Episode 207: Awakening To Your Soul’s Calling in 2025

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In this episode, I’m diving into how 2025 is the perfect time to reconnect with your true self and awaken to your soul’s purpose. We’ll explore ways to release fear, trust your intuition, and take small, intentional steps toward living authentically.

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When spring arrives, you might feel inspired to start running full speed with your ideas and ambitions.

Others may feel that spark earlier, perhaps as early as January 2025.

Your timing depends on what you want to accomplish, how you plan to approach it, your personality, and your goals.

Ultimately, the decision is yours.

Here’s something I always like to share: Get support. Receive support.

If you’re not reaching the goals and intentions you deeply desire, it’s okay to seek extra help.

Sometimes, we simply need a little guidance to align with our dreams.

Now, let’s dive into the energy of 2025.

This year carries many dynamic energies, but today I want to focus on one in particular: authenticity.

2025 is inviting us to fully embrace our authentic selves—showing up as we truly are, expressing ourselves openly, and navigating life in alignment with our deepest truth.

This energy asks us to release what no longer aligns with who we are, to engage in shadow work, and to do the deep inner healing necessary to break free from illusions or trances that keep us stuck.

It’s about stepping into the light of our true, authentic selves and embracing the fullest, most genuine expression of who we are.

And this also empowers you to live your purpose and step fully into your soul’s calling for the year ahead.

♒️ The Age of Aquarius and Authentic Expression

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Eric Tyler, and we delved into the Age of Aquarius.

It was such an enlightening and fun conversation!

Be sure to check out both episodes where we explore the Age of Aquarius in depth.

This powerful age is all about authentic expression and doing deeper work.

As we step further into the Age of Aquarius—a period that will be with us for a very long time—it’s the perfect time to focus on that deeper inner work.

This year, especially, is an opportunity to meet parts of yourself that you’re ready to lovingly release.

You’ll embrace those parts with love and gratitude, gently letting them go so that your true, authentic self can fully emerge.

🧘‍♀️ Awakening to Your Soul’s Purpose

Awakening to your soul’s purpose and stepping into your soul-driven mission isn’t just about 2025—it’s about laying the foundation for years to come.

This journey is ongoing, and the work you do now will empower you to live in greater alignment with your purpose and truth.

This might be the year you feel called to awaken to something new—whether it’s a deeper connection to your purpose, a shift in your mission, or even just a chapter of transformation.

Whatever the case, it’s incredibly important to do the inner work and, just as importantly, to listen to your intuition.

Now, intuition doesn’t always look or sound the same for everyone

So, what do I mean by that? You might feel a calling to something bigger, but it’s not necessarily accompanied by a clear voice in your head telling you exactly what it is.

Instead, it could manifest as a feeling or an unshakable knowing—a sense that you’re meant to be doing something different, something bigger.

And yet, you might not be able to fully articulate what that “something” is.

I know this feeling well because it’s exactly how I felt 10, 12, or even 15 years ago.

Actually, closer to 20 years ago, when I entered my previous career, I told myself I would only stay for three years.

Why? Because deep down, I knew I was meant to do something different—something more aligned with my soul’s purpose.

At the time, I couldn’t put it into words, but the knowing was there, guiding me forward.

It wasn’t until I started studying and following the energy that was presenting itself to me that everything began to click.

That’s when I realized: This is what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m meant to help people.

I’m meant to coach, to teach, and to share the things I’m passionate about.

At first, I didn’t fully understand two important things: one, that I was actually good at it, and two, that this was even a thing.

Sometimes, there are paths or opportunities that exist, but they’re completely outside your awareness until you stumble upon them.

I didn’t know the coaching industry existed.

I didn’t know I could teach about spirituality, simply because that wasn’t part of my environment or upbringing in Wisconsin.

But when I moved to South Carolina, everything shifted.

It all became a part of my identity—my awareness, my community, my life.

I found myself surrounded by people and opportunities that aligned with my calling, and I felt deeply grateful for it.

So, when you’re awakening to your soul’s purpose or mission, it’s essential to pay attention to your intuition and the energy that’s presenting itself to you.

It doesn’t have to be loud or obvious.

Sometimes, it’s just a faint inkling—a small sensation or subtle feeling that whispers, There’s something here.

Explore it. Investigate it. Dive deeper into it.

💪 Facing and Overcoming Fears

The next step in awakening to your soul’s calling is giving yourself permission to be free of fear.

This doesn’t mean fear disappears but that you allow yourself to acknowledge it.

