful blend of being held. You’re being held, you’re being held, you’re being held. In And as you’re being held, I want you to sense, feel, see or imagine that there’s a beautiful light surrounding you, 360 degrees. This beautiful light is your ancestors, your team, your high-level team, your guardians, your masters, your teachers, your loved ones that serve the highest good, that are of the highest light, of the highest frequency, And they’re just surrounding you and protecting you and holding you in this sacred space so you can go on this sacred journey. And from this place, I want you to just receive a nice big deep breath and just receive their love as they pour into you. And I want you to continue to breathe. And as you continue to breathe, I want you to sense, feel, see or imagine that there is a golden doorway in your heart space.

This golden doorway is a portal. You’re going to make your way over to the doorway, and before you open the door, you’re going to set an intention of what you would like to up-level in your life. What would you like to up-level? Would you like to up-level your spirituality? Would you like to up-level your love? Would you like to up-level your worthiness? Would you like to up-level your money? Would you like to up-level your health? What Just simply stated. I’m up-leveling and then stated. Stated as if it’s already happened. Then I want you to just let the intention And then you’re going to open the door. And when you open the door, there’s this beam of light that just pulls you through this portal of light. And you’re moving through this portal of light, and there’s all these beautiful symbols, sparks, light, glitter magic that’s in this portal. When you land, you’re going to land in a beautiful, sacred space. When you land, you’re going to look down and you’re going to notice, sense, feel, see or imagine that you are standing on a magnificent golden sacred geometry plate. The sacred geometry symbol can be anything.

It could be the tree of life, it could be the Merkava, it could be a circle, it could be a star. It could be a dectrohedron. It could be an octagon. There’s all sorts of different shapes. It could be a shape that you didn’t even know existed. You’re standing on this beautiful plate, this beautiful golden sacred geometry plate. What I want you to do is just breathe. As you breathe, I’m going to speak a little bit of light language. It may sound like a foreign language. This is just going to activate this beautiful sacred geometry plate that you are standing on.. Then what I want you to do is I want you to gently stop Dump your feet once or twice or several times, however feels good. And I want you to just stomp your feet on this plate. It’s not going to hurt the plate. What it’s going to do is it’s going to activate this beautiful column of light around you. When you activate this column of light around you, there’s going to be all sorts of magnificent birds or flying spirit animals that are going to be circling around you. I’m going to call a spirit animal.

It could be an insect like butterflies or dragonflies, or it could be birds, or it could be of an elemental type of feature. Or like dragons or fairies, or it could be some other type of animal. What I want you to do is I want you to just noticing them surround you. As they’re surrounding you or flying around you, I want you to feel, sense, or imagine that you have an invitation to let go of what’s no longer serving you, what is holding you back from your greatness, from your truth, from your authentic expression of self. I want you to feel, sense, or imagine that these animals You are assisting in dissecting this from your energy field, from your awareness, from your energy systems. I want you to feel, sense, or imagine that this beautiful column of light is also going through the center of your chakras, your central love column. It’s moving through and it’s weaving in and out and it’s extracting what is no longer serving you, what is holding you back. I want you to just be with this for just a moment and just don’t do anything but receive. If there is something you would like to clearly state you’re letting go of, you can clearly state that right at this moment.

And as this beautiful column of light is surrounding you, it’s going to start to shift and morph into different colors. What these colors are going to do is it’s going to start bringing in different colors that are necessary for your healing journey. As these colors are moving in and out, I want you to just breathe very, very deeply. I want you to own the breath. So deep in, deep breath in through the nose. Exhale out. Another deep breath in through the nose. Exhale out. Inhale. Exhale. As you are releasing, releasing, releasing, releasing, releasing this column of light that’s surrounding you. And whatever flying spirit animal, elemental, or animals that are surrounding you, they’re going to start to share spiritual insights with you. So this could be a spiritual message. This could be a knowing. This could be a visual. This could be you hearing something, but they’re going to share something very important for you to understand.