You might dream of starting a business, learning a new skill, finding a partner, or buying your dream home.

With those dreams often come fears.

When you recognize and face those fears, you create space for bravery.

Tell your mind, emotional body, or inner child, Yes, I’m afraid, but the reward is worth it.

Then visualize that reward—the fulfillment, joy, or alignment waiting on the other side.

Facing fear allows you to move closer to your purpose and dreams.

Your dreams might be about ultimate freedom, building a community, creating a family, or helping others on a large scale.

Whatever they are, your desire and faith in yourself must outweigh your fears.

To do this, you have to be willing to face those fears, lean into them, and venture into unfamiliar territory.

When I felt the pull to leave my old path and start something new, I was deeply afraid—especially of not making enough money to support myself or maintain my lifestyle.

That fear was overwhelming and, for me, the biggest obstacle.

It wasn’t about learning how to do something new; it was about believing that I could achieve financial stability by doing something I loved.

At first, I didn’t think it was possible, but I had to work through that fear step by step.

One way to move through fear is to confront it directly.

Talk to yourself about it, journal your thoughts, and research solutions.

By demystifying the fear, you take away its power and start building the confidence to move forward.

For me, demystifying my fears started with hiring a coach.

I had set a clear intention on January 1st: I would give myself one full year to leave my career.

After 10 years in the same field, I knew I was done—I was ready to move on.

At first, I thought I’d hit the ground running.

But six months into the year, I realized my fears were holding me back, leaving me stuck and running in place.

That’s when I decided to hire a coach.

Together, we worked through my offers, mapped out my next steps, and got me into action.

One of the biggest breakthroughs came when I made peace with my fear. I told myself, It’s okay if I make less money.

While that might sound counterintuitive, it helped me shift my perspective.

My happiness became more important than the fear of financial loss.

By befriending my fear, I was able to take its power away and move forward.

I had to choose my happiness over money.

Now, I’m not saying this approach is for everyone, but it’s how I worked through one of my fears.

Once I did that, I felt a sense of relief.

I told myself, It’s okay if I don’t make as much money.

At least I’m happy doing something I love.

Then, when I started talking to prospective clients, I realized that offering services I truly believed in was no different from what I’d done before.

In fact, I discovered I could make the same amount of money—or even more.

The key takeaway is this: when you give yourself permission to face your fear, you can ask yourself, How can I befriend it?

It doesn’t mean giving up—it means surrendering to the fear without letting it control you.

Then, ask yourself, If this fear is true, can I make peace with it?

Or, if it’s not true, What is the truth?

And, most importantly, can I prove to myself what the actual truth is?

Your mind often tells you lies.

It’s stuck in the past, holding on to narratives that kept you safe up until this point.

But the truth is, your mind wants to keep things in order, even if that means staying in a place where you’re not truly happy or creating what you desire.

Your soul, on the other hand, is here to create.

It’s here to bring beauty and magic to the world in a way that only you can.

You carry a unique vibration and frequency that the world needs.

Your distinct experiences, both from this lifetime and others, are a treasure.

They can be used to create something magnificently beautiful.

The question is, are you willing to face your fears?

On the other side of that fear lies a massive reward: stepping fully into your soul’s calling.

🧬 DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass

We’re launching our DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass series, and it’s completely free! I’d love for you to join me as we explore the significance of activating your DNA.

We’ll also dive into some powerful, free healing practices.

If you’re interested, simply click the link in the Podcast show notes or visit amyrhomeson.com/dna.

I can’t wait to see you in the series!

And don’t worry if you can’t attend live — you can always catch the replay.

💫 Journaling and Inner Reflection

One of the most effective ways to uncover what your soul desires to co-create is by taking time to journal and go inward.

Instead of constantly expanding your energy outward, take a moment to collapse inward.

You are already magnificently attuned to the universe — because the universe dwells within you.

God, creation, all of it resides within you.

By turning your energy inward and taking time to meditate and journal, you’ll give yourself permission to tune into the desires your soul is ready to manifest and step into.

I’d like to share a few journal prompts with you that you can also meditate on: What lights me up and energizes me?

What do I feel called to create, share, or experience this year?

Another great way to tune into your soul’s calling is by spending time in nature.

Nature is deeply connected to Mother Earth and offers a powerful support system.

Our bodies resonate with the beautiful networks that we tap into when we step outside.

Whether you live in a cold or hot climate, connecting with nature is essential.

If you’re thinking, “There’s no way I’m going outside,” I recommend at least listening to nature sounds or bringing some plants indoors.

Meditating with plants or elements of nature will help you tune in and connect.

Nature is a wonderful tool for expanding your energy after you’ve gone inward.

Plus, nature has a unique way of clearing out the debris in your energy field with every step you take.

🌱 Connecting with Nature

Nature has a remarkable way of clearing out those “dirty” thoughts.

And by “dirty,” I mean the cluttered, negative, and often unhelpful thoughts that our minds tend to hold onto.

Our brains are wired to focus on thoughts that keep us safe, and often, that means holding onto the negative.

Our minds are built for survival, and so they hold on to what might feel dangerous, even if it’s just a thought.

Instead of clinging to positive or empowering thoughts, we might find ourselves wrapped in lower vibrational ones.

What we really need is a cleanse.

A mental and emotional reset.

Nature is the perfect remedy for that.

When you step outside, the air, the earth, and the very presence of nature seem to embrace you and sweep out the clutter.

It clears your mind, cleanses your auric field, and helps you ground yourself in love and support.

And when you’re more grounded and supported, clarity naturally follows.

Whenever I’m having a rough week, or I’m stressed and overwhelmed, one of my go-to practices is to take a walk.

It’s like I let go of all the junk—the mental noise, the stress—and just allow nature to work its magic.

And by moving your body, you help release any stagnant energy trapped inside.

If you’re unable to physically move, simply visualize yourself moving—whether it’s walking in place, pacing around your house, or doing anything that helps get the energy flowing.

Movement is an incredibly powerful way to cleanse and clear your energy, allowing you to connect with your soul’s calling for 2025.

Once you’ve done that, start paying attention.

➡️ Recognizing Signs and Synchronicities

Pay attention to the signs, synchronicities, and patterns around you.

They’re the universe’s way of communicating with you, saying, “Hey, I’ve got your back,” or “You’re on the right path.”

Journal them, document them, or store them in the notes on your phone.

These are the subtle nudges from the universe that guide you forward.

You might start noticing recurring numbers like 2:2:2 or 11:11, or perhaps a specific animal—like seeing a bluebird again and again.

You might wonder, “Why am I seeing this bluebird so much?”

The answer? It’s a sign.

A synchronicity.

The universe, or God, is sending you a message, confirming that you’re in alignment.

Just the other day, while driving on a busy highway, a crow swooped down right in front of my car.

It was an unexpected and powerful moment, a clear sign that something significant was unfolding.

I’m like, “That’s fantastic!” and then the crow takes off.

Crows are a big messenger for me, and I absolutely love them.

Whenever they show up, it’s often a sign to pause because I’m about to receive a big download.

That’s typically when crows appear—either as a warning or as a signal that something important is coming, and I need to make space to fully receive and understand it.

I know when they show up, it’s time to pay attention and be open.

So, pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you.

They’re messages from the universe.

Document them, journal about them, and ask for their meaning.

Meditate to help understand them more.

🙌 Taking Action and Building Momentum

Once you start to understand your desire, even if it’s not fully clear, it’s time to build momentum.

Take small action steps, like making a checklist, meditating, reading a book, or talking to someone.

Small steps create momentum, and momentum will keep you moving forward.

Any small action step is going to be powerful.

Maybe you want to start dating someone—your first step could be researching different ways people meet potential partners.

You might look into various dating apps or decide you’d rather meet someone through a friend, so you start telling people, “Hey, I’m interested in dating. Do you know anyone who’s single?”

That could be your first small step.

All action steps, big or small, lead you closer to your goal.

If you aren’t taking any action, even the smallest one, then you’re going to stay right where you are, no closer to your goal.

But if you take small, consistent steps, they will eventually lead you to where you want to be.

Every day, you’re moving closer, and one day, you’ll wake up and realize, “I’m doing it! I’m so excited!”

Remember, instant gratification doesn’t always equate to success.

Taking small action steps can take time—it might take months or even the entire year—but as long as you keep moving forward, you’re making progress.

I can relate to this so deeply.

When I decided to leave my career, I set the intention and worked toward it, step by step.

I didn’t just jump in overnight—I started by getting my website ready, working on the copy for it, and designing a package.

I talked to people about my offerings and even sold packages before officially leaving my business.

I started coaching clients well before I made the leap into full-time entrepreneurship.

It was a process that took years of preparation, but that specific year, I committed to it fully.

I knew that was the year I was going to make the change.

The key is to be your biggest cheerleader through the process.

Celebrate every small win and keep pushing forward, even if others don’t understand it.