I want you to feel, sense, or imagine that this beautiful column of light starts to change, and this column of light starts to swirl beautiful, magnificent colors around you. And as it’s swirling magnificent colors around you, you are going to receive a message from creation, God, universe, whatever sacred title you give that be. Now, this message may be downloaded for you to receive at a later date, or you may receive it in this moment. There’s going to be a moment of silence while you receive/download.

Then I’m hearing to bring in some butterfly magic. If you’re not sensing butterflies, there’s going to be about a thousand or more different variations of butterflies. If butterflies scare you, they can just be off in the distance around you. If they don’t scare you, these butterflies are going to just really come up and start creating some magic for you, or they can create the magic in the distance. Because butterflies have the ability to assist in transformation. There’s this metamorphosis that has to happen where you have to give yourself permission to let go of old identities and welcome the new and trust in the process in the metamorphosis, trust in the process of transforming. And while these butterflies are coming in and they’re recalibrating, rejuvenating, realigning you, I want you to just be present with your breath. And then I want you to tap your feet two more times on this beautiful sacred geometry plate. That just helps with the integration. Then you’re going to take a nice deep breath in. Cleansing breath out. Feel your energy slip back into your heart space, into your physical body. Another nice deep breath in. Exhale out. Feeling the edges of your body.

Another nice deep breath in, cleansing breath out. Wiggling your fingers and your toes, bowing your chin in towards your chest, slowly blinking your eyes, coming back to. Take a sip of water. If it feels good, rub your hands together and rub your body. You can even gently rub your face. You can rub your ears. You can massage your head if that’s accessible to you. You can brush your hands along your whole body. This helps just to reintegrate back into your physicality. In the comments, let me know how you’re feeling, how you’re doing. How was that for for you. There could be a wide range of experiences here. Some of you could feel really good at peace. Some of you could feel super energized. Let’s go. Some of you may feel tired. Some of you might even feel mad And the reason why you might feel mad or tired is because you’re moving a lot of energy, and something’s coming to the surface to heal and to release. And so trust, trust, trust, trust, trust the process. Trust the process, and know that you can come back into your physicality by touching your body if that’s accessible to you or imagining like you’re getting a big hug.

That can be also very helpful as well. Shaking out your body can help, too. I’m going to read some of these comments. That was powerful. So excited in my soul. My soul led me here. Extremely fascinating course I’m very grateful to be part of this as I had no idea what this was exactly. Exactly. I love it because it is weird and it is abstract and what the heck is that? I just know I’m supposed to be there. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. Demetrius, I think I’m saying your name right. Karen. It’s fine. Sofia. Sense of butterflies already before you mentioned them. I love when that happens. I was having trouble visualizing. I felt rather than seeing it. Is this okay? Absolutely. Totally. You do not have to see a darn thing. For me, the majority of the time, I don’t see anything. I just feel it and I know it’s there. There’s this deep knowing, so I don’t see it. And so don’t worry if you don’t see it. There’s this sense that you can get by feeling it is great, too. Cold and tingly, quite nice. Some of you might be hot, some of you might be cold.

Absolutely beautiful. I felt more presence engulf me. Happy to have stayed. Beautiful. This is absolutely powerful. Feeling is great. Not everyone sees. Yep, not everyone sees. Beautiful journey, very light. I felt a release. I dropped a tear. If you do have tears come up, let them flow because you’re releasing. You’re releasing old emotions. Lots of colors, very relaxed. I’m having anxiety and hypertension. If you are having any of this, and if you’re not, I still want you to do this. If this is accessible to you, you can go ahead and stand if you are sitting. What you can do is just shimmy and shake your body. Then you can also squeeze everything, make everything tight, and then relax it. Engage your kneecap, squeeze your hands, make a fist, and then relax it. This can help release tension in the body as well. You can also gently tap your skin. This is going to help just bring everything back in. Let me know how that feels if you’re doing it. Definitely recommend doing an energy shift by getting up because it just helps move. And I’m ready to dance. I’m ready to go. Let me go over to face Facebook, ringing in the ears, tingling in the toes.