I had people question my decision.

They would ask, “Why would you want to leave a good career? What are you doing?”

And I’d answer, “I’m not fulfilled.”

It’s essential to remember that your fulfillment is more important than what anyone else thinks.

People won’t always get it, especially at the start.

But when you honor your soul’s calling and take steps toward what truly lights you up, you’ll find that the fulfillment you seek far outweighs any outside judgment.

It’s okay if others don’t understand your path.

The most important thing is that you get it, and you’re actively working toward it.

Whether or not people understand it, your journey is yours.

Sometimes, the inspiration and validation come from seeing others who’ve achieved success.

It’s about that deep inner knowing that you can do this.

So lean into that belief and take action—small steps will bring you closer.

✅ Leaning into Yeses and Setting Goals

Another powerful way to stay aligned with your soul’s calling is by leaning into your “yeses.”

Pay attention to the moments when your body, heart, or soul says, “Yes, let’s do that.”

When you say “yes,” you align with your desires, and opportunities will follow.

For me, when I decided to leave my career, that was my big desire for the year.

Saying “yes” to that decision opened the door to something new.

Trust your instincts, take small actions, and lean into what feels right.

It’s part of the journey to fulfilling your dreams.

That’s a powerful example of tuning into your body and listening to those “yeses.”

It shows how alignment works when you trust your instincts.

By following that intuitive pull towards the coaching program, you took a clear step toward your goals, even before you fully understood the next piece of the puzzle.

The universe works in mysterious ways, and when you’re open to receiving guidance, everything aligns.

The fact that your body responded with a clear “yes” when you heard about the program shows that you’re exactly where you need to be.

Sometimes, the right people and opportunities show up when you’re ready, and being attuned to your body’s signals helps guide you toward them.

Keep paying attention to those signals and trust that they’re leading you to the right places.

It’s like the universe gently nudging you in the right direction.

When you say yes to something, you’re also saying no to something else.

It’s important to pay attention to those moments.

If your body or intuition says “yes,” lean into it, even if you don’t have all the details figured out.

But when your body or intuition says “no,” honor that as well, because it’s helping you stay aligned with your true desires.

When setting goals, make sure they feel good in your body.

If you feel any resistance or reluctance, take a moment to explore it.

Maybe the goal needs adjustment, or maybe it’s a sign that you’re not quite aligned with it.

It’s important that your goals feel expansive, not restrictive.

Be mindful of the steps you take, and remember that tiny actions add up.

Break down your big goals into manageable baby steps, and set realistic deadlines.

This approach will help you stay on track and make the process feel less overwhelming.

🪬 The Power of Mantras

Having a mantra is a powerful tool for aligning your energy with your goals.

It’s an intention, a chant, or a prayer that helps rewire your subconscious and elevate your frequency to attract what you desire.

For example, one of my mantras for a long time was, “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly,” and “I’ve created the perfect business for myself.”

I repeated these affirmations consistently, and they helped reshape my mindset and energy around abundance.

For 2025, my mantra will be: “I’m free to be 100% fully authentically myself.”

This is a powerful affirmation that I’ll continue to use, and I’d love for you to use it too if it resonates with you.

You can also modify it, like saying, “I am free to be fully myself,” or something else that feels right for you.

If your goal is to attract a perfect partner, you might try a mantra like, “I am so in love with my new partner, and my partner loves me.”

Tailor your mantra to your desires, repeat it often, and let it guide you toward the energy and outcomes you wish to manifest.

Say it, believe it, and feel the impact.

This rewires your mind and signals to the universe that you’re serious about your goals.

The more you believe and feel it, the more you align with your desires.

With love and blessings,

Amy Robeson

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Full transcription of the episode:

Hey, Amy Robeson here. Thank you for joining me on this podcast where we talk about spirituality, the awakening process, mental health, and so much more. Join me weekly to get your weekly dose of spirituality and medicine. I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Hello, everyone, and welcome to today’s episode. I’m so excited you are here. Happy New Year. Are you excited for the new year? I know I am. I know that the new year can start off with a big buzz, and we can get super, super excited. We can start with a sprint, and then it becomes It feels like a slow jog, and then it feels like we are being dragged to the end of the year, depending on the type of year it is for you. Every single year is something different. I know in 2024, I had a rough year in some areas of my life, in other areas. It was amazing. And so I’m really excited for 2025. Now, as we’re talking about playing and moving into what your soul’s calling is for 2025 and an awakening to it, I do want to just mention this. In 2025, we are celebrating this new year, and so it’s from January to December.

I also know that sometimes the year doesn’t feel like it actually begins until spring. And so know that you do not have to start off sprinting in 2025. You can take a slow, steady, crawl to spring. When spring comes, you might feel the urge to start running and sprinting with your ideas and inspirations. While some people might want to just start sprinting in January of 2025. Depending on what you are wanting to do and how you’re wanting to do it and your personality and your goals, you make that determination. You decide. As always, I’m going to share this with you. Get support, receive support. If you are not getting to the goal and the intention that you are wanting and dreaming and desiring to have, because sometimes we need that extra support. Let’s talk about what first the energy of 2025 is. The energy of 2025 has many different energies. The one that I wanted to specifically focus on today is about being our authentic self. Yes, that’s right. It is all about us showing up authentically ourselves, expressing ourselves authentically and moving and navigating through our life in the most authentic way. And that means saying goodbye to things that are no longer in alignment with us, doing shadow work, doing deep, deep work that is keeping us stuck in illusion or trances and getting out of those trances and stepping into our true, authentic light and our true, authentic expression of our self.

And that also allows allows you to live your purposes and step into your soul’s calling for this year as well. If you did not check out two episodes, We have two episodes on the Age of Aquarius. I talked in-depth about this on one of our live experience shows. We’ll put it in the show notes. I did an interview with Eric Tyler as well, and he talks about the Age of Aquarius. That was a really fun interview. And so check out both of those episodes to go more into depth of the Age of Aquarius, because we are in the Age of Aquarius, and we’re going to be in the Age of Aquarius for a really long time, and it is about authentic expression and doing the deeper were. And so you want to get going on that this year because you are going to meet parts of yourself that you are lovingly want to let go of. You are They’re going to love them to death because by loving them to death, your true authentic self can step forward. And when you are looking at awakening to your soul’s purpose, awakening to your soul’s driven mission for 2025 and beyond, because it’s not just for this year.

This might be something that you are looking to awake into for this year, and you’re wanting to go deeper into it and make it a part of your life, part of your mission, part of your or maybe it’s just for a chapter. Whatever the case is, it’s really, really, really important to do the work, and it’s very important to listen and pay attention to your intuition. And not all intuition sounds and looks the same. And what do I mean by that? You might have a calling to do something bigger, but you don’t hear a voice in your head what that is. You just have this feeling or this knowing that you’re meant to be doing something different. You’re meant to be doing something bigger, but you can’t really articulate it yet. I know this is how I would describe what I was wanting to do 10, 12, 15 years ago. Actually, probably close to 20, because when I first entered into my previous career, I told myself I was only going to be there three years because I knew I was meant to be doing something different, and I couldn’t articulate what that was or what I was meant to be doing, but I knew I was supposed to be doing something different.

It wasn’t until I started studying, until I started following the energy that was presenting itself to me that I was like, That’s what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m supposed to be helping people. I’m supposed to be coaching. I’m supposed to be teaching, all of the things that I love to do, but I didn’t quite understand that, one, I was really good at it, and two, that that was a thing. Sometimes there’s these things that exist that you don’t even know that are a thing. I didn’t know the coaching industry existed. I didn’t know that I could go out and teach about spirituality because it wasn’t in my awareness where I lived in Wisconsin. And when I moved to South Carolina, it became way, way, way, way, way A way, a way, a way, a part of my identity. It came a part of my awareness. It became a part of my community circles, and it was amazing, and I was so grateful for it as well. And so when you’re looking to awake into your soul’s purpose, your soul’s mission, you want to pay attention to your intuition and your wisdom and follow the energy that’s presenting itself to you.

And it does not have to be loud and clear. It could be just a little inkling, a little feeling, a little sensation that’s just like, there’s something there. Let me investigate it. Let me look at it. Let me dive deeper into it. And then the next thing that you’re going to want to do in order to waken to your soul’s calling is give yourself permission to be 100% free of your fears. And that sounds like a big ask. And what I mean by that is you might feel that you want to go and start a company, or you might want to start learning how to bake. You might want to find your lover. You might want to buy your dream house. There’s so many different goals and dreams and purposes and things like that. There are always fears attached to those dreams and desires. When you give yourself permission to fully acknowledge that you are in fear, you then can have the ability to have the bravery to acknowledge those fears and tell your mind, your emotional body, your inner child, that, yes, you might be fearful of that very thing. However, there’s a bigger reward if we work through the fear, and then you can paint a picture of what that reward might be.