Cynthia said, I’ve been having a lot of pain in my heart space for months now, and after this, for the first time, it doesn’t hurt. Yay, I’m glad that’s helpful. I already had the butterflies around me when you said it, yeah, that’s awesome. First time standing felt pull forward towards most, but backwards when surrounded by the light of the ancestors receiving messages, tingling, maybe resistance to something. Sometimes we can have this sensation of being moved. That’s also our prana that’s moving through us. And so know that that can happen. And so don’t worry. Even if we do have resistance, we can just ask for permission to let go of the resistance as we’re doing it. Yauening a lot is a big thing because you’re releasing, you’re releasing, you’re releasing. Francis on YouTube said, mad, yikes. Sometimes people have some old emotions that come forward and can bring some big emotions that make them feel strange or different. If you’re standing and you want to sit, you can sit. If that’s something that feels good to you, I think I’m going to stand for just a moment. Okay, I can feel your emotions. Lots of yarning.

I immediately visualize a Phoenix of multiple cars. A good daily habit is asking your higher self daily, what is it that I need to know? Yeah, I love that. Felt really hot throughout. Yes, some people get hot, some people get cold. It just depends. I have the tendency to get hot, but other parts of my body can get cold. Some people can feel really, really cold. It’s so different for each and everybody. A blessing is coming. She said, Yeah, I’m setting the attention. Blessings are coming your way. Just because it’s really powerful hearing sometimes like, I’m going to receive something. Sometimes hearing it from someone else can make it easier to receive. I’m setting the intention, you’re going to receive a blessing, my dear. I visualize quite well today, but I’ve had times I haven’t I haven’t as clearly. That’s okay. That happens. I feel something happening in the back of my brain as I listen. Cool. I don’t think my comments are visible. Terry, I see it now. Maybe you’re commenting a little bit differently. The comments move really fast, so I can’t see everybody’s comment. But I do scroll back through later on to look at them to go back to when we have the next class to see if there’s any questions that I can answer on the next live call.

Okay, so with that being said, if you want to sit, you can sit. I’m going to take a seat now. With that being said, I’m going to share more about our DNA Awakening Accelerator. If you want to join us, you can join us. It is not mandatory for this free master class. You can just receive the free healings and take that away. But if you’re wanting to go deeper, definitely recommend joining us in the DNA Awakening Accelerator. I’m going to explain what that is, to sign up, and then also how to win some gift cards. I’m going to be giving away $150 gift card today, and for a Winners as well that you can use towards the DNA Awakening Accelerator or any of our other courses or programs. I’m going to be picking some winners today for that, and then I’ll pick winners tomorrow, the next day and Friday. Let’s talk about the DNA Awakening Accelerator. What is the DNA Awakening Accelerator? It is a 24 four-strand DNA activation and restructure. This is a life-changing activation. It will awakeen your spiritual grips. It will assist you in opening up your upper chakras from 8:00 to 12:00.

It assists you from shifting out of three to 5D, to live more consciously, to access higher levels of consciousness. I’m going to give you a super powerful mantra with this DNA activation. That is the only homework you have, is a mantra. You just have to say a mantra, which is really cool. There’s other bonuses that you get with the course as well. One of them is the inner child DNA Invocation. This is where you, and it’s okay if you’ve already met your inner child, This is next level of working with the inner child. You’re going to be invoking the inner child, connecting with the inner child, and the inner child is going to go on this DNA activation restructured journey with you. It’s super powerful, super playful. Then you’ll get three bonuses. Bonus one is the crystalline soul blueprint, activation and attunement. This activation is super powerful. We do womb healing. It doesn’t matter if you have female parts or male parts. We are going in and we’re cleaning out the sexual organs, the sexual reproductive system, so that you can create on a whole new level. It has nothing to do with sexuality itself.

It has to do with creating, creating from a place of love, creating what you’re meant to be creating. We’re going to clean out any trauma that’s being held in those centers and from other lifetimes as well. Then we activate your crystalline soul blueprint and anchor it into the crystalline core of GEA, Mother Earth. That is so that you can access the sacred feminine codes of magic. This will deepen your relationship with the crystalline energy. It’s okay if you don’t have a relationship with crystals. It will deepen your relationship with femininity because femininity is all about creating, it’s all about intuition, it’s all about magic, the ability to receive, to be in a state of flow, and to be in a state of abundance. You’ll get that activation for free, which is three video lessons and one activation. Actually, it’s one, I believe, one video lesson. Then you’ll get the Earth Star Chakra Grounding meditation and video lesson. This is where you’re going to anchor into your Earth Star chakra. That chakra is below your feet, and it gives you a sense of feeling safe. It releases lower vibrational energies that don’t belong to. It’s super powerful activation.