It might be ultimate freedom. It might be community. It might be creating a family. It might be helping many, many, many, many, many must outweigh your fears. Your desire and your faith in yourself must outweigh the fears. And so you have to be willing to look at the fears. You have to be willing to lean into the fears. You have to be willing to go where you haven’t gone before in the past. I know for me, when I had that desire to leave and start something different, I was very, very fearful that I wasn’t going to make enough money to support myself, to support my living situation, to still have the lifestyle that I was used to. I was very, very in fear of that. I think that was my biggest fear out of all my fears. Learning how to do it wasn’t a fear. Eventually, figuring out how to make it successful was a fear, but learning how to do it wasn’t. It was, how do I make the same amount of money? Because I didn’t believe that that was even possible. I had to work through that fear. One of the ways that you can work through the fear is one, by talking to yourself, journaling about it, researching, finding things that allows you to demand demystify the fear itself.

For me, the way that I demystified it was I hired a coach. I gave myself a deadline on when I was going to leave my previous career. I wasn’t anywhere close to that. I actually set the intention on January first. I’m going to give myself one full year. I’m going to leave this because I wanted to leave my career at the 10-year marker. And I’ve been in it for a full 10 years. I was done. I was complete. I didn’t want to do it anymore. And so by hiring a coach six months into the year, because I wasn’t ready in the beginning of the year because I thought I was going to take off running. And then I realized my fears were crippling me, my fears were crippling me, and I was just running in place. I wasn’t getting anywhere. And so I hired a coach. We worked out my offers. We worked out everything that I was going do. And then I put myself into action. And by befriending the fear, so I befriended it by going, You know what? I’m okay if I make less money. I took it away from myself, and that might sound crazy and ridiculous, but my happiness was more important than the money was.

And I had to choose my happiness over the money. And so I’m not telling you that this is a good idea. I’m just telling you that this is one of the ways that I worked out one of my fears. And When I did that, all of a sudden I could feel myself going, I feel a relief. Okay, no big deal. If I don’t make that much money, not a big deal. At least I’m happy. At least I’m happy doing something I enjoy doing. Then once I started talking to prospective clients and I realized that this was no different than what I was doing before in terms of offering services that I believed in, that I could not only make the same amount of money, I could possibly make more money. So that’s the cool thing about this is when you give yourself permission to just go, Okay, that’s the fear. How can I just be friended? How can I just surrender into it? It doesn’t mean giving up. It just goes, Okay, that’s a fear. And if that is true, can I make peace with it? If it’s not true, what is the truth? And can I prove to myself what is the actual truth?

The thing about your mind is your mind tells you lies all the time. Your mind is stuck in the past, and your mind wants you to believe a certain narrative because it kept you safe until this point. The truth of the matter is your mind wants to keep things orderly and keep things smoothly moving, even if your mind is miserable because you are not happy, because you’re not doing what you want to be doing. You’re not creating what you want to be creating. And your soul is here to create. Your soul is here to just give so much beauty and magic to the world because there is nobody else uniquely as you are. You are a particular vibration, you are a particular frequency, and your frequency is such a blessing to the world. And what makes you unique is all of your experiences. And you can take those experiences from this lifetime and all the other lifetimes that you had, and you can create something magnificently beautiful. The question is, are you willing to work through your fears? Because on the other end of it is a massive reward, and that is you stepping into your soul’s calling.

Hey, friend. I have a special announcement. We are going to be doing our DNA Ancient Wisdom Masterclass series. It’s absolutely free, and I want you to join me. We’re going to talk about all things DNA, why it’s important to activate your DNA, and we’re going to do some really cool free healings. If you’d like to join us, you can click the link in the show notes, the show description, or you can go to the http://amyrhomeson.com/dna. I can’t wait to see you in this series. If you can’t join us live, you can always catch the replay. Let’s jump back into the episode. One of the ways to uncover what your soul desires to co-create, what you are desiring to do, what your soul is calling you to do is by taking time to journal and to move inward. So instead of expanding, expanding your energy out, expanding your energy out, you’re actually you’re going to move inward because you are magnificently tuned into the universe because the universe dwells within you. God dwells within you. Creation dwells within you. It is not outside of you. And so by moving your energy inward, collapsing inward, and taking the time to just tune in by meditating and journaling, you’re going to give yourself permission to start tuning into the desires that you and your soul are wanting to manifest, are wanting to step into, are wanting to co-create.

There are a couple journal prompts that I’m going to give you that you can journal on and meditate on as well. Here are the journal prompts. What lights me up and energizes me? What do I feel called to create, share, or experience this year. Another way to tune into your soul’s calling is to spend time out in nature. Nature is extremely connected to Mother Earth, to the support system. There’s all these beautiful networks that our body tunes into when we go outside outside. And some of you might live in very cold climates. Some of you might live in hot climates, depending on what side of the world you are on. Whatever the case is, it’s really important to connect with nature. And so if you are like, no way am I going outside? I would highly recommend at least listening to some nature sounds or bringing some plants indoors and meditating with your plants, meditating different elements because this is going to help you to connect with nature. Nature is a way of expanding your energy after you have gone inward. And I also like it because nature has a way of scrubbing out the debris out of your energy field with each and every step you take.

Nature has a way of cleaning up your dirty thoughts. And when I mean dirty thoughts, our mind just gets clogged with all sorts of junk thoughts, processes, because your mind wants to hold on to thoughts that are going to keep you from dying. That’s how evolution works. And so instead of holding on to a positive thought, it’s going to hold on to a dirty thought. It’s going to It’s going to hold on to a thought that’s negative. It’s going to hold on to a thought that’s lower vibrational. So what you want to do is we want to dump, we want to clear. And so when we go outside, there’s something about the air. There’s something about purposely being outside, where nature just comes in and gives you a nice big hug and sweeps out and cleans out the minds, cleans out the auric field, and assists you in getting grounded and more rooted in love and support. And when you’re more grounded and in love and support, the more clarity you’re going to receive. I know anytime I’m having a bad week or I’m having a bad day or I just have a lot on my mind or I just have too much stress, one of my most favorite thing to do is to go take a walk because when I take a walk, I’m just letting go of the junk.

And by moving the body, it’s not stuck in my body. And if you’re not able to do this, visualize doing this. Walk walk in place, walk around your house, do something to get the energy moving and flowing because it is such a powerful, powerful way to cleanse and clear your energy so you can get connected and tuned into what your call’s calling is for 2025. Then once you do that, start paying attention. Start paying attention to signs and synchronicities and patterns and journal them. Deck Document them. Place them in the notes in your phone. There are signs and synchronicities that the universe is saying, Hey, I got your back. Hey, you’re on the right path. Hey, let’s do this. You might notice signs like 2-2-2 or 11:11, or you might notice a bluebird, another bluebird, another bluebird, another bluebird, and you’re like, Why do I keep seeing bluebird? Well, it’s a sign. It’s a synchronicity. It is a pattern of the universe of God variation, trying to go, Hey, you are in alignment. Hey, we’re trying to let you know that something’s going on here. I know the other day when I was driving, I’m on this busy highway driving, and a crow decides to fly and drop down right in front of my car.

I’m like, That’s fantastic. Then it just takes off. Crows are a big messenger for me, and I absolutely love crows. I know that was a sign for me to stop and pause because there is a big download I’m about to receive because that’s usually when the crows show up that they’re warning me about something, and that and or that I’m about to receive a big download and that it’s important for me to make space for that download so I can understand it fully. I’m like, yeah, I love it. I’m paying attention. Yes. So Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities, document them, journal them, and ask for what their meaning is. You can meditate on the meaning of it so that you understand it more. Once you understand what your desire is, and even if you don’t fully understand it, but you’re like, We got to start getting momentum. Anything with momentum momentum is going to create more momentum. So small, tiny action steps is going to be amazing. Small action steps might be making a checklist or meditating on the things that you would like to do or finding a book or talking to someone.

Any small action step is going to be amazing. Maybe you want to start dating someone. Maybe you start researching the different ways Is that people find dates. Maybe you start researching different dating apps. Maybe you start telling people, Hey, I’m really interested in dating someone. I don’t want to go on dating apps. I’m wanting to meet someone through a friend. Do you know anybody that’s single? Maybe that’s your small action step. All action steps are going to lead you closer to the goal. If you are not taking any action step, and it doesn’t have to be big, it could be Very small. Your action step is going to get you there. If you’re not taking one, you’re just going to stay exactly where you’re at and now closer to your goal. So take the small action steps and do it with momentum. Every day, work closer and closer and closer and closer and closer to your goals. One day, you’re going to wake up and you’re going to be like, I’m doing it. I’m so excited. And know that Instant gratification doesn’t always mean success. When you take small action steps, it might take you months, it might take you the whole year.