Then The light spectrum attunement is we bring in the full spectrum of light so you can anchor it into the core of your central love column. This is what hosts your seven major chakras. This will increase your ability to access your true soul power in a humble way and also attune it and anchor it into the crystal and soul blueprint that we do in the other bonus and anchor it into your bodies and energy field. There’s two video lessons with this. You get one live call, one 24 strand of DNA activation and restructure where we remove the seals. There’s nine video lessons that includes the bonuses. There’s five healings and attunements and activations. You have a private Facebook group if you’re on Facebook to ask any questions. If you’re interested in this, you can sign up today for a limited time. Let me grab the link. My assistant made me new links today, and so I want to make sure I’m saying it right. I believe it’s theemirupison. Com/dna, theemirupison. Com/dna. Let me just pull this up so The discount on this Normally, the price of this program is $999. We have 50% off until January 22nd.

If you want to do this, you can pay in full for $499. That’s in US dollars, or you can three-month payment plan at $199 or six-month payment plan for $99. You can go to theemirobuson. Com/dna if that’s something that you’re interested in. I will. Oh, thanks, Jerville. You put that in there for me. I will share that also in the comments here and on YouTube. Thanks, Stephanie. I’m just seeing your comment now, Stephanie, on YouTube. They were being weird, the comments at first on YouTube. How long is this special for and discount available? It’s available to the 22nd, we are going to have our live call. I do all the DNA activation and restructuring behind the scenes. When you sign up, you get access to the inner child invocation right away and some of the bonus materials. Then we release the materials as we go throughout the course. Then the live call is going to be… The live call is going to be on January 24th, where we hit the activation button. You do not have to be available for the live call. You can watch the replay. I have students all around the world that get 100% of the benefit by just watching the replay.

If you’re interested in this, sign up. This is going to be a super powerful, powerful round. I wanted to do it. I usually do this in May, and I usually do this in October for the year. This year, I got guided to do this in the beginning of the year because this year is like, I feel like there’s something really special about this year. We’re in the numerology year of nine, and so we got some good energy on our side. If you’re interested, you sign up. Also, if you are returning DNA Awakening Accelerator student, you get a discount for returning students. You get to do the next 24 strands for $222. If you are returning student, check out the Facebook group for that information, and we will be emailing you that. Also, if you’re a Sacred Awakening student, you also get a discount on the program that’s special Sacred Awakening Prices. We will post those in the Sacred Awakening Group as well. What is it called? If you’re wanting to do this, you will get access to some of the materials right away just because we’re going to hit the ground running, and I’m so excited for this.

Okay, let’s see. There is Amy. Okay. If we’ve already been through your DNA courses, are all these updated in that course? What the returning students you’re getting is the 24 strands activated. If you didn’t get access to any of these materials before, you’re going to get access to that. We have new seals that we’re removing. Every round, I get new seals that we’re letting go of, and so you’ll get access to that as well. I will have this on my wishlist. I hope I could save quickly. Me too, my dear. I’m loving, loving this. Thank you for this gift from receiving so much energy and abundance. Awesome. I was going to say it’s a nine energy this year. Yes, it is. I’m going to do a whole podcast episode on… If you don’t know, I have a podcast called Awakening with Amy Robeson. I’m going to do a whole podcast episode on the numerology of nine, and so you can be on the look up for that because I don’t want to spend too much time. Okay, so if you’d like to enter to win, and I’m going to check out the Facebook comments, too.