I know for me, when I was like, I’m leaving my career, I literally I was finally left on December 31st. But I was working towards it. I decided I was going to start getting my website. I was going to start getting copywritten. I was going to design a package. I was talking to people about my packages. I sold packages before I actually left my business. I started coaching people before I actually went full-time into my business and left my career. And so I had been taking action steps for years, but that specific year, I was like, this is the final year. I’m going to do it. And so you got to be your biggest cheerleader. When you take the action steps and you cheer yourself on, even if nobody else understands it, because I did have people that are like, what are you doing? Why would you want to do that? It doesn’t make any sense. You have a good career. I’m not fulfilled. That’s the thing. Your fulfillment is more important than what other people think about what you’re doing, because what you’re doing, some people are not going to get it in the beginning.

It is okay if they don’t get it. I know one of my loved ones has a very specific plan on the way that this person wants to do his career. I think it’s great. Some people don’t get it, and it’s awesome because it doesn’t matter if anybody else gets it. What matters is that you get it and that you are moving closer to your goal and that you have other people that might not be your family members, might not be of friends that have done it in the past or have done something similar in the past, and you can see that they’ve made it successful. Or you might not know anybody that’s made it successful, but you just have this deep desire to do it. And so take those action steps. You can totally, totally do it. Another way to tap into this alignment is to lean into yeses. By leaning into any time your body your heart says, Yes, let’s do that, you are going to get closer to your goals, desires, and achieving them. I know for me, when I was like, I’m leaving my career. This is my big desire for the year.

This is what I’m getting into alignment with. I know that I’m going to do this. I just started working towards it, and I was like, I know that I want to hire a business coach. I know I want to hire a life coach. But for years, this was a desire, but I hadn’t found anybody. I paid attention to my body when one of my friends was telling me about a life coaching program she was taking. My body was like, Yes, tell me more about this program. All parts of my body was Yes, yes, yes, yes. I know this is the thing that’s going to help me get closer to my goal. And my body was like, Yes. And then when I messaged the person, I got an intuitive hit to ask for business coaching as well. And so I knew I wasn’t closer to my goal and I needed support. Even though I didn’t tell my friend, I was looking for someone to help me with either one of these things, she was just talking about it, my body was like, yes. So pay attention to your yeses. Pay attention to the support systems, the people, the organizations, the experiences that can get you closer to your goal.

Also, pay attention to your nos, because every time you say yes to something, you’re going to say no to something. When you say no to something, you have the ability to say yes to something that is in alignment with your goals, dreams, and desires. Say yes when your body is saying yes. Figure out all the other details later, but say yes and say no when your body is telling you no, when your intuition is telling you no, when your heart is telling you no. Pay attention to all of that because it gets you into alignment. You want to set goals that are in alignment with your intentions. When you’re setting these goals, make sure they feel good in your body. Notice if you have any reluctancy. If you do have reluctancy, check out what the reluctancy is. Reset the goal so it feels good and expansive. If it doesn’t feel it’s good, you’re not in alignment with it. Also, set realistic goals and expectations. Make the tiny little baby steps towards everything that you want to do because it’s going to be easier to achieve that goal in the end. Also, setting realistic deadlines is also going to be really helpful as well.

Having a mantra is also very, very important. This is an intention, a chant, a prayer that you can say to yourself that is going to assist you in rewiring the subconscious and connect you into a higher level of frequency that’s going to attract what it is that you want. And so I know for me, one of my mantras for a really long time that I would say is money flows to me easily and effortlessly. I’ve created the perfect business for myself. This mantra, I would say over and over and over and over and over that I’m saying to myself. One of the mantras that I’m setting for 2025, that’s going to be my main mantra, and I’d love to give you this mantra as well, is I’m free to be 100% fully authentically myself. I’m free to be 100% fully authentically myself. Or you can say, I am free to be fully myself. Whatever feels good to you, you can totally do that. Now, let’s say you’re wanting to attract your perfect mate. Maybe your mantra is, I am so in love with my new partner, and my partner loves me. That might be what it is that you want to set mantra, too.

Say it, believe it, feel the impact that it has within you, because this is a way to play with your frequency, a way to tell the universe how serious you are, a way to rewire the mind as well. All right, my friends, I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s episode. Remember, set your intentions, meditate on it, go outside, be bold, befriend your fears, work through your fears, get support, set a mantra, set realistic goals, take baby steps every single day towards those goals, and you are going to awaken to your soul’s calling for 2025. And let’s make it the most magical year yet. All right, please make sure you like and subscribe. Share this with a friend, and I will see you in the next one. Bye.

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