I’m going to pick someone on Facebook. I’m going to I’m going to pick someone on Zoom. I’m going to pick someone on YouTube to win. I’m going to give away one. I’m going to give away three $50 gift cards that you can use on any of our products. You can also use it on this course. I’m going to give away two $100 gift cards today. Then you’ll have a chance to win also tomorrow. If you’d like to win, please tell me why you want to activate your DNA. I want to activate my DNA Because. Tell me why you want to activate your DNA. How do I find out if I’m a student from previous years? You should have access to the member portal. If you don’t know what the member portal is, you can email support, confirm your email, and we can look up your account. But you’d have access to the member portal, and the program would be in your member portal. I’ve done this every time so far. I’m manifesting to win. Pick me. I want to take more classes. Absolutely delightful session. Thank you for the work you do. Oh, thank you.

I want to activate my DNA because it’s time. This was amazing. Thank you. You’re welcome. Can we repeat the healing again in the replay? I mean, can we do it? Absolutely. The replays will be available for a short period of time, but yes, you can look at it multiple times. If you are wanting to activate your DNA and enter to win for the $50 card, the $100 card, I’m going to pick different winners. I always do this using the records, and so I will share that. I want to activate my DNA to increase my Claire’s. I want to activate my DNA to better serve my community. I want to activate my DNA because I need to be financially free in order to fulfill my mission. I want to activate my My DNA to reconnect to an IHS. I want to activate my DNA to activate more of my gifts and help the collective. I want to activate my DNA so I can get out of poverty. I To become my truest high self, fulfilling early missions. So many cool ones. I love these. Don’t remember, if you’re doing the replay and you’re watching it on social media or the replay, let us know you’re doing the replay and answer this question.

We’ll pick some winners. I am going to pick and make sure for winning the criteria, you have to be opted in for the DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass Series. If you are not, you can opt in once this is complete. If you haven’t opted in, I would highly recommend opting in. Jo-bill, can you post that in the chat for me, please? Here are my winners. On Zoom, my $50 winner is Phyllis. Last name, M-O-N-T-N-O. Congratulations, you want a $50 gift card to use on any of our products. Then on YouTube, Ellie. I’m going to give you a $50 gift card, Ellie. P-e-p-e. How to collect your gift card is email support. They will or DM me on social media, and we will get you the info for that on how to receive it. Congrats, Ellie. Then Facebook. Let me see. So many good ones. Facebook to best be for the collective community so I can heal and be closer to my purpose. I want to help me connect to myself. Oh, I love this. If you opted in for this series, you’re going to receive the replays and everything like that. If you’ve done it in the past or you’ve already opted in and you got the email for today for the class, you’re fine.

If you haven’t, I would definitely opt in. On Facebook, the $50 winner is Lisa Miller. Stuart Lee? I don’t know. Lisa, $50 Lisa Miller. Last name, S-W-A-R-T-L-E. Then I’m going to pick the two $100 winners. Again, you can use this on any of our products. We have lots and lots of stuff. If it’s the DNA or if it’s something else, take a look at that. I’m going to pick Gem Diamond in the Rough Stone is our $100 winner. I got Gem G-E-M Diamond in the Rough Stone. And then that’s on Facebook. And let me pick my last Zoom winner, and then we’re going to hop off. And tomorrow, we’re going to talk about seals. We’re going to go deeper. We’re going to do another healing. I’m excited. We’ll do… Amber Tweet, I think. How do you say that? Amber. T-w-e-d-t on Zoom. All right, my friends. Congratulations to all of our winners. Phyllis, $50 Phyllis, Ellie, $50, Lisa Miller, $50, Gem, Diamond in the Roof, $100, and Amber, $100. Congratulations. Email support, support@theamyrobeson.com, support@theamyrobeson.com. If you’d like to join us in the DNA Awakening Accelerator, you can go to theamyrobeson.com/dna, and we will be going over more stuff tomorrow.

You will have opportunities to win more prizes tomorrow. So thank you so much for joining us. If I missed a question, I’m sorry, I’m not ignoring you. Sometimes the things go really fast. So I will review some stuff and I’ll go over them tomorrow. So I hope to see you tomorrow. Take care. Bye.

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All media content provided by Amy Robeson and Love, Light, & Yoga LLC is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace qualified medical or health-related advice. All guided meditations and healings are for relaxation purposes. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss, or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here.

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